
I Dare You... Reject Me!

opposites attract

When Rose, a dedicated doctor, stumbles upon Klive on the brink of death, her world is turned upside down. Klive isn't just any patient - he's a hybrid werewolf, caught between two worlds. He recognizes Rose as his destined mate, but she, a mere human, is oblivious to the existence of his kind. As Klive shifts from wolf to man, Rose is startled but not afraid.

Their meeting marks the beginning of danger for Rose. But the peril doesn't stop there. As she delves deeper into Klive's world, she uncovers a shocking truth about her birth and her unforeseen connection with Klive.

A connection that has been quietly unfolding far longer than she could ever have imagined. Their destinies are intertwined, and their survival depends on each other in a world more mysterious and dangerous than either of them could have ever anticipated."

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Chapter 1
Klive Brion's Narrative. A cacophony of distant sounds pierced the tranquility of my slumber, pulling me back to consciousness. The rhythmic thud of someone jogging in my vicinity and the crunch of snapping twigs permeated the air. My eyelids felt heavy, so I remained still, relying on my heightened sense of hearing. It took me a few moments to comprehend that I was in my lupine form, sprawled on the cold, hard ground. Given the severity of my injuries, I should have succumbed to death's icy grip, yet I was alive, devoid of any pain, signifying that Rhett, my wolf, was still breathing. We had underestimated our strength and resilience - our regenerative abilities had mended most of our minor wounds, but the lethal gash across our chest remained, mocking our inability to heal it completely. We were merely postponing the inevitable. I attempted to wrestle control from my wolf, but he responded with a weak, defiant growl. His instinct to shield me was overpowering, as it had always been. If he relented, I wouldn't be able to shift again. My strength was ebbing away, and the impending pain would likely render me immobile. ~I hear footsteps. A woman. We need help, but she'll be terrified if she sees you. Shift.~ I urged Rhett once more. Stubborn creature. At the very least, he opened his eyes, allowing me to survey our surroundings. I could hear her labored breaths and the frantic thumping of her heart long before she spotted Rhett's hulking form sprawled on the forest floor. "What the hell is this?" Her voice, laced with shock, rang through the tranquil forest, sounding like a divine symphony to my ears. The scent that wafted towards me was intoxicating - a tantalizing blend of chocolate and cherries with a hint of spice. My mouth watered instantly. Rhett inhaled deeply, savoring the aroma. Then it hit us. Mate, Rhett's voice echoed in my head, filled with awe and satisfaction. After all these years, we had found her. The timing couldn't have been worse! My thoughts were disrupted by a sharp pain that radiated from my chest, coursing through my body. Rhett was losing control. Frustrated, I yelled at him, "Give me control!" He opened his eyes, but stubbornly refused to comply. The woman was frozen in place, her gaze filled with fear and curiosity. The sight of her pierced through my already shattered heart, the agony causing my stomach to churn. Pushing aside my emotions, I focused on the situation at hand. I couldn't sense her beast, indicating she wasn't a werewolf. Shifting in front of a human was forbidden, but I was already on the brink of death. I had nothing to lose. -Rhett, please, I pleaded gently, yearning to gaze upon her with my own eyes; she is our mate, please. Initially, he didn't respond to my pleas, but after an agonizingly silent minute, he conceded. I looked at the woman who had cautiously taken a step forward. She was petrified. I could feel her heart hammering in her chest, and beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Her eyes were wide, scrutinizing me for any sign of aggression. Without a second thought, I shifted to my human form. My snowy fur disappeared, supplanted by the olive skin of my muscular torso. I was naked, and a bloody gash marred my chest. The silver surrounding the deep wound glistened. Each breath was a struggle. It took her a moment to comprehend what had just transpired. A shrill scream tore through the air as she stood frozen, her eyes almost bulging out of their sockets. Her trembling hand covered her mouth. She was pale and panting, not from exertion, but from sheer terror. Her heart was pounding so fiercely that I feared she might have a heart attack. I didn't want to induce one. I tried to remain still, to avoid causing her further panic. However, I was powerless when a wave of excruciating pain swept over me. It felt like my veins were aflame. The pain originated from my chest and radiated throughout my entire body. My muscles twitched as my limbs convulsed. I almost cried out in agony. The ordeal was unbearable. And then it stopped. My face was slick with cold sweat, and my breathing was ragged, but after a few moments, I managed to open my eyes again. I took a deep breath and turned my head to get a better look at her. She had the most captivating green eyes I had ever seen. They reminded me of ripe avocados, with a hint of light brown around the edges. Simply mesmerizing. At that moment, they were filled with fear. She was clearly struggling to comprehend the surreal scene unfolding before her. I could see the internal battle raging within her. She was torn between fleeing and staying put. But in the end, she remained. My courageous little mate. I took a moment to study her. For a human, she was remarkably tall - I estimated her to be around five feet nine inches. Her honey brown hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, giving me an unobstructed view of her beautiful face. She was perfect, with plump cheeks, a petite, slender nose, and full lips. My gaze lingered on her ample chest, and I unconsciously licked my lips. On the brink of death, yet entertaining thoughts of playing with her n*****s. I mentally reprimanded myself and continued to admire her generous hips. She was precisely my kind of woman. I've always had a preference for curvaceous figures. The woman before me was breathtaking, a living masterpiece. My destined mate. The sight of this angelic figure momentarily made me forget the severity of my wounds, but a sudden stab of pain in my chest brought me back to reality. I stifled a scream, fearing that any sound might scare her away and I lacked the strength to chase after her. It felt as if I'd been stabbed again. My heart continued to beat, but the pain was so intense that it blurred my vision, obscuring my view of my beautiful mate.

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