Chapter 4: Bou's P.O.V.

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I woke up bright, and early the next morning. Feeding last night did me good, but I don't think that's what has me in better spirits. Excitement coursed through me as I jumped up to go shower. Finally we're leaving. I miss my brothers like crazy. Life is not the same without them here. I'm also excited to get a change of scenory. As much as I love the city, I'm ready for some fresh air, and quiet. Finishing my shower quickly, I got dressed and returned to my bedroom. After double checking I had everything I rolled my suitcase out the door. Exiting my bedroom I noticed that my twins suitcase is waiting outside of her door as well. I opened Bianca's door, but she isn't in there. Must be in the bathroom. I waited by her suitcase, and after a few minutes she came walking down the hall. She's sporting a perfect scowl that I desperately tried not to be amused by. A short while later we're on our way to the airport. B is still grumbling to herself about this whole trip. Usually I found Bianca's attitude comical, but she's starting to get on my nerves. Thankfully she didn't say much, and the moment she got some food her mood shifted slightly. The plane ride was boring as hell. Honestly, I'd prefer to drive next time. At least we can blare the music, and wouldn't be surrounded by people we don't know. When we finally landed both my twin, and me practically booked it for the exit. It took us not long at all to find Robby waiting for us. He was holding a sign that said 'Lost Boys.' I rolled my eyes when I saw it, but did find it funny. Bianca darted straight to our brother almost knocking him over with a hug. We all said our hellos, and headed outside. I think it is extremely funny that Robby is driving a school bus around. When he told us that he didn't really know how to drive it, but f**k it, I laughed. Honestly, he could roll the whole bus, and we would all most likely be fine. On the way to the school Robby told us all about his mate and Max's mate too. Robby gave us a small run down of everything that has happened. We did get to listen in on the phone call a couple months ago when Max had woken up though. So we know a bit about what happened. Finally we arrived at the school. Bianca and I peered out the windows of the bus taking everything in. The place is breathtaking honestly. It's like a whole hidden world inside the forest. The school is huge, possibly one of the biggest I have ever seen. Once we had exited the bus Robby lead everyone to their rooms. My twin and I were the last to be shown, and I knew it was because Robby wanted to hang out more. He told us to put our stuff away and follow him. I wasted no time throwing a suitcase in each room. Honestly, I am stoked to see Max. Robby took his time showing us around the school. When he told us that we each had our own bathrooms in our rooms I thought for sure that B was going to book it back there. Thankfully she remained with us. I would have forced her to anyways. Robby showed us everything we would possibly need to know, including the fancy coffee machine. Damn, I can't wait to have a steaming hot latte in the morning. When we arrived at Atiana's office door Robby lifted his hand to knock when we heard a loud crash. The three of us crashed into the room ready for battle. Taking in the scene before me I was equal parts terrified, and delightfully surprised. Two girls, and Max are in the room. The furniture is all toppled over, some broken. A jar sat in the middle of the room with a large black worm looking thing captured inside it. What has me stunned, and rooted in place is one of the girls. She is covered in blood. It's caked in her long blonde hair, and all over her bare torso. Inculding her red bra. She is wobbling on her feet as the other girl holds her up. Her dark blue eyes flickered lazily up to meet mine, and everything stopped. Tingles erupted across my entire body. An airy feeling like tons of butterflies are flying in my chest, took over. My breath caught in my throat as realization hit me. Mate. That's my mate. I have a mate. Pure joy swarmed inside of me, but I am rooted in my spot unable to move. The girl made a strange face that confused me. "Oh no." She whispered, and I wondered if anyone else in the room heard her. Before I got the chance to react further, the girl holding her up slowly let go, and I watched as my mate fell to the ground. I stared down at her body in horror. Did she just die? My breathing started to get heavier as I stared at her chest, willing her to breath. She never did. No one else in the room moved for what seemed like forever. Honestly, I am not sure what to do. I finally met my mate, something I never thought I would have, and I watched her die all in the same moment. A desperate sadness seeped into my chest. Pain like I couldn't believe settled in my heart. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but no words came out. "What the hell Ahkari! You dropped her!" Max exclaimed breaking the awkward tension in the room. Does he even notice the inner turmoil happening in here? Does anyone notice it? The girl still standing broke eye contact with my twin to glare at Max. "She's my twin. I'll drop her if I want to." She retorted. Honestly, if the circumstances were different, I would have laughed. They seem so relaxed even with the dead body lying on the floor. Realization hit me as I remembered the names of the Morningstar twins Robby was telling us about. Acaisia and Ahkari. She is Ahkari which means this must be Acaisia. Hmmmm, what a beautiful name. That also means that she won't stay dead. Relief flooded my system, and I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. Apparently, it was loud enough that everyone turned to look at me. Expect Ahkari who got on her knees to inspect her twin. Max smiled brightly at us, and immediately pulled B and I into a hug. "You guys are here!" He said. "Sorry about this." He apologized as he turned back around. "The twins are still learning, and Acaisia is reckless." He grunted. Ahkari raised her eyes to glare at him. "Don't be an ass Max." She grumbled making me chuckle. "I am not an ass." He argued. Ahkari raised a brow at him. Max sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck. "I am not an ass anymore." He mumbled. Ahkari stood, and placed her hands on her hips. She gave him a smirk before speaking. "Then I suppose you wouldn't mind carrying my twin back to the house." She said sweetly. "You can teleport." Max argued. Ahkair's smirk deepened. "So can you." She countered. "Plus, who do you think teleported the two of us back here? I don't have enough energy for that." She said. "But.. my friends are here.." Max trailed off as he looked back at us then back to her. Ahkari huffed, and opened her mouth to, what I can only assume is to argue. I decided to end this for them, and get a chance to be around my mate. Clearing my throat Ahkari and Max turned to me. "I can help you if you'd like."
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