
1387 Words
Leo was a little fascinated with Jasinda. She was a good cook, she smelled like f*****g cinnamon and apples, not to mention her ass alone had him drooling like a dog whenever she came into a room.  But what was questionable was she was a silent girl, she didn't seem to be on her phone typing away with her friends or a man from what he could tell. Leo honestly wanted to know if she did have a man, just purely so he knew if he could put his hands on, or if he should keep his hands totally off.  Jasinda hadn't given him a damn sign she'd be interested in taking him for a ride or two in her bed. But he was more than interested in taking her for a ride or seven in his.  Sitting on the back patio watching two jay birds fly and flirt, Leo picked up his raggedy track phone the second it rang, "Yeah?" Hearing static, it took a minute but then Leo heard, "Damn it man, you gotta get a better phone!"  Leo smirked hearing Malcolm's voice, "I'll put that on my to do list right after Shadow releases my money to me."  Malcolm nodded as he looked over at the sleeping, naked woman in his bed, "I know man, he's getting on it. It might take a while though with everything going on." Leo frowned, "I don't want to be stuck here!" Malcolm frowned even more, "Hey now!"  Leo sighed, "Not saying anything against your sister, she's been great...she reminds me of you weirdly. But I want to be in my own s**t, by myself. Getting p***y and smoking some weed, I'm stressed and LONG over do."  Malcolm snorted not even bothered by Leo's crudeness, "Rodger that, just hang tight."  Leo blew out a frustrated breath as he took in a deep breath. He'd spent two years in jail, not a long time for some people, not a long time when you hear it.  But f**k it'd felt like ten to him. The boredom, the sheer day to day of the shitty ass lack of free will to do whatever you wanted. Leo had grown claustrophobic being in the s**t hole of Canadian prison and was grateful in some f****d up way for the virus killing thousands of people.  It got him sprung earlier for his chargers and now he was a free man.  No more parole, no more anger management classes, no more f*****g assholes to beat up to make sure he didn't get bitched out.  He was out, and free.  Now all he needed was a beer and some hot s*x with a fine thot and he'd be all set. Leo looked up as the back door slid open and Jasinda poked her head out, "Hey, I made breakfast. I left yours on the stove."  Leo stood and followed her back into the house suppressing a groan. She was fine as hell alright, but as Jasinda smiled at him as she handed him his plate, Leo melted. He knew for a fact Jasinda was NOT a thot, and far from some slutty b***h that he could just crawl into bed with. She was a woman, a woman of class and values.  And she was f*****g hot as hell.  Jasinda unfortunately no longer wore the tight and short booty shorts she'd adorned when he'd first arrived. And that should have stopped Leo's wondering eye from following her beautiful ass all through the kitchen.  But it was just his luck she'd wear joggers she assumed were better or more appropriate in his company.  It didn't help.  Jasinda's ass should be a crime because she could be wearing a nun's robe and it'd still sit out for him to notice.  It was a more than a hand full, all natural, good home cooking kind of ass and he wanted to grab both cheeks in his hands and smack it. Watch it clap as he f****d her from the back all through the house in anyway he could take it.  Jasinda didn't take note of Leo checking her out because she was too nervous around him to even think properly. He was this hot, tatted, man she'd never known as a friend to her brother before now.  And now he was sleeping in the spare room right next to her.  It was unnerving.  "So what do you do?" Leo asked as they sat and ate breakfast. Jasinda looked up at him, "Oh um I was working at this marketing firm. But it went under because of Corona." Leo whistled, "Damn that's that hurt."  Jasinda looked at Leo carefully, "Where are you from?" Leo smiled a little, "Alabama." Leo watched her maul over that before he asked curiously, "Why you come all the way up here to quarantine? I know your mama and pops in Greece."  Jasinda nodded, "Yeah and when my company shut down because of like a hundred cases I had to quarantine somewhere to make sure I didn't have it. I didn't want to pass it on to anyone so I came here. But I didn't have it and I really didn't want to risk getting on a plane."  Leo nodded and watched her play with her bacon before saying hesitantly, "I thought I knew all my brother's friends. I've never met you..."  Rubbing a hand over his fade, Leo surmised, "It's because when I came into his life Malcolm was on the outs with your parents." Jasinda nodded slowly as she remembered the two-year cold war between her parents and brother.  She had played Switzerland for a year and a half before breaking down and telling them she was sick of it. She refused to pass messages between them and act as a therapist to grown people.  And at nineteen at the time she had no experience to do so.  Eventually of course they'd all sat down and hashed things out eventually. Loudly and angrily so she'd been told. And in the end, the Prince family was back together again and on cordial ground. "So you two met while he was in college?" Jasinda guessed since that was the time this was happening.  Leo nodded as he ate his cheese grits, "Yeah he was working with me at a tattoo place and we got close." Jasinda nodded accepting the answer and Leo looked at her wanting to press for more intimate things.  "So do any of your friends know you up here? They coming through to visit?" Jasinda shook her head smiling a little, "No most have kids or are stressed because of the position the virus put them in. None of them will have time to come ALL the way up here to see me. I kind of gave up my place in Los Angelus for that reason."  Leo looked at Jasinda amused, "To become a shut-in?"  Jasinda laughed, "No! I just...it felt so crowded in Los Angelus, it'd be feeling like that for awhile. Coming up here, being alone. It had been serene, peaceful, I hadn't even realized how tired I was of the city before I got here."  Leo smiled a little feeling bad, "Sorry to ruin that for you." Jasinda shook her head quickly, "No! Don't get me wrong I wasn't THRILLED I'd be living with a stranger, but I actually like it." Leo c****d an eyebrow and Jasinda felt hot in the face as she mumbled, "I guess being TOO alone would be bad for anyone."  Leo nodded slowly, "Agreed,"  Jasinda smiled a little before biting her bottom lip and just biting the bottom lip, "So Leo...what's your full name? How old are you?" Leo chuckled at her questions but answered, "Leonardo Tate Johnson, I'm twenty-five." Jasinda hummed, "Only three years older than me."  Leo tucked that information in his back pocket.  "So where are you coming from?" Jasinda asked as she poured more syrup on her biscuit. "My brother just said you needed a place to stay. Didn't say why." Leo looked at her nervously as he said, "I was locked up."  Jasinda's eyes snapped up to see if he was joking but when she didn't see a trace of humor on his face. "I'm coming from the Canadian prison." Neither said anything else as an awkward silence stretched around them.
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