
Loving Your Imperfections

friends to lovers
first love
love at the first sight

"I am no fool, Mia. I am no fool. One day, you'll say yes to me, and when that happens I will make it worth your while. I'll show you how good you are at loving someone else, that, being me of course, and spend my days loving you as well. You say you're not perfect...So what? Who gives a s**t. You're not perfect. No one is. But I swear to you, that if you give me a chance... Just one chance, I will make it worthwhile." I say as I pull her closer.

I can hear her heart beating fast. Her eyes darken, and she bites her bottom lip. She shyly closes her eyes tilting her head away. God- she drives me crazy. I kiss her neck and her hands grip my shirt, letting me know she liked it. Before I know it, I'm lifting her, making her wrap her legs around me as I kiss her neck, sucking gently and making her gasp.


They say friends are shouldn't date. It always ends badly, but there are times when the attraction is far too strong. Nate Spencer has been in love with Mia Miller for the longest, and she has inevitably loved him.

Now that Nate’s free from any relationship, Mia chooses to follow her heart and give him a chance. But will he stick around to face all her shadows? Or will it be too much for him to bare?

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You're Not Alone
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Mia I sat in the back seat of dad's old pickup truck as he drove my stepsister, Bailee, and me to the next town away from home. We were heading to our eldest sister, Audrey's house. My dad and stepmom had decided to invest in a possible business, but this only meant they had to leave for the summer. They had decided to make my sister Bailey and me spend the summer in Lakeview, where my sister lives with her family. Despite our differences, my stepsister, Bailey, and I had become the best of friends. I know many others may talk about how they get mistreated by their stepmoms, but it's the opposite in my situation. I love my stepmom. I lost my mom when I was four in a car accident. Dad was a single dad, raising three girls on his own until I turned fourteen, and I met my best friend, Bailee. She and I clicked instantly; we introduced her single mom and my dad. From there, it was like a perfect match. They married soon after, and I finally knew what a happy home was like. Dad sighs, looking at my stepmom and reaching over to squeeze her hand. She was trying not to cry. "I promise, it's only for a few months until we can get back on our feet," he says, making her give him a tight smile. Bailey and I looked at each other and gave a reassuring sad smile. It was the first time we were separating from our parents. Bailey lays her head on my shoulder, and I lay my cheek against her head. Mom was despondent; Despite Bailey and me protesting and asking to go along, they refused. They wanted us to focus on school and graduate with honors, and enjoy our summer. My sister Nikki had also offered to look after us, but she's in her second year of medical school. Dad warned her that if she left her studies to help, he'd be furious; she was only allowed to enjoy her summer. Our education has always been important to dad and my stepmom, Carol. After a long drive, dad finally pulled into my sister Audrey's driveway. Audrey came out with a huge smile, knitting her eyebrows happily. "Hey, guys. Come on in." she greets us warmly, hugging us and kissing dad and moon on their cheeks. "Hi, baby." mom says, giving her a big hug in return. We unloaded our stuff and made our way inside. Audrey had already prepared a room for us. We'd be sharing a room, which I was ok with. Hile we unpacked, mom and dad talked with Audrey and Steven, my sister's husband. As we unpacked, Kate came in and gave us a huge hug. She was Steven's daughter. He had her with a girl named Roxanne in his youth. Unfortunately, her mom was evil. She didn't want to be in their lives, but luckily, Kate had my sister to give her all the motherly love she needed. "Hi, guys. God, I'm so glad you're here. I promise we are going to have so much fun together." Kate says, making Bailey smile. I know she was trying to lift our mood, but for the first time, Bailey and I were going to be away from our parents. "Thanks, Kate. How was cheer?" Bailey asks, seeing Kate still wearing her cheer outfit. "Uggh, tiresome. But hey," she says with a big smile. "Some of the football guys are having a party tonight; you guys want to go? Nate and Liam are going to be there!" She says cheekily, making Bailey's face red. Liam was the school's football team star. A total dickhead, but Bailey was still crushing on him. As for Nate, I've always had a crush on him, but he had a girlfriend, and I was not going to get between them. "Thanks, Kate, but I don't feel like going anywhere right now." "I do!" Bailey blurts out, making Late chuckle. It threw me off guard that she'd want to go. I wasn't much into going to parties, but I went now and then. But Bailey? If I was considered a nerd, she was even a bigger need than me. She was extremely smart, but was a big introvert. She rarely talked to anyone, which I think was the main reason why mom allowed her to be around me so much. She was comfortable around me, and she quickly opened up to me, when she would quiet down in front of others. But little did they know that Bailey has been of bigger help to me than me to her. She has helped me with my sudden panic attacks and depression that I used to suffer after mom's death. It took me years of therapy but nothing really worked until I met her. You could say I owe her my life. They both look at me with hopeful eyes, making me grunt inwardly. "Girls, we're taking off. Remember, if you need anything... Anything at all; we are only forty minutes away. You know our number, ok?" mom says, making us both return to reality. I honestly had no desires to go. Besides, I had just gotten out of a bad relationship a few months ago. I dont think i was ready for another guy, even if he was dreamy, hunky, and a star player of the football team of our new school. I wanted to cry. I wouldn't say I don't like this; my sister Audrey and her family, are so much fun. I don't want to leave mom and dad. We hugged them one last time before they left. "Please take good care of my girls. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to call." mom says, giving Audrey a big hug. "Carol, the girls are in good hands; I promise. Don't worry about a thing, ok?" Audrey says, holding her shoulders and kissing her cheek. "I know. I just... I can't help but worry about my girls. I hate having to leave them." she says, shedding a few tears. "Mom? We'll be ok. I promise we'll look after each other." I assured her, getting her to hug me tightly. Bailey hugged mom and dad, shedding a few tears before turning to me and embracing me, placing her head on my shoulder as she sniffled. Whatever happened from this point on, I just knew I had to be strong... For Bailey and me. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

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