Chapter 3: Bianca's P.O.V.

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Pounding on my door had me shooting up in bed. "Get up Bianca we have to leave in 30 minutes!" Bruce's voice boomed from the other side. "Okay! I'm up!" I shouted back. Sighing, I swung my legs over the bed. I dressed quickly in simple black leggings and an oversized white sweater. Thankfully I was all packed and ready to go. All I had to do was roll my suitcase out and finish my morning routine. I rolled my suitcase to my doorway and headed down for the bathrooms. I peed and brushed my hair before pulling the top half back in a messy bun. I brushed my teeth and then looked myself over in the mirror. My curls were perfect and shiny, my bright blue eyes twinkling like normal, and a perfect smile on my lips. If only I felt perfect. Grumbling under my breath I left the bathroom, and headed back for my room. Bou is leaned against my door waiting for me. His own suitcase sitting next to him. Bou is sporting his normal attire, dark jeans, black tight T-shirt, and his leather jacket. His hair sat in messy curls on top of his head and he gave me his famous lopsided grin. "Good morning my twin." He greeted cheerfully. "Good moring." I said less cheery. "I see it was good that I forced you to come out last night." I commented. Bou smirked. "Yeah I got to feed, but that isn't why I'm so excited Sis. I'm just looking forward to this vaca." He teased, and then shrugged. "I'm just excited to see our brothers, and the Anderson school. I hear it's fancy there." He whispered the last part. I rolled my eyes at him. "You only say that because Max told you they have a crazy expresso machine." I said. "Maayyybe." He drawled out the word. "You should be more excited. I don't know why you can't see the positive in this." He said. I narrowed my eyes at my twin brother. "The only positive in this is getting to see my brothers." I stated. Bou rolled his eyes at me. "Well I think you're going to have more fun than you think. In fact, I might force you into all sorts of fun situations." He said smiling down at me. I gave him an incredulous look. I opened my mouth to say something snarky back to my twin when Bruce's voice interrupted us. "You two ready? We want to get food before we go. The guys are hungry." He said smiling. A blind man could see how excited Bruce is to be seeing his son again. Robby has been gone longer than Max. I'm not sure anyone other than me really noticed how sad Bruce was that his son was no longer around. Bou practically jumped to attention at the mention of leaving. "Ready Bruce!" He chirped. I rolled my eyes. "The guys are always hungry what are they going to do for the whole plane ride?" I asked sarcastically. Bruce chuckled. "Guess they'll suffer." "As they deserve." I agreed. I reached down to grab my suitcase, but Bou beat me to it. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he ignored me. My twin gave me his best lopsided smile before rolling our suitcases down the hall. Even though this is supposed to be a vacation, Bruce is also bringing five other men with us. It's not that he feels the need for protection, I just think that Bruce plans to do some buisness. So, while I will be demanded to relax and enjoy my time, he gets to do the fun stuff. I'm not opposed to vacations, I just don't see why I need one. Bou and I haven't been out on a mission in a month. Now all the sudden I have to take a vacation? I don't need a vacation. Hell, I've been on a month long one. I want to get back in the field. Back to the fights. Bou always said I must have something to prove, and I do. That I'm a bad ass b***h that no man can push around. Regardless, the biggest reason I'm not looking forward to this is the simple fact that I like action. I like fighting, and helping people who can't help themselves. It struck meaning in my life that I never thought I'd have. I'm a demon for f**k's sake. I'm meant to be evil, and take the lives of the innocents. Or some bullshit like that. But that isn't me, isn't us. My brother and I are good. We didn't even know what we are until we hit puberty. "How come we have to fly if half the people at that school can teleport?" I grumbled as we headed to the airport. Bruce sighed, probably sick of my sour mood. "It takes a lot of energy out of them to do that. Plus, they are very busy, and over half of them are in school. That's why they offered to pay for our plane tickets." He said. "Honestly we should be greatful that they are paying for all of this. That was extremely nice of Max's mate." Bou said. I grumbled under my breath, and turned my head back out the window. Finally after what seemed like forever, we made it to the airport. All of us got out of the car, Bou grabbed our suitcases, and we headed inside. The moment we entered the building my group of all males headed straight for the first place they saw with food. Rolling my eyes I followed behind them. I'm not gonna lie, the moment that cinnamon roll hit my mouth all the anger left my body. How could I be mad when this fluffy roll is so delicious? About an hour later we're boarding the plane. Bou and I have only been on a plane a couple of times. Usually the Bounty Hunters move incognito style, so there was always a lot of driving. Now that we are becoming more established things are changing. The plane ride wasn't extremely long, but it felt like it. I was undeniably bored out of my mind. Honestly at this point, I couldn't wait to just land. A couple hours later I finally got my wish. "Who's picking us up from here?" I asked Bruce. He looked down at me. "Robby of course." He said. "Not Max?" Bou asked. Bruce shook his head. "Atiana had a lot of preparing to do so Max has been helping with the school. The school year just started so there's a lot going on I guess. But, he will be there waiting for us when we get there." He told us. Just like Bruce said Robby was waiting by the entrance for us. He held up a sign that read 'Lost Boys'. I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face. While Bou was always closer with Max, I was closer with Robby. Lost Boys was our favorite movie to watch, and we often referred to the