Chapter Twenty-Five

214 Words
My Mom opened the box and brought out the contents. In it was a book and a flash drive, “What is that?” I asked and she handed the book over to me. I flipped through the pages while she examined the flash drive. It seemed like a diary, it was uncle Perry’s. I wasn't reading through until a page caught my eye, I stopped to read the page. “Jesus Christ, what the hell” I exclaimed as I continued reading the page. He was involved in rituals and demonic things, the page was about a demon he summoned. I dropped the book as I read the last part on the page. Carrie picked it up and read the page out loud. They were all terrified, my Mom opened the flash drive to plug it in. Carrie ran over to her to stop her from inserting it, “Can't we just burn it?” She asked. If it was that easy, I doubt Perry would've sent it. I picked up the book and flipped to the end for something related to the consequences and sure enough, I found it. “It says here make sure you read and watch to the end, so I don't think we have a choice Carrie”
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