Chapter Twenty-Three

526 Words
I woke up earlier than usual the next morning. I showered and went downstairs. No one was awake yet, I poured myself some coffee to keep me active and went over the game once more. My Mom came downstairs and saw me going over the game again. “You’re really serious about this huh? How long have you been up?” She asked as she sat down on the couch. “I just came downstairs, I wanted to go over it again before I wake Carrie. I practiced a bit last night”, She laughed and shook her head “Is that really necessary? It's a Saturday Barry, let her sleep”. “She can sleep after I win” We both laughed and I finished practicing for the game. I went upstairs to her room and knocked gently. No answer, that means she's still sleeping. I opened the door slightly and peeped, she was asleep, deeply. I chuckled a bit and looked at her, “you can asleep after I win little one” I whispered as I shook her out of bed. She woke up and looked at me with tired eyes. “What's going on?” She asked as she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her pajamas. “It’s time to play” I dragged her out of bed and ignored her protests. “I'm sorry, you'll sleep after we’re done I promise” I pulled her up to stand properly as we went downstairs. “I'll remember this, and I’ll hold it over your head when I win AGAIN. When I do, don't disturb my sleep anymore”. I laughed and left her arm “Fine, you have to beat me first but fine, I'll do that”. Mom saw her eyes as we walked past the living room and she shook her head, “you better get him back for that” She told Carrie as we entered the kitchen. I threw my arms up, “Two against One? Okay, I'm good with that. Too bad I'll win this time though” I teased both of them as I poured Carrie some orange juice. We played four times and I won all four. “Boom! In your face, I told you I'd win” I smiled broadly as I got up. She laughed, “Well you dragged me up from bed so it's not like I was at full strength”. “No No, No excuses. I won, that's what matters.” I packed up the game and she cleaned the table after. I was still teasing her when we heard the sound of the doorbell. “Who is that? Are you guys expecting someone?” I asked as I looked at both Carrie and my Mom. “That should be Leah, she called yesterday to tell me she would be here today,” I said as I finished cleaning the table. My Mom went to open the door, and Leah jumped on her as soon as the door was open. “Well look who it is” I smiled as she came in.
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