Bounty Hunters as The Lost Boys. Ya know, since I'm one of very few women there, and they're a bunch of psychos. I ran up to Robby the moment he noticed us, and jumped into his arms. He nearly fell back on his ass from my weight. I hugged him tightly realizing that I missed my brother more than I thought I did. "I missed you too B." Robby whispered in my ear. I pulled back to look him up and down. Robby was always an attractive man. A spitting image of his father with dark black hair, and bright eyes. It seems Robby filled out a bit more since I last saw him. He's wearing simple jeans, a dark green hoodie, and a leather jacket over it. I blew out a whislte. "You look good Robby." I told him. "I know, I know. I'm glowing." He said making me laugh. "Guess the mate bond will do that to ya." Bou teased as he came to hug our brother. I rolled my eyes, but stayed silent. Why did everything have to be about the mate bond? Maybe the water is just really good here. The rest of the group took turns hugging Robby before we headed out the door. Robby walked us over to a school bus. A f*****g school bus. Bou slapped his hand on the bus, and gave Robby an amused but questioning look. Robby shrugged, but looked unbothered. Something that's new for him. Robby used to be shy. "Don't judge. How else was I going to get all of you back?" He said chuckling. "I'm just surprised you know how to drive this bad boy." My twin said laughing. "Well, I barely can." Robby admitted. "But who cares." He waved his hand, and climbed into the bus. Bou and I shared a look before laughing and entering the bus as well. We took our seats right behind Robby. Bruce sat on the other side of us. We spent the hour plus ride to the school talking, and catching up on things. I found myself growing excited to meet Robby's mate. She sounds so sweet, perfect for Robby. Plus he said that if I'm nice, she'll bake cinnamon rolls for me. Robby told us that we were entering the territory, and to watch out the window as we did. I noticed lights come into veiw. Since our flight was so late it was now 10 p.m. I feel a little bit bad that we're arriving so late, and all of these kids had school in the morning. Robby wasn't kidding about this place being amazing. The school is stupid big. Like a giant manison that they built on to, and then built on to it again. Other houses of all sizes litered the giant clearing in the middle of the forest. One in particular caught my eye. Another mansion, but not at big as the school. It's a beautiful place. That must be where the Morningstar family lives. Robby stopped the bus outside the school doors. We all exited behind Robby, and walked into the school. This place is gorgeous. Like it was built back in the 1900s, but still in wonderful shape. The walls are dark wood that seems welcoming. Low lights lined the building giving it a comfortable glow. "You guys are going to stay in the teachers dorm area." Robby told us. "I'll take you all there now, and you guys can settle in for the night." We followed Robby down a few different halls and up a flight of stairs. This place is ridiculous, I'm going to need a map. Robby dropped everyone off down one hall. He finally stopped between the last two doors, and turned to us. Robby smiled, and gestured to the doors. "This is you two." He said. "I think you guys should drop your stuff off, and come with me." He suggested. "Done." Bou said. My twin opened each door throwing whatever suitcase behind each one. He turned to us with a huge grin on his face. I raised my brow at him, and Robby laughed. "What?" He asked innocently. I rolled my eyes, and Robby kept laughing. "Are you excited to see Max?" Robby asked. "What? No." Bou faked innocence. "I wanna see the fancy coffee machine." He teased. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help but laugh. "Come on." Robby turned to start walking. "I think he's in Tia's office. The twins were supposed to check in from their mission tonight. That was mostly the reason why he couldn't come with me." He told us. "The twins?" Bou and I asked together. Robby nodded his head in front of us. "Yeah, Acaisia and Ahkari Morningstar. The first set of twins." He informed us. "There's more?" Bou asked incredulously. Robby turned to smirk at us. "Oh, there are 12 Morningstar children in total here. They have cousins, but the 12 of them are siblings. Three sets of twins." He told us, and continued to walk. "Wow." I breathed out. "That's a lot of f*****g kids." I said. "I know right." Robby laughed. Robby showed us where everything was on our way to find Max. He said that we each have a personal bathroom in our rooms, which almost made me run back to my room. Robby showed us the kitchen, and the fancy coffee machine that Bou wanted to see. Not that he made any coffee. We were shown a few other things before we stopped in front of a door. There is a sign that reads 'Head Mistresses Office' and a name plaque that reads 'Atiana Morningstar". Robby lifted his hand to knock when we heard a loud crash from inside followed by some yelling. Without hesitation Robby ripped the door open, and the three of us barreled in. We entered ready for a fight, but I was not prepared for what I saw. Max is facing two girls, I can't read his expression of the situation since his back is to me. The room is in shambles, and there's some kind of giant worm in a jar in the middle of the room. It threw it's body at the glass over and over trying to escape. One of the girls is covered in blood, it's caked in her long blonde hair. Her shirt is ripped open exposing her bra, and she's wavering on her feet. The other girl is holding up the one covered in blood. Her shoulder length hair is frizzed out, and she's wearing her own fair share of blood. The more coherent girl snapped her angry eyes to us, and three things happened all at once. One, tingles erupted across the entirety of my body under her gaze. A light airy feeling took place in my heart. Two, a look of pure shock took over the girls face. In her state of shock she let go of the other girl, and that girl fell to the floor. Three, I just met my f*****g mate.
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