
Love in a nutshell


Lelika Thomas was an intern at a publishing house, waiting for the day she can become the author she's always wanted to be. Her life seems perfect with a promotion coming up and hopefully opening a new chapter with her boyfriend.

Her boyfriend is Prince Elijah, youngest and last in line for the throne of Rodesia. He's everything every girl could want in her eyes but there's one small problem. He slept with her boss.

Shattered and left with a broken heart, Lelika must gather her strength and start from scratch but fate has other plans and throws Elijah's older brother, Alexander into the mix. With her mind set on revenge, Lelika takes the opportunity to seduce the gorgeous but mysterious heir but she has no idea that he's had feelings for her before.

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Another stack of papers landed on my desk and I huffed out the longest sigh known to man. Thinking that working at a publishing house was fun and easy was always what my brain told me, it never told me about the millions of words that rang in my brain after reading book after book. I stretched out my limbs and straightened my back to free the knots before checking the time. If my phone was correct, I would be done for the day in another half an hour. That, however made me smile and I got up from where my butt had been planted for the last two hours and made my way to the break room for a final cup of coffee. While I waited patiently, I scrolled through my phone and landed on my boyfriend's name before dialing. I let the phone ring while I adjusted the uncomfortable pencil skirt. My damn thighs made it hard for me to wear any skirt without pain but I pushed through and suffered for beauty like every woman out there. "Hello sexy, to what do I owe this pleasure?" I could hear his smirk through the phone and felt my stomach flutter slightly. We'd been together three years now and the man could still make me hot and flushed as if we were teenagers looking for trouble. "Can't I phone my boyfriend without a valid reason?" I was joking with him and he knew that, I balanced the phone between my shoulder and ear before turning and organising the coffee. "Of course you can, you finishing soon I hope?" "Yes I am, thank god. I've read about four manuscripts today and my neck is killing me. I was thinking we head out for dinner when I get home, maybe some Thai or Italian?" There was a moment of silence before he replied. "Sounds good, I'll wrap up some things here and see you at home. I love you." "I love you too Elijah." I bit my lip and smiled even though he couldn't see me, we said our goodbyes and I ended the call. Elijah and I had met when I first took interest in writing. I was still at University and found myself at a charity event where rich people gathered once a year to donate to different non-profit organisations. I was doing research for a novel and a friend of mine got me a pass in. It wasn't easy but that didn't matter when Elijah came up to me and started talking to me. At the time I didn't know who he was but after three dates and moving in with him, he told me he was an heir to the throne of Rodesia. I'd never once thought of him as royalty or knew where this place was, but I loved him irrespective of his roots. Even though Elijah was last in line with him being third in the line of brothers, he had his own business. He was an architect and studied here before becoming one of the best in the business. He didn't need the money, his prince title gave him enough, but he enjoyed being able to do something he loved. He was really the only man I'd ever been with, he'd been the first man I'd had s*x with and probably the only guy I'd been in love with. Deep down, I know he's the one, if he wasn't, we wouldn't have been together this long. I placed the mug on the desk and picked up the manuscript I was busy with, hopefully time would fly and I could be home soon. *** Elijah was waiting at home for me when I stepped through the elevator of his penthouse. Dressed in a suit that fit him like a glove, accentuating his delicious figure, he smiled when he looked at me and stretched out a hand for me. I took it and he pulled me against him, his lips moulding against mine. He was clearly happy to see me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Hello to you too." I whispered breathlessly as his mouth made its way down my neck. His chuckle vibrated through me and I giggled when he nipped at the sensitive skin of my collarbone. He lifted his head, his dark green eyes shone with mischief and I twisted my finger around a stray curl at the base of his neck. "So I was thinking we order in and take a nice long soak in the tub while I rub out those knots." I groaned in approval and kissed his cheek. "That might be the best thing you've said since the time you challenged me to a waffle competition." I said before breaking out of his hold and sliding off my heels. "That, is something we need to revisit." He said and unbuttoned the jacket of his suit, following me through the penthouse to the bedroom. The bedroom room was decorated in emerald green and golds, the colours of his homeland and I watched him disappear into the bathroom, followed by the sounds of running water. "I won that fair and square." I called and sat down on the bed, peeling off the white shirt that I had tucked into my skirt. I saw his head peep out from the bathroom with a confused look. "Putting chocolate chips into waffle batter doesn't automatically make you the winner. It was foul play if you ask me." I didn't reply but dialled our favourite takeout place and placing the usual order. When I put the phone down, I watched as Elijah walked out with nothing but his slacks on and licked my lips. Let's just say the man was attractive and s*x was never a problem, he was my number one most attractive man in the universe. Cheesy, yes. Do I regret? Not at all. His muscles flexed as he walked around the bedroom, my eyes watched him. He didn't have tattoos but he had enough of everything else to make up for anything he missed. "Are you staring at me Miss Thomas?" He asked with a smirk and I chuckled. "No, just examining." "You examine specimens, not people, especially your boyfriend. Just admit you were staring." He bent down and kissed me, causing a moan to escape the back of my throat. "This is not fair." I said against his lips. "What is?" "You kissing me to distract me from my examination." "Not at all. Come, the water is ready." He led me into the bathroom. The white marble with gold fixtures still awed me even though I'd been using this bathroom for two years. He stripped the remaining clothes from me without hesitation, making sure to tease me with light touches as he did so. I was already aroused but he took everything a step higher, practically having me almost beg for him. He held my hand as I stepped into the steaming water and the sound of the reception buzzing someone in echoed through the place. "Must be the food, I'll be back in a minute." He disappeared and I sank into the tub. My hair still in its bun sat on the top of my head. My phone chimed and I reached for the device that I left on the side of the basin. With my hands wet from the water, the damn thing slid out from my grasp and fell onto the marble floor, cracking the screen. The once lit screen went black and I hissed out. "s**t!" I was certain the pop up I'd caught a glimpse of was from Anna, my boss. It was a Friday evening, I didn't have work tomorrow which meant it was important. Carefully, I stood and was about to step out of the tub when Elijah appeared in the doorway with the food. "What happened?" he asked and dropped the food on a dresser and picked up the sad smart phone. "I tried to pick it up but it fell, Anna sent something important." I said and wrapped a towel around my frame. "It's okay, we can organise a new one in the morning. Just relax okay?" I nodded and put my fingers of the bridge of my nose. Sometimes I was stupid. Elijah stripped and relaxed into the tub behind me and poured some of the delicious soap onto his hands before rubbing them over the taught muscles of my neck and back. "You worry too much." He said softly and I chuckled. "I must, this job is everything to me. I need to make sure they keep me after my internship." I groaned as his hands slid over my back, the only sounds being the water moving around in the bathtub and my heavy breathing. "I know what can help." He whispered in my ear. I felt his hands reach around and pull my body flush against his chest. His one hand found my breast and gently tug on my eager n****e while his free hand slid down my front and parted the lips of my womanhood before they applied the smallest amount of pressure. Because I was ready for him it was enough to have me moaning. I felt him harden against my back and his teeth found the lobe of my ear before nibbling softly.

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