
Daughter of the Moon


The story revolves around prophecy.

Prophecy about she being incarnated, to get back what is hers. To resume what she left.

A girl will be born with enough powers that can wipe out a whole race. She can either build or destroy.

As there is good, there is also evil always lurking around.

The Alpha of the Night Walkers pack wants to have the baby so that he will be powerful enough to reign the whole werewolves.

When Ava Stark was born, an attack got happened on her pack which led to the destruction, of the Moonstone pack, Alpha of the pack decided to send away the baby to the human land for her own safety.

Ava was given steroids to suppress her wolf DNA and was given away to a human family and she got raised like a human without ever knowing the secret of her existence.

Night Walker pack destroyed Moonstone pack, everyone in the pack died except the beta and his son, few other pack members. They built a new pack and were waiting for their Alpha Ava Stark.

Noah Smith is the Son of the beta and always hated the existence of Ava Stark, He always thought that her birth created chaos. She is the reason for his mother's death and all the pack destruction.

He grew up hating her, what happens when he knows that she is his mate?

What happens when Ava realizes her true identity?

Will she get her pack back?

Ava got more to do for the well-being of her race than she thought.

Her story began even before her existence. Her story began when Heavenly fire was sent down to earth to maintain the balance among the worlds.

Ava is getting into a world filled with secrets to discover each of them.

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Brief Background: The story started many years ago. When heaven holds a meeting and sends heavenly fire to earth to maintain the spiritual balance of the earth. Knowing the existence of heavenly fire on the earth, which is one of the earth's five elements, there were many evil people who had eyes on it. Wars happened between the different races to get the heavenly fire. All the gods decided to send the daughter of the moon goddess to guard the heavenly fire. She spent all of her life guarding the fire. As powerful as she is, she was also a kind-hearted person. She won many battles and made sure no one ever came near the fire. Present Day: Doctor's POV: "Please save her. I am not commanding you as an alpha but as a friend. Please save my granddaughter. Run from here. Take shelter. Take her away from this world. Do whatever it takes to suppress her wolf abilities. She should never return here. Keep her safe, she should live like a human and in between humans and please make sure to put a cloaking spell on her"Andrik said. I nodded and held my hands out to take the baby. Alpha Andrickson held Selene Stone for one last time as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I am sorry for being a failure, sweetie," he whispered in her ears. "Can't we fight?" I ask him. "No, I can't risk any more lives" he replied. Alpha handed the baby to me and removed the crescent chain from his neck and put it over Selene. That's the Alpha heirloom of our pack. *screams of people from far* "Run, don't turn back, and never come here," he said, and I started running. I ran as fast as possible in human form. I can't shift into my wolf form. I don't want to put our future heir's life at risk. I ran into the deep jungle where witches usually stay. I knock on the gates of their coven. And the baby started crying. Why am I feeling so helpless? Witch covens have some rules. No other supernatural being can enter their territory without their acceptance. The pain of pack bonds fading away is killing me. I lost connection with the Alpha as well. I felt like crying. Why Moon Goddess, Why does it have to be like this? Isn't she your blessing? "I wish to seek an audience with the queen" I yelled at the top of my lungs. An old lady came towards us and invited us in. She walked us to their queen. "What is the reason that I got to meet an uninvited guest, I suppose," she spoke. Her voice sent chills down my spine. She got a deep tone. "Queen, I am a doctor of the Moon Stone Pack. I need help of yours" I say with my head down. Though we only bow to our Alpha at times, we even have to bow to the royals of other races as well. "What kind of help?" she looked at us and the baby in my hand. She got up from her throne in an instant and ran to us. "No way, it can't be true. Is she her?" queen Mora questioned. I simply nod. She traced the crescent moon mark on the baby's forehead "The girl with the prophecy" she says and closed her eyes. She stepped back from the baby with a jerk. "She can either be an end or a beginning. She can bring death to a whole race or empower them. She is both the creator and destructor. She is the daughter of your goddess. I can see her future, no matter how much you try, she will end up where she has to be. She is powerful. She needs to be protected. I will help you with the cloaking spell. A powerful one in that, but..." she paused. "But what?" I asked, being desperate. "If a powerful bond unleashes, the spell will wear off," she said. "Powerful bond?" I asked in confusion. "Mate Bond," she said. "There is no way she can meet her mate. She is going to live like a human and I will make sure of that" I replied. She laughed like a maniac as if she knows something which I don't. "We can't escape fate, my boy. Destined things come together," she said. "Please help us" I pleaded this time "They are after her, "I say. "I hope this helps you," she said, and she snapped her finger. A few girls walked in and laid a cloth on the ground. I look at the queen. She directed me to put the baby down and I did. They surrounded the baby and chanted something in Latin, even the queen did. After 10 minutes, they handed me the baby. "It's done," she said. "No magic can track her" she spoke "Thank you", I bowed. "I am happy to help her in the future as well" she smiled. I didn't understand, why would she say such. I am trying to keep Selene out of this supernatural world, why would she need the queen's help again? I rushed out of that place. It feels less burden now that the baby can't be tracked. Now I need to run my tests. I am Doctor Richard Williamson. Actually, the people who stay in the pack usually don't have any surnames, we get called by our pack name or our ranks. I am from the Moon Stone pack and right now I see my once so beautiful pack filled with blood. Alpha Andrickson is my friend and he always encouraged me with my passion. I wanted to study human science and human anatomy. I wanted to be a human doctor and I am one. Alpha Andric encouraged me with my passion and I will always be thankful to him for that. I ran to the city and went straight to my lab. I spend half of my days among humans. I live like one. On very rare occasions I visit my pack and family. And one such rare occasion was Mia Stone's Delivery, the baby. I found my mate and in very uncommon circumstances I found her to be human. I don't want her to know the real me, the werewolf me so I decided to make medicine. A medicine that suppresses our wolf DNA.Which can make us humans. I am not sure what I planning to do was going against nature, going against the moon goddess itself. What other options do I have? I need to be with my mate and for that, I was ready to do anything if it means turning against nature. In such a process, I found some medicine. It is still in the trial but now I had to use it. I am not sure what effects it may have on this child but I had to use it. I did use it on myself once, but it only lasted for a week, and then after I had to make a few changes in the formula. "Moon Goddess, please save this child" I close my eyes and pray before I inject the baby. If my guess is right this medicine will work for 8 years without any problem. I just hope for the best. The thing I started for me is being used on this baby. Moon goddesses have her ways to pull strings and make things. I inserted the syringe and drew the right amount of the dosage, Pinched the skin of the baby's left hand together, and inserted the syringe. The baby started crying as the pain hit her senses. I removed the syringe and disposed of it in the bin. Selene is nowhere near calming down. I took her in my arms and started cooing. Tried numerous ways to make her stop crying and finally she did. I look at her and my eyes started to blur. The girl who will change the fate of people is being taken afar from her own people, her own race. I need to keep her far away from everything, even from me. I need to make sure she is safe. I look out of the window and the moonlight hit us. The crescent scar is more evident now. "Moon Goddess, please keep her safe," I say while looking at the moon.

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