Chapter 10 Brutal Manner

1374 Words
Karen sat on Mica's old sofa in her small living room feeling very nervous thinking about what the outcome of Mica's visit to her husband was, "why is she taking so long to come out of her room?" She muttered, clapping her hands together to try and keep them from trembling so much as she glanced at Mica's bedroom door often, hoping to see her walk out of her room. She hoped that her meeting with David turned out well. "Finally," she said within her when Mica walked out of her room, "you are all dressed up, are you going somewhere?" Karen noticed how gorgeously dressed she is looking, she must have taken a bath because she has a new makeover and is wearing pink lipstick this time. She smells nicer too sitting in front of her after pulling her stool opposite the sofa she is seated on. "Yes, Karen I have to go to work, I have the afternoon shift you see," Mica replied rather calmly gazing at Karen, she is enjoying herself by just seeing how nervous Karen looks even though she seemed not to show it. "Oh, I do not know you have work today, I mean, I totally forgot that you have work, I am sorry," she completely forgot about Mica's job at the department store, and she feels kind of sorry inconveniencing her like this. "You do not have to be sorry, Karen, you are my best friend, I know you would do the same for me," Mica told her taking her hands slowly in hers, pretending to try and calm her trembling hands down, while she only did that to feel for herself how much she trembled and to satisfy her inner desire to see her suffer. Karen felt her nerves calm a little as Mica took her hands in hers, she gazed steadily at Mica's hands which were still over hers, hoping to hear her say the words she wanted her to say and Mica kind of senses that, she smiles inwardly still robbing her palms against Karen's. "I know you are dying to hear the outcome of my visit to your husband David," Mica peered at her, she wants to record every bit of reaction and feeling Karen would show in her memory after hearing her break the news of her husband's proposal to her, she has for a long time now thought of how to make Karen pay for always getting the best things in her life compared to hers and David Anderson has given her that rear opportunity which she hopes to use well against Karen. "Yes, Mica, tell me what did he say, I mean, was he convinced that I did not cheat on him with that man, whoever he is?" Karen slowly lifted her head to peer at Mica, "Tell me, did he say I can come home now?" Karen peered steadily at Mica wondering why she was hesitating to say something. Mica squeezed Karen's hands tenderly, that man, whoever he is, is my boyfriend you i***t, Mica said within her, "I did talk to David and I made sure to tell him everything you told me," Mica paused her lips, enjoying the sight of Karen's facial expression right now, it is as if she is predicting her next statement as her eyes fixed on her face with her lips slightly parted. "I tried my best, Karen, but David, he did not want to listen to me, he thinks that I am only saying that because I am your friend, he thinks that I am only making the story up in your favour. Karen shook her head sideways and slowly but unconsciously pulled her hands away from Mica's hands, she cannot believe that David refused to believe Mica, this was her only hope to get through to David, "are you sure… I mean, did he not listen to you at all?" Karen muttered almost in a trembling and teary voice. "Of course he did listen to me, I made sure to tell him everything," Mica told her, smiling inwardly at the sight of Karen's reaction, "Oh no Karen, you do not have to cry," Mica slowly took her trembling hands again in hers and squeezing it gently. "I am sorry, Mica," Karen slowly pulled her hands away from Mica again, and then started wiping the tears that fell from her eyes to her cheeks, she did not even know when it gathered, "I think, I will have to talk to him again myself, I need to make him understand that I have only been set up, I cannot do such a thing to him, how can he even believe that impossible video?" Karen added, getting angry right now, she and David have come a long way for him to believe such a lie in a video. Mica lifted her brows at Karen immediately after her statement, she cannot possibly be serious right now, and there is no way she is going to let her meet with David, she cannot allow Karen talk to her husband in other not to ruin her plan, "I do not think that is going to be a good idea, Karen," Mica slowly told her, adjusting herself on the stool she is seated on, she needs to come up with a plan that will not allow Karen meet with David. "Excuse me, how is this not a good idea?" Karen asked almost furiously, peering at Mica, she was taken aback a little by her statement. Mica stared back at her wondering where this furry and bravery is coming from, she has known Karen almost all her life and she is not the type to be furious about anything, she has in a matter of fact being naive or rather dumb in most things, she needs to stop her now, "your husband was in a very bad shape yesterday when I saw him, he almost threw me out of his house immediately he saw that it was me, I practically forced my way into the house to get him to listen to me," Mica shrugged as she speaks. "He was in bad shape? How bad was he?" Karen suddenly interrupted Mica, her pupils widening as she speaks, she felt now like it was a bad decision to leave David all alone last night, she would have stayed with him and made sure that he listened to her side of the story, maybe they would have resolved the issue by now, "this is the more reason I need to talk to him, I need to explain things to him the way they are," Karen added without waiting for Mica to respond to her question and then tried to stand up but Mica cut her hands and slowly pulled her back to sit on the sofa. Mica stared into Karen's eyes, still holding on to her hand with one of her hand while she pulled her stool a little closer to Karen, I cannot allow you to ruin this chance for me, Karen, not when things are beginning to walk in my favour, she said within her, "I need to tell you something, Karen, and I do not want you to get me wrong, I have thought about it carefully and believe me it is going to be in your favour," Mica peered at Karen's eyes as she speaks. Karen peered back at her wondering what this is about, she did not even bother to pull her hands away from Mica this time, "Tell me what this is about, Mica?" Karen muttered, feeling more nervous as Mica hesitates to speak. "Your husband David asked me to marry him," Mica blotted out almost immediately, gazing into Karen's eyes, she did not want to break the news to her like this, but she did anyways because of how things had turned out, she wanted to tell her in a more brutal manner but felt better almost immediately on seeing Karen's facial expression. Karen felt her heart sink into her belly after hearing what Mica just said, "what did you say?" She muttered as she slowly pulled her hands away from Mica's, unable to believe that her husband David could do such a thing.
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