
Billionaire Tricked Me Into Marrying Him


“You look so f*****g good like this”, he finally spoke, his voice like honey, soft and praising. “On your knees for me, like you were always supposed to me.”

I grabbed the base of his thing with one hand, trying to get a better angle before I took him into my mouth again.

I could feel him hum in appreciation as I took him down my throat this time, successfully not choking.

“Keep your f*****g eyes on me”, he groaned out, jerking my head up. He was gritting his teeth. A shudder ran down his body as he first gently played with my hair and then out of nowhere, just as my mouth had almost adjusted to his size, he placed both of his hands on either side of my face, cupping my ears and then thrust so hard into my mouth, I almost fell over, if not for him holding my head in place.

Ayesha Wilson is a 19-year-old girl who was pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree at Harvard University due to winning a full scholarship. Her father was working for a billionaire businessman named Aberama Kane.

Daniel Kane, son of the billionaire businessman had shown no interest in Ayesha when she first arrived at his university. In fact, he’d tried to bully her into leaving.

But when he finds out that Ayesha is marrying his uncle who is over 20 years older than her, he is furious and bursts into her dorm room to forbid her from marrying him.

Ayesha, who’d already been heartbroken by agreeing to marry his uncle, knew that telling Daniel her reasons would not change anything. He would never help her, instead, he would have another reason to mock her and turn her into the laughingstock for all of the college. She would forever be labelled as a pathetic gold digger.

So she never told him.

But Daniel was hell-bent on finding out. But even if he did find out, could he help her? More importantly, would he help her?

And ultimately, if he did prevent his uncle from marrying Ayesha, would he let her go then?

More importantly, what would he tell Ayesha when she questions his motives behind being hell-bent on not letting his uncle marry her when he hated her so much?

