Chapter 53 :Memories : Proud Father

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Reading through the last entries made me realize, that devils can exist in all shapes and sizes. I never realized these 2-pint size girls could think of something so dishonorable. For god sake, Abhinu was their cousin. I wonder how depressed and disgraced he must have felt when he had to kiss their feet every morning. Thinking about that makes me throw up... I wonder how Abhinu picked up the courage to perform that disgraceful act every morning. I guess everyone deserves justice, and probably this was the very reason, I guess Aamaya di once came up to me and asked me if by any chance I can make Darika and Garima's life miserable at school. There was not a single day in school when the 2 of them faced bullying either from me, Surya, or a few of my friends and the best part was Aamaya di and Daniel dada always stood by me and so whenever the duo complained to the principal, there was always an alibi that I was either with them or somewhere else. The funny thing was the Daniel dada and Aamaya di made sure they were ostracised at school when they convinced everyone that they keep bullying Abhinu at home and since there was no one supporting Abhinu's they would manage to get away. At times if felt like the 4 of us were like his bodyguards born from his shadows. But what was all that about rechristening Abhinu and then getting married? Did such a thing really happen?  I decided to continue reading the journal.                                                                          20th February 1994 As usual, my sleep was disturbed at 5 a.m. in the morning, when I received the usual call from Abhishek dada. He told me that he had to leave home early in the morning and that he wants me to be a good girl. He reminded me of the one day I get to be a boy every three months and then he said he loves me and disconnected the call. Every time someone at home keeps addressing me as a girl, I want to kill them. But right now my concern or more of a dilemma was the task at hand. Darika and Garima di wish. I quickly went to the washroom to have my bath, put on a salwar suit and a pair of pumps, and then applied lipstick on my lips and began to walk towards their rooms. As I entered their room, I found Darika di was fast asleep. I took off my pump in the hallway just to make sure there is no sound and then, I approached her bed, stood on my knees, closed my eyes, and softly landed the kiss. I wanted to spray some scent on her feet as they were stinking really bad. I had to examine if my lip mark was properly visible and then I went to Garima di's room to do the same thing. It was dishonorable but I had to do it anyway. After doing the disgusting thing I began to walk towards Aamaya di's room. She was already awake. I wished her good morning and left her room. Nothing much happened for the rest of the day. Well something funny happened too, every time Darika di or Garima di would assign some tasks to me, Aamaya di would always call me to her room, and then Aunty and Aamaya di would make me sit ideally on a chair. The best part in all this is that no one is allowed to enter Aamaya di's room, except Me and Aunty. Aamaya di told me that even Abhishek dada is not allowed to enter the room. The whole day was spent sitting ideally on the chair.                                                                 21st February 1994 Today is a Monday, and the memories of yesterday were still etched in my mind. As I talked to Abhishek dada he asked me if I enjoyed kissing Darika and Garima on their feet. I told him it was disgusting and begged him to convince uncle not to let me do that disgusting activity. He reminded me that this was all my doing and that if I would not have decided to run away, they would not have asked me to do this. He however promised that after 4 months, once I get married to him, I will no longer have to address Darika di and Garima di as my elders and from that day I will be considered as their sister in law, so some of the restrictions set for me will no longer bind me. I was happy with what he said but was also disgusted at the prospect of getting married to him. A boy marrying another boy is disgusting but I have no other choice. That way I am also keeping my father safe and that is the only thing that mattered to me. After Abhishek dada disconnected the call, I went to the girl's room to perform the disgusting task and then went to wish Aamaya di a good morning and then began to start my daily chores. Cleaning their shoes and ironing their clothes was nothing new for me. I have been doing this since the day I was expelled from school. By the time everything was ready, it was 6:30 a.m. and the girls were awake. I put on the uniform which I was supposed to wear and began to helping aunty prepare the breakfast when I saw the 2 girls comparing the lipstick mark on their feet and appreciated me for the beautiful design on their feet. by 8 a.m. the girls were ready and left for school. I felt really woeful when I saw them leaving for school. I stood at the door but I was too scared to keep my feet out of the door. I went back, hugged aunty tightly, and began to cry. She understood my dilemma but she was also helpless. She asked me to go back to my room and take the day off. I decided to turn on the projector and talk to dad for a while. Dad told me not to worry and probably just to make me happy he complimented me that I look good wearing a uniform. He also said that I am blessed and when I asked him the reason, He told me that when a person is born they are either destined to be a man or woman, but I am among the few people, who have been blessed with the life of being a boy as well as a girl. He also said that he is proud of me because of the day Darika di and Garima di treats me, I have still not retaliated, and hurt them back, this really proves that no matter how much trouble I am in, I am still the gentleman he raised me to be. I knew he was saying this half-heartedly but I had to pretend to be happy too. Who knows what kind of t*****e they were giving to my day. *** Wow!!! amidst all your misery, the 2 of you have found a way to keep each other alive. I really admire the sacrifice the duo has faced and still Abhinu was keeping a straight face. But in 4 years, he never told me his dad is alive. Is he still alive? Thank god Darika is still alive. I hope she gets well soon because I am going to make sure she will kiss my feet every time she meets me. It's my promice to you, my dear Abhinu. ***
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