Chapter Twenty-Four

238 Words
Carrie ran to jump on Leah. I can't blame her, they're usually not away from each other that long. I've always been envious of their friendship, they couldn't do anything without each other. “Hey Barry” she hugged me as Carri finally let go of her. “Hey, how're you doing? When did you get back?” I asked her. “Yesterday, I told Carrie I was coming around today” She was still talking when a delivery guy appeared from behind her. He climbed the stairs and my Mom turned to greet him. He gave her a box and left. There was a note on the box, she untied the box and read the note. She gasped, she looked frightened when she read. “Mom, what's wrong?” I asked. She didn't give an answer so I asked again, “What's wrong, Mom? What's written on it?”, I collected the note from her and read it myself. It was then I understood her shock. It was from uncle Perry, it said all the contents of the box must be read thoroughly. I hope it's not what I'm thinking about, I didn't expect this to happen so soon. Sooner or later I'd have to tell them about what happened. I must have been deep in thought because I didn't hear her call my name. She snatched the letter from me and read it out loud.
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