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Chapter 1 - Daniel Finds Out
Ayesha’s POV “When the heart is hopeful and the mind alight, the soul sings. when the heart is heavy and the mind numb, the soul cries.” I crumple up the sheet of my shitty poetry and stare out the window at the rain beating against the thick glass of the window. I tried to inhale but it felt like my windpipe was being crushed painfully slowly, making it become harder and harder to breathe until I couldn’t take the suffocation anymore. My white shirt and black sweater were like a thick layer of lava on my skin even though the air in the room was ice cold. With a jerk, I slide open the glass and let the rain blow in and soak me to the core… I don’t know how long I stand there with the rain falling on my face and washing away the silent, hot tears. Maybe it could wash away my soul too, so I wouldn’t have to bear the pain of the fact that my love story had ended before it even started…. Just when the thunder boomed across the sky, the door of my dorm room suddenly burst open, making me almost have a heart attack before I went completely still. I rub the water out of my eyes and blink twice before I dare to look up again but then quickly look down. Oh crap! It was him. As if this day couldn’t possibly get any worse. He stalks toward me, the unmistakable spark of fury evident in his eyes. Why was he here and why was he so angry? A shiver creeps up my spine as fear trickles down my skin… the fury of Daniel Kane, practically owner of Kane Corporate, a multi-billion dollar company, wasn’t something someone like me could take. “My mother just told me that a girl named Ayesha and my uncle are getting married. And I thought good for him ‘cause he’s like 44 years old and been divorced multiple times and he deserves some happiness of his own. But guess what… it gets really f*****g interesting from there.” I freeze where I’m standing, determined to not look up. "A hello would've been a nice start." That's what I wanted to say to his stupidly handsome face but I kept my mouth sealed shut. “Then I learn from my dear mother that the girl studies in my college. And then I think to myself how many Ayeshas are there in Harvard? Wanna take a guess?” His huge form is all of a sudden too close for my comfort, he towers over me. I feel so small and pathetic that I want to crawl into a hole and never come out. “Ayesha”, he leans down and I almost flinch when I feel his hot breath against the shell of my ear. “Take a f*****g guess.” I try to take a step back and slip on the wet floor. Daniel curses before catching me mid-way. “Have you actually gone raving mad?” Daniel shuts the window with a loud bang, then turns back to me and I can almost feel the anger rolling off of him. “Why did you leave the window open when it was raining?” Which is when he realises that I’m soaked from top to bottom. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to catch pneumonia and frostbite at the same time? It's so f*****g cold in here. ” He takes my hands in his, rubbing them to generate heat, a warm and tingly feeling takes flight in my stomach and I don’t like it one bit. The palm of his hands was surprisingly warm, mine as cold as ice. I try to pull my hands away from his but he jerks my body toward him with one small pull and I collide with his hard chest. I turn bright red and am still adamant on keeping my gaze down, but that somehow ends up looking like I’m snuggling into him. God, I’m f*****g stupid! “Look, Ayesha”, Daniel almost whispers. “I know there’s some misunderstanding. Just clear it up so I can cool my jets and leave you to yourself…” “I’m marrying your uncle.” I sigh out loud, wrenching myself out of his arms. “Not that it's any of your concern.” Daniel’s mother had made it clear that our deal was to be kept strictly confidential, especially from Daniel. Although I was sceptical about why she was so worried about her son, I on the other hand was sure the news of my marriage would be as interesting to him as watching paint dry. “Why?” His jaw ticks when I don’t answer and I almost start enjoying the fact that I’m getting on his nerves before I remember why he’s here in the first place. “Don’t play with me, Wilson.” And we’re back to surnames. “Tell me why.” “You have no right to ask me that.” I shoot him my coldest look, confused as to why he was even here. “And why do you even care? I’m just the daughter of a man who is an employee in your father’s company and someone you like to occasionally bully. Who I date, marry or divorce is none of your concern.” Daniel Kane, Aberama Kane’s son and soon-to-be CEO of Kane Corporate was known for having a short temper and I was seeing it for myself as his patience chipped away. “It is my concern because I f*****g said so.” I flinch at his tone, low but deadly. He inches toward me but stops when I take a step back. He balls his fist, and glares at me but then lets out a groan of clear disdain for some reason. “Your bed is soaked and I’m pretty sure the dorm supervisor will have a lot to say about it.” I turn around and almost cry when I see the condition of my bed. On top of everything I was being bombarded with, this was the last straw… the absolute last. My feet give out and am forced to sit on the wet floor, shivering in my cold clothes, feeling small and pathetic, a feeling not foreign to me when Daniel was around. “Why?” I speak so low, it would’ve been impossible for him to hear but he does anyway. “Why what?” “You barely even say hello to me on campus unless it is part of some elaborate plan to humiliate me. All you’ve done is embarrass me at every opportunity, insult me for no reason whatsoever and turn me into the laughing stock for all of Harvard. What I’m trying to say is there is nothing, absolutely nothing I know about you or you know about me. We obviously don’t run in the same friend circles. There is no plausible reason as to why there is any reason you would suddenly be so interested in what goes on in…..” I’m cut off by him interrupting. “Do you always give such long speeches or does it come along with your cardboard personality?” Jerk! He was only here to mock me after all. What else should I have expected from him? From the corner of my eye, I notice him opening my closet and shoving some clothes into a bag. I get up from my place on the floor and walk toward him. “What the hell are you doing?” I try to snatch the bag away from him but he just grabs my elbow and thrusts me up against my closet, keeping me in place by pressing his forearm across my stomach. “Your dorm room’s a f*****g mess, your bedding is pretty much ruined and you’ve got no place to sleep for the night. And I’m at the end of my patience so how about you take this bag,” he hands the bag to me, his demeanour screaming authority,” Pack a change of clothes and whatever you need for the night. I’ll be in the parking lot. Do you know what my car looks like?” I nod, feeling smaller than I’d ever felt before. “Yes.” And feeling a spark of indignation, I further add,” I could just bunk with one of my friends. In fact, Dave’s parents live pretty close to campus so I won’t even have to bunk with anyone and break dorm rules.” Daniel’s eyes flare, his lips thinning as his jaw clenches,” 10 minutes. A minute more than that and I’m dragging you out.” He starts walking out and before I can let out a sigh of relief he adds,” By your hair.”

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