

enimies to lovers
multiple personality

Stop it, stop saying it...

"I...I am not a Freak." She screamed at her so-called friend and ran out of her friend's party.

everyone was chanting wildly

Freak! Freak! Freak!

Runaway freak never dares to show us your disgusting face, you cursed little s**t, your parents are dead because of you, you eat them.

From that day on she hides her self at home, She doesn't have any friend to share her pain.

After her parents died, she lost everyone else even her self. Her life becomes pathetic and lonely.

She wakes up after six months of coma realising that she's going insane, hearing others thought, reading their mind unintentionally.

She chooses to keep it to her. She moved to New York to start her new life, where she met Greyson Black the only person who understands her and helps her to get used to her unique ability. whose thoughts she can't read even if she wishes, which make him unique for her.

She falls for him, start loving him unconditionally, but soon discovered lots of secrets about her boyfriend and his father Greg Black which involved in her accident.

Did she will use her ability to reveal the truth....???

Did she accept Greyson Black even after knowing everything.....???

What will they become lovers to enemy or enemy to lovers???

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Nightmare and Memories
Eveleen Colon was sleeping in her comfy bed, her eyes sealed tight, face covered with sweat and body stiff as if she saw a walking dead in her room. She starts crying out for help, calling for her mother and father to catch her from falling in the dark hollow rift. She clenched the blanket to save her self and was close to hitting her skull on the core, but somehow managed to escape her nightmare, She sits straight holding herself tighter reassuring her that she’s going to be fine sooner or later, everything is going to be better. But she can’t shake the emptiness of her heart which is growing day and night. Her neverending nightmares never let her slumber comfortably. She misses her parents a lot and she knew if they were still here to take care of her then her spirit would be different and her nights would be peaceful. It was a long night for her and she manages to catch up with her respite. It was 7 am, flora Colon Eveleen's grandmother calls out her name while sitting next to her bed. “Eve...Eve....wake up we had a flight to catch exactly at 9 am, wake up you little lazy girl.” Flora asserted in a cheerful voice, she starts petting Eve's head for teasing her, as she knew how much she abhors when somebody treats her like a pet. “Ugh, Grammms... Stop it, let me sleep.” Eve was complaining in a slightly irritated but in her childish tone. Flora knew her granddaughter well, she silently flees in the kitchen to fetch eves favourite cinnamon pancakes with honey, wiped cream and her favourite fruits topping including fresh strawberries, banana and mangoes. The delightful scent of pancakes works marvels to wake her up from her round blue bed, Eve sits up in her bed yawning and rubbing her eyes opening them barely just to see her favourite breakfast resting on the bed willing to satisfying her now growling tummy and her favourite person smiling sweetly towards her. Eve gave her grams her best toothy smile. She starts digging in her plate like a small child and offer the last piece of the pancake to her sweetest grams. “Come on now Eve get ready we need to leave in an hour your uncle John called earlier, he will send Draco to drop us to airport terminal” Grams knew exactly that even will again get upset that her uncle will not come to fetch them, from past one year he always manages to make any kind of excuse for not meeting them. And this time as always he did the same. “ Your Uncle will contact us when we reached New York, he arranged everything near your new high school the Bronx High” “Don’t worry grams I am not upset, he must be engaged in some crucial chore at company” Eve tried to hide her disappointment and sadness with a small forced smile. She thought to herself, how can her uncle neglect his only niece after her parent’s death, She still remembers his caring nature, the way he used to play with her whole day and brings her whatever she desires, even if her parents said no to her. Then what differed now why her uncle was distant from her, the only thing which is changed is her parents who left her all alone. Her uncle was not there when she needed him most when she gets discharged after six months. An only family member who was there for her was her grams, Flora and Uncle Draco. Flora holds her hand in hers to comfort her, to remind her that she’s with her no matter what. “Are you sure about your decision? , you want to leave Dallas right.” Flora asked eve trying to read through her granddaughter’s mind, She knew very well why Eve wants to move to a new place, just to start over and for overcome her loss, but she’s not sure whether it is the right way to do it or not. She always supports Eve in her every plan and if Eve made up her mind to leave everything behind then she’s going to be with her. “I am sure grams, there is nothing left for me. No parent, no friends and maybe now my uncle also think that I m cursed. I have you and I want to start over with you. We both have lots of memories in this house in this city. But grams believe me we can be happier at our new home, in New York City.” She replied to her grams in low voice trying to hide her discomfort, she wants to start over but she doesn’t want to betray her mom and dad, by leaving her childhood home she somehow leaving her parent's memory too. Eve knew that she not only wants to work over her grief but completely letting things go she needs to leave this place. She was upset but what else she can do. “Okay love than get ready. The chauffeur your uncle Draco will arrive shortly to get us.” Flora sigh wistfully, she knew that Eve’s decision is somehow good for both of them, she watches her granddaughter lost and crying to sleep every night, Eve was distant from everyone. What she doesn't know how other children bullied her even after her major loss. She was ready to do everything in her power just for Eve’s sack after all her granddaughter is going to be 16 soon and deserve best in life, even if it means she has to leave her most cherish place, her sweet home. Both Eve and flora were ready and waiting for the chauffeur to get them, Eve was observing every detail for the last time breathing heavily as if she was leaving her heart’s pieces shattered all over the place. She can still inhale her mother fragrance and hear her sweet laughter. She can still feel her father presence and how he used to adore her and her mother. He always taught her to respect elders and by seeing her parents in love she always believed that yes true love exists in the world. She went in her parent's room for the last time, just to collect her mother’s necklace with her mother’s Lauren Colon and father’s Denzil Colon picture in the heart-shaped pendant, she wants to keep both of them near her heart at least by the means of the necklace. Then she went to her room to collect her stuffed animal toy rabbit with long white ears named bunny which her parents bought for her when she was facing issues with sleep. How can she left her bunny, only her grams and bunny knew her secrets and sorrows. She was sitting near the window of her room facing backyard which still has her mother’s favourite flowers red roses and white lily’s, Last time she was scanning everything carefully As if collecting every memory to keep her broken heart from falling apart entirely. Nothing can change the fact that she missed her old life especially her parents in it. She was now strong but still lonely, And happy memories of her parents only make her weak, and at this moment she doesn’t want to pretend anymore. She always cared but choose to hide it just for her grams. loner tear rolling down from her bright hazel eyes which now only look motionless and depressing. She only wishes for one thing to see her parents back alive, but that’s impossible, as her mom dad left her alone for forever. "Eve come on love let’s go. Draco (chauffeur) is here to pick us." Grams called her downstairs. Hearing Draco’s name she wipes her tears and rush out with her white bunny dressed in a red hoodie. How can she forget that Draco always treat her like his own daughter, other than her Grams Draco was always there for her and still he treats her with a similar affection. Which makes her dead heart a little bit alive.

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