
The Billionaire's Lust

office/work place
love at the first sight


He likes her. She likes him. Will love conquer everything?

Chloe Summers, every school boy's dream, undeniably the hottest girl.

Devon Bickersen, a billionaire, every woman's fantasy and the hottest bachelor you've ever known.

Will these two find Love in each others arm?

Love and Lust -- both have four-letter word but definitely have different meaning...

What if they feel both love and lust?

Devon: "Soon.. your name and mine are going to be the same.."

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A Charity Case
“Devon, are you in here? Donna called her older brother as she walked inside the house. She heard no response from him. But when she saw his room left ajar, she went straight there without knocking. “Where is he?” She asked herself, wondering. No one was inside but she knew her brother was in the house as she saw his laptop on the bedside table. She dialed his number. Until she heard a phone ringing from the other room. She hurriedly went there while holding the brown envelope that she took from the mailbox. “Devo--- holy crow!” She was stunned. Her voice confirmed it. The sight of her brother f*****g someone in the guest room had totally took her by surprise. She couldn’t even move a bit. “What the f**k, Donna?!” He yelled at her as he quickly covered their bodies with the duvet. “Get out!!” “Alright! Eewww! You should lock the door, you i***t!” She shouted back as soon as she recovered. She didn't waste any time and hastily walked out but not before slamming the door, creating a loud noise. A few minutes after, Devon threw the girl out of his house. He went straight to the kitchen as he knew his sister. Donna always headed straight to the kitchen and rummaged what was inside his fridge. She has easy access to his house because he let her to stay with him during weekends. He bought this house far away from their parents. He wanted privacy and being far from their parents could somehow fulfill that. Their family owns several businesses nationwide, including overseas. “What are you doing here all of a sudden, Donna?” He asked the moment he saw her. “Goodness, Devon! Are you not gonna ask me how I am doing first?” She responded with her hand being busy stuffing pizza in her mouth. “Speak up! You’re not supposed to be here. Not even weekends, yet.” That's the reason Devon didn't lock the guest room door because he knew Donna would not come. But he was wrong. Donna drank a glass of water first before responding to him. “I know, but I have a favor to ask from you. By the way, I saw this one.” She slid the envelope to his side. Devon brows arched. “What’s this?” “I don’t know! Open it.” He did what he was told. What's inside the envelope was an invitation to a charity event from one of his business associates. “What’s that?” Now she’s the one asking him. “Business.” He said nonchalantly. “Now, what favor are you asking for?” “Oh, uhm... honestly, it's my bestfriend. Uhm, she needs my help, but the thing is you are the one who can help us-" She paused waiting for an objection from her brother. Devon's brows contorted from what he heard. "Go on..." “My friend is looking for a place to stay. But it's just for a week. I could not let her stay in mom and dad’s house.. You know dad is still mad at me.” “How about hotel? My house is not a charity place to let any of your friends come here, Donna." “Please Devon. Please?? She badly needed a place to stay temporarily. She can’t afford to stay in the hotel right now. Her account has frozen, and she has nothing more. I will explain more later but I need your answer now please.. please say yes.. please brother..” she begged, almost kneeled. He heaved a sigh. “Don’t try to pull that brother-card on me Donna.. it’s still a No.! Besides, you can lend her your card.” “I can't! Dad is monitoring my spending limit. Please Devon, Chloe needs your help. Her step-dad had almost r***d her and her mom ridiculously believed in his lies. She got kicked out. The worst part is her account was frozen suddenly. Thus, she needs a week to fix everything. She needs shelter and I know you can provide that.” He was caught off-guard upon what he heard. There was a moment of silence before he finally gave in. He could hardly say no to his one and only sister. “Fine! You can let her stay here,, but make sure to educate her. She needs to know her place here. I don’t want her roaming around while I’m here or if I have visitors. She can use your room, bathroom, this kitchen. She can eat whatever she wants but I don’t like loud noises and for one week only. Got it?” “Copy! Thank you so much, brother!” Devon was again caught off guard by Donna's sudden embrace. “Besty, I have good news! My brother will let you stay in his place. Yup! I know. He’s so kind. Well, he couldn't resist my charm.” She told someone from the other line. Devon looked at her while his brows furrowed again, but she just grinned at him. “I will pick you up now. Give me 30 minutes, okay? Sure! Of course! See you.!” She then ended the call. “I will pick her up now and we will be here in an hour. I will introduce you to her later.” She said. “No, I’m fine. I will not be here, anyway. I have business trips for 3 days. I will be leaving in 30 minutes. Just hand her your duplicate key and make sure she will touch none of my valuables." “Alright! I got it.” Donna responded as she excitedly walked towards the main door. Leaving Devon without saying goodbye. On the other side, Devon was also getting ready for his assistant's arrival. He got a text from him that he's just ten minutes away. “Chloe! Beshy over here!” Donna waved her hands to get Chloe’s attention, and she didn’t fail. “Donna... oh, God! Thank you so much for your help and for coming.” Her face was half worried and half relieved. “Of course! Why wouldn’t I. I won’t let my bestfriend stay nowhere. What friends are for, eh?” They put Chloe's things in the trunk. Once done, they didn't waste another minute but left the area. It didn’t take long, and they finally arrived at the house. “So, here’s your key to this house. But before that let me tell you his conditions.” “Yeah! Sure.. What are those?” She asked, following Donna to the room. “He didn't want you to touch any of his valuables except the kitchen and my room, which is temporarily be yours. I’m only staying here during weekends because I have easy access to bars.. you know clubbing.. haha! But since you're now staying here, you do whatever you want in the room. Also, he told me not to be too noisy. He hated noises.” Chloe nodded at her, agreeing to the conditions. “I have no problem with that. In fact, I’ll just be staying here for a week and once I fix everything I will pay him for his help. Anyway, is he here?” “Nope, he'd gone out on business trips. He will be back in three days.” “Well... I guess I will just introduce myself once he’s back." Cassidy sat next to Donna while unzipping her luggages. “Yeah! But let’s unpack your things for now then we cook food after this.” “Okay. Thank you!” She's in fact starving. After what happened her mind was messed up and her heart broke. Chloe has only few clothes in her luggage which includes some of her shoes and sanitary kits. She forgot to take her valuable things that she put in her vault. All she thought was to get out of their house. She was not thinking straight when her mom said those things to her. "From now on, you have no mother to call. How dare you seducing your step-dad?!" Chloe remembered it clearly and it had kept on repeating in her mind. "Are you okay?" Donna sensed a heavy aura. But when she looked at Chloe, she saw her silent cries. "Oh, Chloe. Everything will be fine. I'm here." "Thank you, Donna. I really don't know what to do without you." "What are friends for? Best friends to be exact!" Chloe smiled. "Yeah. Thanks."

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