Chapter Four

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"Mommy! Uncle Mars is being mean!" Destiny whined as she hugged my leg. All I could see was her cute bun. I turned to Marcus who made a silly face at Destiny. "Marcus, Leave my baby alone," I said before lifting Destiny from my leg to my hip. She looked back at Marcus who trailed behind us and let her tongue out at him. I heard him chuckle. "Mommy, I want to go outside." I bit my lip as I took a quick peek outside. It was snow everywhere. "I guess you could but make sure Uncle Mars dresses you warm." I placed on the floor and she ran out of the kitchen as Marcus chased after her. Destiny's giggles were heard as they went upstairs. I exhaled a short breath while taking a seat at the island. My fingertip circling the rim of my coffee cup. I had a strong feeling that I would run into Diego again. Especially since he is the prince of Belmont. And your baby daddy. How was I going to just tell him without it feeling like pressure? I don't want to tell him and he would feel obligated to care for his daughter. A splitting image of him and I but more of him.  Finding out that he was the prince and soon to be King was a worry. I don't want to tell him and my daughter ends up face with publicity. I didn't want that for her. She's only 3 and soon 4. She is still learning how to process she has a family. Just imagine her finding out who her father is. It was so stressful to think about it. I will be honest and say I'm afraid of his reaction to having a daughter. Then things will lead back to how everything happened that night at the Christmas party. A drunken affair better yet a Christmas affair. But the real question would be, what is the label of Destiny? I sighed. God, I was so stressed. I heard footsteps enter the kitchen and I turned to see my dad. He still looked bland. I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't find the words. "Speak, Jennifer." I heard him say in a whisper. He seemed a bit annoyed. "I would just like to say, thank you for accepting Destiny." He gave me a hmph sound that caused my heart to ache. Why was he acting like this? "That's all your going to do, huh?" I questioned rhetorically. "What do you mean, Jennifer?" He grabbed a bottle of water. "Ignore me. What did I do so bad that made you act like this to me? I haven't seen you in 3 years and when I come and show off your granddaughter, you don't even smile." I told him sadly. I wasn't going to stick around feeling like my daughter and I are unwelcome by him. Leaving would not be a problem. "Expecting a child at 21 is young," he started. "I know that dad but I—" "You don't understand, Jennifer. You were near to graduation and even begun your career. I wanted what was best for you and you didn't listen. I hear things aren't going too well with the living." I sighed. It was true. I've been having struggles with bills and food. I would sometimes skip out on meals just for Destiny to eat. "Yes, but I don't regret having her." He met my eyes and sighed. "You had fun being talked about being a w***e. Sleeping with a guy that you didn't know but for a day." I felt my eyes burn. I blinked and cleared my throat. "I didn't care what people said or what they said now. It was more attention than I got from my father." He glared at me with anger. "I would have cared if you were a perfect daughter." That's when I let my tears drop. I remember how I was loved but not as much as Marcus. Father worshiped him for owning his own business and was disappointed in me for not becoming a surgeon or a lawyer. Something he wanted me to be for him but I followed my passion. My writing was everything to me and I didn't let anything stop me. The real love I got was from my mother and brother. "Maybe but I'm not perfect. You had this careless feeling towards me ever since I was 18. When I told you what I wanted to be and you hated me ever since." He chuckled bitterly. "Hated you. No, I disowned you the minute you told me you were pregnant." A gasped filled my ears. "Jarold!!" My mother's voice filled the kitchen and more tears cascaded down my face. "How could you say that?" "Jennie, wait!!" My mother yelled as I grabbed my coat and rushed out the door. I was met with snowflakes coming down. I noticed my daughter making a snowman with Marcus. I sighed and walked over to them. "Come here, baby." Destiny walked over to me and I picked her up in my arms. Marcus noticed my tears and he immediately became alert. "What is wrong, Jen?" "I-I can't," I said, my voice coming out in a whisper. He dug in his pocket and handed me his car keys. He pulled me into him. "Don't stay out too long." I nodded and quickly pulled away from him when the front door opened. "Jennifer, don't go!" My mother yelled in worry. I settled Destiny in the backseat before rounding the car to the driver's side. I stared across the car from my mom. "Please, just give me time. I can't be here right now." My mom's face fell in sadness. My heartache before I came back to reality and got in the car. I started the car and took off. I didn't know where but it was somewhere away from here. *** "Mommy, I'm hungry," Destiny said as she looked out the window. "Okay." I sighed as I pulled in to a supermarket. I found a close parking spot and parked. I went through my coat pocket and pulled out my wallet. I opened my wallet and I had about 5 Canadian dollars. I closed my wallet and got out the car, putting the keys in my pocket before grabbing Destiny out and placing her on the ground. I placed my hand on the handle and the button and the locks click on the car. "Come on." She grabbed my hand and we walked into the store. We walked around the store. Destiny pointed out things that she wanted but it was all over five dollars. I hated shutting her down but I had to get her something I could afford for her. "What about an apple and—" "No, Mommy. I want pizza." She whined before pouting and turning her back towards me. I felt my eyes built with tears. I never felt the need to yell at Destiny and I don't want to. I don't want to let my frustrations out on her. "Excuse me miss." I turned. "Yes?" I frowned when I saw him. "Diego?" His amazing smile. I gave him the best smile I could muster. "What is wrong?" "Nothing. I'm just trying to get this angel fed." His eyes traveled to the little girl who still had her back towards me with her arms crossed. "Ah, this must be your daughter." "Yes and your—" Bang! A whole crash sound came further down the aisle. I looked down and saw Destiny smiling nervously with her hands together in front of her. "What the hell!!!" A clerk came around and his face contorted with anger. His eyes narrowed on Destiny before us. "I hope you know you two cost me a lot of money!" He growled. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't know she—" I began but Diego instantly stepped in. "I'll pay for it." He announced. I looked to him with a frown. The clerk stormed away and I continued my shocking stare at Diego. "Why did you do it?" Diego looked from Destiny before me. He was staring at me intensely. A smirk appeared on his face. "Wouldn't think I recognize my daughter." My eyes grew big. I did he know that? I backed up. This has been a messed up day for her and it just got messier. "H-How do you know?" He chuckled lowly. "Come on, Jennifer. You practically told me the day we ran into each other. That night, I knew you were a virgin and the way we held a conversation, I knew you weren't the woman to just let anybody in. And she's three almost four." I swallowed hard. I didn't know what to say. I felt his hands grab mine. "I think it's time we talk and I prefer to do it at my grand hotel after we get the baby girl something to eat," his smirk never faltered. "What do you say?"
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