Chapter Six

685 Words
Now for the next step, we can’t let the guy know we know he’s following us until the last minute so I leaned into Carrie’s hair and told her the plan “We’re going to walk to the entrance over there slowly okay? When I give the signal, run to the car” She nodded her head and we started walking slowly to the door. I looked down at her hands as we walked, she won’t be able to run fast with all she’s doing. I collected the bags from her when we got to the door and whispered “Run” Carrie started running almost immediately and I have to say I’d never seen her run that fast, if it wasn’t a scary situation, I’d have laughed. The guy dropped the jar he was holding and started pursuing us too. We got to the car and I flung the door open and dumped the bags in the back seat, I was fumbling with the keys when I heard Carrie shout in my ear “Drive please!!” I stepped on the gas and drove away as fast as I could. I couldn’t just drive us home, the guy could be lurking around and maybe he had other people around too. I thought about it for a while and decided to drive around the street a few times before pulling into our driveway. I parked the car, but then something came to my mind again. What if he passed and saw the car, s**t that would be really messed up. There should be a cover somewhere around, I checked the boxes on the porch and found one. We covered the car and we went inside. On getting inside, I told Carrie to pull the curtains and I ran to make sure all the doors were locked, starting with the one we came through. The back door was not locking so I just closed it and dragged a large shelf to block it. I sighed and looked around, we had managed to barricade the house and the living room was a bit dark because of the pulled curtains, “Now we do the same upstairs” I said and turned to Carrie. I froze, she wasn’t in the living room anymore. “Carrie!” I called out, checking the living room one more time before going upstairs. “Carrie, you here?” I called out again as I checked my room and Mom’s, pulling the curtains in the process. On getting to her room, I heard the shower running, I let out a sigh of relief and knocked on the door, “Come in” I heard her call from the bathroom. I opened the door slightly, making sure I wasn’t intruding, then went into the room and saw her sitting on the floor, crying. I felt sorry for her, this was all too much for her. I sat down beside her and asked how she was doing, it was a shitty question to ask, of course, I mean she literally just had to sprint down a parking lot while being chased by a guy that we still don’t know who he is or why he was after us. “What was that about, Barry? Who the hell was that” She asked again, between tears. I wish I knew little sister, I would love to give you the answers but even I have no idea what is going on. “ I really don’t know what happened. I have no idea why he was after us or who he is, the only thing I could think about was us getting out there and coming home without anything happening to us” I didn’t want her to be worried, I would have lied to her if necessary just to keep her calm and safe, but what even was the point. And what would I say, the truth is the best in situations like this. Her face was relaxed which surprised me because I was expecting the opposite reaction, she hugged me and fell asleep in my arms.
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