
i am dragon's father

lucky dog

Wake up, the researh material - 11 found himself lying in a strange bed, and don't know why I have a headache, like splitting. I don't know who I am, the appearance of the city.... What circumstance? He on tall woman? After the scene?Researh material - 11, stretch hand to grasp the hair, trying to collect my thoughts. Messy fragments of the memory as a storm in your mind the riots, which piece but there is no answer to his current situation, but let him more big."What the hell's this?" See their own space, researh material - 11 almost directly out of the fun.Where he found himself to completely no impression, this is a very antique room, the room is very big, light sweet full whole space, bed, the section case, receive a visitor even with the seat is made of sandalwood, only is carved marble screen, Anyway is on TV and the game can see the ancient room, some things have opened just two points are equipped and gold COINS inside.And the adornment in the still faint with general expensive gas, it's not faint, the pearls, whole room hangs in researh material - 11 bed that pair of inset jades ruyi looks, thicker than your researh material - 11 arm all flash researh material - 11 blind dog eye, unless the researh material - 11 is blind, otherwise certainly see at a glance is installed here. And here is tidy up quite neat, obviously is cleaned regularly."What the hell?" Researh material - 11 to continue efforts to force yourself to sort out my thoughts, remembered before his coma, coma before researh material - 11 is just an ordinary white-collar, while cars and housing, but don't have a girlfriend, is a ten thousand sheep dog, FFF group's lifelong honorary President, because without him, because he used to grow very ugly.He almost every three days a goddess, I love here no typo, not three days I love a girl, do three days is a goddess, and then again and again by the goddess refused, he again and again fall, climb up the tree again. What fireworks, put the candle, flash, eating ice cream to the ring, looking for a good many small flowers on the way forward, he did all these scenarios.But this time the cold refused to cool thoroughly through his heart, he gradually felt really only burn couples is the right direction, so joined the FFF group took to the point of no return, in the way of a local group within the party, he met an overload of trucks, and then his memory to it's gone."Still thought he was dead, seems to be just a false alarm." Researh material - 11 saw her alive is very happy, but he didn't know where now, in general, it is not a should be in the hospital, the body wrapped with gauze quietly waiting for the doctor announced the news.Then later there is a face of sad face of a doctor in declared himself to which a leg amputation, and crying, helpless, end up in a wheelchair led the sky-high compensation and benefits, spend money like water over the second half hanako? This is the normal script? How you can run can jump now, in addition to the weak point, like a thing all have no?Don't... The researh material - 11 had an impossible reason, he looked carefully at your side that the same environment as the tang dynasty, the observation of yourself wearing this costume clothes, researh material - 11 feel has to find the truth, because it certainly, Chen Zi silently down the conclusion.

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Wake up, the researh material - 11 found himself lying in a strange bed, and don't know why I have a headache, like splitting. I
Wake up, the researh material - 11 found himself lying in a strange bed, and don't know why I have a headache, like splitting. I don't know who I am, the appearance of the city.... What circumstance? He on tall woman? After the scene?Researh material - 11, stretch hand to grasp the hair, trying to collect my thoughts. Messy fragments of the memory as a storm in your mind the riots, which piece but there is no answer to his current situation, but let him more big."What the hell's this?" See their own space, researh material - 11 almost directly out of the fun.Where he found himself to completely no impression, this is a very antique room, the room is very big, light sweet full whole space, bed, the section case, receive a visitor even with the seat is made of sandalwood, only is carved marble screen, Anyway is on TV and the game can see the ancient room, some things have opened just two points are equipped and gold COINS inside.And the adornment in the still faint with general expensive gas, it's not faint, the pearls, whole room hangs in researh material - 11 bed that pair of inset jades ruyi looks, thicker than your researh material - 11 arm all flash researh material - 11 blind dog eye, unless the researh material - 11 is blind, otherwise certainly see at a glance is installed here. And here is tidy up quite neat, obviously is cleaned regularly."What the hell?" Researh material - 11 to continue efforts to force yourself to sort out my thoughts, remembered before his coma, coma before researh material - 11 is just an ordinary white-collar, while cars and housing, but don't have a girlfriend, is a ten thousand sheep dog, FFF group's lifelong honorary President, because without him, because he used to grow very ugly.He almost every three days a goddess, I love here no typo, not three days I love a girl, do three days is a goddess, and then again and again by the goddess refused, he again and again fall, climb up the tree again. What fireworks, put the candle, flash, eating ice cream to the ring, looking for a good many small flowers on the way forward, he did all these scenarios.But this time the cold refused to cool thoroughly through his heart, he gradually felt really only burn couples is the right direction, so joined the FFF group took to the point of no return, in the way of a local group within the party, he met an overload of trucks, and then his memory to it's gone."Still thought he was dead, seems to be just a false alarm." Researh material - 11 saw her alive is very happy, but he didn't know where now, in general, it is not a should be in the hospital, the body wrapped with gauze quietly waiting for the doctor announced the news.Then later there is a face of sad face of a doctor in declared himself to which a leg amputation, and crying, helpless, end up in a wheelchair led the sky-high compensation and benefits, spend money like water over the second half hanako? This is the normal script? How you can run can jump now, in addition to the weak point, like a thing all have no?Don't... The researh material - 11 had an impossible reason, he looked carefully at your side that the same environment as the tang dynasty, the observation of yourself wearing this costume clothes, researh material - 11 feel has to find the truth, because it certainly, Chen Zi silently down the conclusion.

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