Gathering: Episode 3

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After examining my thoughts, I fall into a deep sleep. “Where am I?” a question I ask myself as I wander around in nothingness. I can only see darkness. I continued walking in a straight path then a road appeared. I followed the road then more items started popping out until I remembered something. “I know this place,” I said. I then hit a wall. Looks like it ends here. I looked back and saw my clan’s mansion. I smiled seeing it, bringing back good memories. I ran towards it thinking maybe there is someone inside. When I grabbed the doorknob, it was hot then a strong surge of magical energy was released coming from the inside. With lightning-fast speed I stepped back then the mansion instantly burst into flames. My family and clan members all dropped dead on the floor. “Save me Chris” Grandpa said as he tried to reach out but the masked cut’s his throat with a fire elemental sword. I recklessly charged in thinking he was all alone but as soon as I entered the mansion someone stabbed me in the stomach coming from beneath the ground. He or she is also wearing the same mask. Then chains shackled me and every time I struggle to cut loose it zapped the life out of me I was completely helpless. I looked around and only saw more members of the clan all dead and the mansion is slowly crumbling into dust. “No! No!” I shouted as I struggled even more. The masked group all lined up. Then the ground swallowed them whole. Several minutes later the chains vanished. My wrists look corrupted from those chains. I ran to my grandfather and held him in my arms. With his remaining strength he handed over a piece of paper then gave me a good long look in the eye then smiled. He took his last breath then closed his eyes. The heavens roared in my despair. Then thunder woke me up. I am wide awake, and I can still hear the thunder roaring. I stood up and decided to check it out but when I reached for the doorknob, I saw my wrist had these purple spots in it, so did the other one. I just ignored it and went on my way. I was shocked to not find Draxx on the sofa. I got alarmed, maybe Draxx got into a fight. I exited my office and I saw Draxx training with Kirin and Batis. “Looks like you’re doing well,” I said as I approached him. Draxx was shocked to see me. “You’re awake.” “You’re finally awake” Draxx joyfully shouted. I have this clueless expression in my face then said. “Why wouldn’t I be awake? I just sleep to replenish my energy” I said. “But you have been asleep for three days.” “I went to check on you the day you entered your room coz you were talking in your sleep.” “I tried waking you up then purple spots started popping out your body, also your mana is being drained at an alarming rate. Batis gave you a full body scan but nothing was wrong with you” Draxx informed. “If you remember something. Please speak up” Draxx said. I tried recalling the dream I had but I cannot put it into words, so I tell Draxx my reckless attempt in saving our comrades. As I expected he got mad at me “Why didn’t you wake me up dummy! You always do it on your own.” “Next time if you will make a reckless attempt like that again count me in” Draxx eagerly said. “Oh Draxx, what would I do without you” I said while giggling. “Now go get a shower you reek of sweat” Draxx teased. I thought he was just exaggerating so I smelled my shirt and I really do stink. “Batis, Fire!” Draxx shouted as he pointed at me. Batis then blasted me with water. “Oh no you didn’t!” I shouted then blasted Draxx with water as well. And so, our water fight begins. Good thing Draxx and I are a bit childish because of this I immediately forgot that nightmare After an hour of playing around, I decided to call it a day. I head back to my room to have a decent bath. I was about to put my clothes in the laundry, but I felt something. I scanned my pants and there was this paper, but it was completely soggy. I opened it and there were writings on it, but some are already smudged. It says that I should go back home and retrieve the book of revelations placed at the then the rest of the writings is impossible to read. I went looking for Draxx and told him I am heading out for a while. He was eager to come along but I refused. “Who’s going to protect this city while I am not around?” I spoke. He gave me a path on the shoulder then said. “Take care. If something came up don’t hesitate to call” “Sure dude,” I said with a smile. “I’m off,” I said. I used lightning magic to travel back to my hometown. “This place hasn’t changed a bit since I left here” I said as I looked around while following the road to the mansion. I arrived at the gate and it was strange to see it partially open. There is not a single guard around. I thought they were just taking a break, so I entered. I was shocked to see the mansion all burned down. Then several pieces of my dream came flashing back at me. I can clearly see the traumatic screen that the masked person slain my clan. I equip all the sacred gear I can use then charged straight in. I keep my guard up this time because enemies might be lurking anywhere. I came crashing down the ceiling only to find no one was inside. I keep my guard up as I check every room. I was shocked to find out my room is not burned down compared to the rooms I previously entered. “Sure, bring back memories” I said as I sat down on my bed. I lay down on my bed for a while and I can still see the glow in the dark sticker I put back when I was little. I always stare at it while listening to grandpa’s stories until I fall asleep. I can picture out his expression every time he blows the dust of the old story book he always used, his mannerism when he starts telling the story, and his smile when he kisses me goodnight. “Come to think of it, where is that book anyway?” A question I asked myself as I sat down. From where I was sitting, I saw my bookshelf. Then I remembered that grandpa always pulls out this ancient looking book. I stood up and gave it a quick search and I managed to find it. It was dusty so using my sleeves I gave it a wipe. I just realized that this is not a children’s picture book. When the book was all cleaned, I checked the cover, but I couldn't read any of its writings. I also tried looking inside but the pages are all blank “Strange I remember that grandpa used to show me pictures inside this book?” “Maybe this is the wrong book” I said as I placed it back. I rescan the shelf, but I did not find anything like it. “If I am an important book where will I be placed?” I said to myself while I roam around the room. I then heard wings flapping coming from outside. I summoned my gun then slowly looked out the window. “f**k!” I shouted in my mind as I saw a hoard of demons. I then heard the wooden floor creaked. If I fight here the demons waiting outside will be alarmed so I hide under my bed Several seconds later the door slowly opened, and I could hear footsteps, but no one was around. “Looks like a concealing spell” a thought inside my head. Using telepathy, I gave Draxx a call and told him about my current situation. Then the books fly away from the bookshelf. Looks like they are also after the same thing. “As God as my armor nothing can hurt me” I chanted I rolled out the bed then fired my gun and I managed to hit something. “Blinding Light” I casted then I immediately got up and used all the sacred gear I could wear. Demons started entering. I summoned Nimbus, Titan, Zeph, and Batis to assist me. “Ablaze” I casted on the mansion to set it on fire but wind magic negates it. After the wind spell subsided a masked person grabbed hold of the book, I cleaned earlier. I fired my gun, but another masked person came out wearing water armor and blocked my attack. Several seconds later they vanished. I charged in hoping that they were still there, but another masked person popped out and stabbed me in the stomach. Luckily, I was wearing armor.
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