
The Alpha and His Mermaid

opposites attract
second chance

Samantha Evans is a mermaid, with a past. She already had her first mate, who happened to be a werewolf. Yeah, he died. It's years into the future and she visits her best friend, Emma, in New York for just for the weekend. But what she hopes just to be a regular weekend turns into the rest of her life.

She's being forced to live out the rest of her life with Blake Ryder, (who also has a past) Alpha of the Moon Stalkers. At first, he didn't want a mate, and the pack was fine with that, but now that he's found Sam, he doesn't want to let her go.

What happens when suddenly Sam's life is filled with constant danger? And what will Sam do when she finds out that Blake's past? Especially since it involves her best friend?

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Chapter One
Samantha Friday, February 5th, 2016 I WALKED ONTO THE PLANE AT A QUARTER TO SEVEN in the morning and put my carry-on luggage in the overhead bin. I noticed a girl. She looked young. I wondered how she was able to afford such an expensive first class ticket. She had what looks to be straight brown hair. However, it was hard to tell the texture since it was thrown up in a messy bun. She was wearing a dark blue sweater, jeans and snow boots. Good choice since our destination was no island or warm state, especially during this time of year. Los Angeles had a type of hot weather you have to adjust to. But I have been settling here since I was born, so it didn't bother me as much as it should. I was dreading this weekend trip to New York since I loved the heat. It was most likely snowing there right now- something I have yet to experience. I hoped I wouldn't adjust to the cold, but I might need to in order to have a good time. The plane was big, not that I had to walk down the aisle in order to find my seat since I was the second one closest to the entrance. It smelt like someone had used 30 pounds of bleach and lemon cleaner and decided to mask it with Febreze. I had always hated planes, not because I was afraid of heights, but because something always went wrong with the flight. Whether it was something simple like a bump or slight turbulence, or something grand like crashing into the middle of an ocean and dying, the fear has always stuck with me. As if it were like crazy glue to human skin. I dismissed my deep dark thoughts and sat down. Lucky me, I chose the aisle seat. But my conscience tells me I should have picked the window seat in case we really did crash and I had to escape for my own benefit. But I remind myself curtly that we were only flying over states and lakes. There were no major oceans, so I should be fine. "Hello," I greeted. The girl turned to face me, revealing her hazel eyes and young face. Her nose was petite as can be, and so were her pink chapped lips, but her rosy cheeks- with a hint of sun kisses- made her entire face. "Hi," she smiled, showing her small white teeth. "I'm Samantha. You can call me Sam." "I'm Hayzel." How ironic that he name resembled her eyes or vice versa. Her parents must have been stumped with naming their child. I couldn't blame them. I had a unisex nickname and I absolutely hated it. But I hated when people called me by my full name either. Why couldn't my name be beautiful and unique, like Kaia or Aria? My parents are the worst, but at least they are happy now. "Like your eyes?" I assumed. "Precisely. Only I spell it with a 'y'. Not the regular way," she explained. Now that's unique, not like Samantha. Samantha was such an unoriginal, common, and boring name. I wish it was incomparable, or at least with the spelling. I knew the story of how I was named, it seemed innocent at first until my dad left. He wanted a boy so my mom refused to know the gender until I was born, and out I came as a little baby girl. And they named me Samantha, or at least my mom did. My father used to call me Sam, and then one night he left. But after countless years, he and my mom are finally back together. They live in a small condo in Houston, Texas. I haven't seen them since New Years, but I try to visit as much as I can. "That's interesting. But pretty and original." I kept it honest and short. I really did like her name. "Thanks." Her smile only grew, causing me to smile as well. "So, how old are you?" I asked after I get myself settled. We were now in the air and have been flying for a good ten minutes. "I'm 18," she informed me. "What about you?" "I just turned 21 about a month ago," I answered with confidence and I couldn't be happier. If it wasn't for dropping out of Fashion school after the first semester, paying off loans and rent and being alone. Other than that I was happy, mostly. "Oh. You look older, no offense." I knew this was coming. I was aware that my appearance has made me seem older than I was. "It's ok. I understand. All my life, I was told I looked older than my age. For example, I'm in my early twenties but everyone claims that I'm at least 30. Married and have kids and live in a gorgeous house when in reality I just dropped out of college and live alone in a decent apartment. So, everyone assumed that I look a decade or so older," I explained to her. "Wow. Although, I wouldn't say a decade. More like three to five years," she shrugged and shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Maybe I shared a bit too much information with her. I was always a rambler. "Thanks, I guess," I murmured, ending the conversation. I pulled my long blonde curly hair in a ponytail and removed my jean jacket. Underneath, I was wearing a white V-neck with blue skinny jeans, and brown riding boots. Being an adult was challenging, but in my opinion, freedom was worth it. College was a struggle, it wasn't quite for me. Probably because I had to repeat my junior year of high school, due to a major incident. I still thought about Alex to this day, and his brother's face haunted me every day. Every unknown corner I turn, or even being alone dwells upon me. This was why I was escaping to New York. Well, not primarily. I was visiting my best friend Emma to celebrate her 21st birthday. She did the same a month ago. Since my birthday fell on a Wednesday, she spent the whole week with me from Monday to Sunday. We went drinking on Friday and Saturday, it was a lot of fun and I missed my best friend. Why she had to move across the country was beyond me. But it was her dream, and she had Andre, so at least she was happy. Emma's birthday was in three days, but it's Friday. We're going out tonight and tomorrow night, just like we did a month ago. "So, what's bringing you to New York?" Hayzel wondered after coming back from the bathroom. This was her first time using the bathroom since we took off two hours ago. At this point we're halfway through our trip, we passed Albuquerque about five minutes ago. I was in the middle of a good book when she interrupted me, so I placed the book down gently before answering. "I'm visiting my best friend in Manhattan. Plus, I'm escaping my life in LA," I explained. "Oh, that's cool. I'm visiting my boyfriend," Hayzel said. Finally, I get something. But then again, she was only 18. "Long distance relationship?" I guessed. "Yes. He's on a little break from work and school, so this weekend should be nice." "Sounds like fun," I smiled. I wish I had someone to spend my weekends with and not just weekends, but not all the time either. "I hope it is." I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and notice I received a text an hour ago, dumb planes with their service. It was a text from Emma wishing me a safe flight. I sent her a text back asking how she knew I was coming, but I knew it wasn't going to send due to bad cell service. I sighed and told Hayzel that I was going to be right back. I then unbuckled my seatbelt and got up to use the bathroom. The plane wobbled a little and I gripped onto the nearest thing, which just so happened to be a stranger's arm. I felt my cheeks heat up and I immediately pulled my hand back, I refused to look at his face. "I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." I was in complete embarrassment and the stranger just chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I didn't quite notice you either. Then again, I'm six feet tall. Try not to fall anymore?" I could feel the power in his voice. It was very authoritative, almost like an Alpha's. "If I do, I know you'll probably catch me again." Was I flirting? Again, I caused the stranger to laugh but this time, it was a throaty and sexy one. "Probably." It was silent until I realized most of the first class and the rest of the plane was watching us. "Excuse me. I need to get to the bathroom." "Of course. Don't let me stop you. Although, I probably have, haven't I?" I finally looked up and noticed all the features of a handsome figure. Dark skinned face, with little to no stubble underneath his pink plump lips. He must have recently shaved. His nose curved with perfection and his dark green eyes hold mine and his dark brown hair was recently cut as well. But what caught my eyes was his muscles. Holy crap, his biceps were the size of my head alone. "You d-didn't," I stuttered and flushed hard. "Pardon me." I go to step around him, and his large dark warm hand helped me. I thanked him softly. "Anytime gorgeous," he winked and I ran into the bathroom. I checked the mirror instantly. My ponytail was completely pathetic with no volume. My breathing was hard, causing my large chest to fall heavily. My pale face was currently a dark shade of pink and my blue eyes were filled with life and lust. What was wrong with me? Why did he make me feel this way? I haven't felt this way since- no. I will not go there again, I promised myself I wouldn't. I did my business and walked out of the restroom with my head down, while I felt his gaze on my face. "What was that?" Hayzel questioned after I sat down in my seat. "I have no idea what your talk about," I lied and pretended to be interested in my book's cover even though I have seen it about a hundred times now. I began to trace the outline to avoid confrontation. I failed as Hayzel lightly knocked the book out of my grasp. "Answer the question," she demanded. "Fine," I gave in. "I'm afraid of planes crashing so when it shook, I grabbed onto the first thing I saw it just happened to be a stranger's arm. And we talked." "You were flirting," Hayzel corrected. "I saw you." "Whatever," I rolled my eyes. I didn't care about her correction, I just didn't want to admit it myself. "I excused myself to the bathroom and that was it." "I wanted more details," Hayzel pouted and I couldn't help but laugh. "You sound like my friend, Emma." "The one you're visiting?" "Yes." "I think we would get along just well then," Hayzel smirked and I grimaced. "Yeah, well on my nerves," I grumbled. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go back to reading my book. We're landing in two hours and I would like to finish this." I picked up my book from the floor and brushed off the dirt. "Attention passengers, we will be experiencing a rainstorm in a couple of minutes. Flight attendants will be roaming around to make sure you are all well buckled in. Due to this storm, we might experience high winds and turbulence. This will not affect flight time, so please don't worry. For your own safety, keep your seatbelt buckled until further instructions. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your flight," the pilot announced into the PA speaker. First, the plane shaking, soon after, the embarrassment of the hot stranger, then the confrontation with Hayzel, and now this? I was seriously considering where I made the wrong turn in my life. "Can you wake me up after we pass the storm? Or before we crash?" I asked Hayzel. She just laughed and nodded her head. Joke's on her, this plane can easily crash. Who's going to be laughing then? Certainly not her.

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