
If Love is Mischief

dare to love and hate
enimies to lovers
poor to rich

Set at a luxy private university in Manila. Lizete Kryzion Flores is a popular student and a volleyball varsity player. Her family is well-known, rich and she gets everything she wanted. Not until, her father found out what she was doing at school. Her father, Chaster teaches her a lesson. He transferred her daughter to Anastasia High School where Lizette's natural enemy Avis attends. There, she met a media art student, Philip. A boy which is her total opposite.

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Chapter One: His name is Phillip
Kryzion's POV Avis's frowning face is what I saw on the other side of the court. My teammates on the volleyball team were already celebrating because we won this school tournament again. That girl probably envies me. Freaking Avis, a volleyball varsity player from a public university. Is there a favorable and adequate system in there?  Her team approached us and Avis passed the ball to me smiling. "Congrats." She smirked while her teammates were on her back.  "Bunch of losers," I hissed and I threw the ball back at her. My team and I turned around and walked out of the court. They were nothing compared to us. Perhaps, Does the school that Avis attends have a proper court to practice in? They can't beat us anyway. "Guys, We should celebrate!" I exclaimed. We are now in the locker room to change our clothes. I smirked when I heard my teammates praising me once again. Gosh, it's Kyrzion. I'm the captain of the volleyball team and one of the varsity players.  Being a captain is hard, though. I should be able to assist coaches and team members with training and strategizing. I am expected to be highly dedicated, missing minimal or none of the training and practice meetings. I also have a special role in volleyball because the coach doesn't directly speak to the referee.  It is also important to understand that there is a fine line between being competitive & being unsportsmanlike. Being competitive on the field is applauded & encouraged in all of our leagues. All of my teammates should treat one another with respect on the field & after the game. Everyone has to go to work. They need to keep safety and sportsmanship when it comes to our final game.  "My place. 6 PM." I added and smirked.  Anyways, Lizette Kryzion Flores is my name. I'm the heiress of Flores Corporation and the daughter of Daniella and Lucas Flores.  *** The speaker was so loud and they were all having a party in the swimming pool. I sat and drank my juice while watching them having fun. See, they were all happy!  Everything was complete at home and I got what I wanted. Mommy and Daddy rarely go home because of work. My younger brother, Jacob, was in the States. Mommy decided to send him there so he can study and get many job opportunities when he graduates.  About me, I grew up getting everything. Whatever I want will be given to me immediately. I am the favorite granddaughter of Grandpa who owns Flores Corp, Daddy Chaster's dad. I have two dads, both rich and well-known. If Daddy Chaster can't give it to me, Daddy Lucas will give everything without them knowing. In exchange, they're all busy at work and I can't get enough attention from them.  I think my parents didn't even know my true attitude. They just knew their daughter Lizette was modest and quiet. I also failed my class and I don’t know why. Both my parents are smart, especially Daddy Lucas. He's a genius! It's unfair, I can't even calculate simple mathematical equations. Unlike Jacob, he's smart like hell.  I joined the party and saw them having fun. Lots of food and drinks were served and everything they have wished for was in the house. Where else can you find a place like this? I am highly competitive. I don’t want to just throw a good dinner party. I want to throw the best dinner party people have ever been to. I also love observing patterns. I learned that certain essential elements make certain nights special, magical, and extremely memorable. I don't know why I'm feeling pretty dizzy today. I joined them and everyone was jumping. It's so fun. I lost my balance and fell, smiling until I closed my eyes.  Someone tapped my both cheeks so I got irritated. Who would dare to touch my beautiful face?  "Sir, she's not waking up," I heard one of our maids say. Can't they see that I'm not in my mood to get up and sit down? Shocks, What a good morning! "I told you that no one will wake me up until I ordered you to do so," I exclaimed. I lay down again but this time someone lifted me and dropped me into the pool.  "Argh! You're fired! Freaking fired. I'll report you to Grandpa and for sure you will face a big consequence." I rubbed my face and opened my eyes to see who'd ever thrown me. "Then tell my father," Dad stated.  I gasped and immediately climbed into the pool. I saw Mom and Dad looking at me. All the maids gathered behind them and bowed. I looked at the whole place and everything was messed up because of the party last night. I looked at myself then looked at Dad. I closed my eyes and turned around. s**t, I'm doomed. I bowed down and I combed my hair using my fingers. Someone handed me a bathrobe and I saw Mommy go to the dining room. Wish me luck. Lunch was ready and Daddy was just looking straight at me. His fist was closed and he leaned back in his chair.  "Lizette, your school called us. You failed almost all of your subjects. One more failed subject and you won't be able to graduate." Mommy said softly. "Then tell Lolo to talk with the head. They let me pass, right? Right, Dad?" I asked confidently. Daddy hit the table causing Mommy to stop eating. "Who told you to drink alcohol?" He set the wine bottles down on the table.  "You also fabricated your report card? Straight A's? Do you think Dad would agree when I told him what you were doing for these years? They also told me that they caught you making out with someone inside the school facility!" Dad added. "What? I'm not. He's not my ideal type." I hissed.  "Lizette, listen to me. We've spent millions since you studied at Foster's so you can earn their title. We gave you everything you've asked for. Lychie, We just want a passing grade so you can graduate," Dad explained. He massaged his forehead and loosened his tie.  "Dad, what's the point? Even if I go to school, I'm still the heiress of Flores. We're rich enough, Dad! What's the point of studying hard? So I can apply and earn a minimum wage salary?!" I asked back. "LIZETTE!" He shouted my name. I looked into his eyes and he's really angry. It's my first time seeing Dad like this. "Chaster, Calm Down," Mommy stated.  "Then, Does it mean that you have the right to ruin our family reputation?" Dad added.  "Then, what if I am?" "Lizette!" Mom exclaimed.  "Daddy Lucas will never do that!" I said irritatedly. "I'm not Landon! Stop comparing his ways of discipline to me. My house, my rules. Mark my words." He emphasized. "You will transfer to a public school, Kryzion. No service and minimum allowance." Daddy emphasized. "Daddy, No!" I said irritatedly. Daddy walked out and Mommy and I were the only ones left. I shook my head and faced Mom.  "My, No! I can't. I'll pass this semester. I don't want to study in a school like that." "Lychie, I'll talk to Chaster. Finish your food and go to your room." Mom said and smiled. Mommy left and I was left behind. I kicked the table and stood up. I followed Mommy and Daddy until I met a maid walking in my direction.  "Why didn't you tell me that they were both coming today?!" I hissed and walked straight forward. I peeked out on the balcony and saw Mommy and Daddy there. I looked for a place where I could hear them so I could know what their plans were for me. I saw Mom hugging Dad. Please, Mom. Convince Dad. "Chaster, Can you forgive your daughter? She told me that she will pass this semester." "Danny, You saw it. You heard it too. I understand you but Lizette won't change if we always tolerate her. I'll transfer her to Anastasia. Wasn't that the school where you and Landon ended up?" Anastasia? That's where Avis studies!  "But I don't know Lizette will agree to that." "I don't need her opinion, Danny. Let's discipline our child, please? I know Landon will also agree with this." I was annoyed. I pushed the vase forward and immediately ran to my bedroom. I locked the door and jumped on my bed. I wish Daddy Lucas was here. I guarantee! He'll never make me do non-sense things like this.  It's 11 PM but I can't sleep. There's a lot of questions popping out in my head. How can I manage to study at that school? What if I saw Avis? I can't afford to face her. How about my friends? "Lychie, are you asleep?" I heard the door open and saw Dad enter. I wiped my tears and pretended to sleep. I didn't answer and waited for Dad to go out. The door closed and I saw him leave a piece of paper in the closet. I stood up and combed my hair. I took the paper on the table and read it aloud. "Anastasia High Admission." They were serious. Dad must be kidding me! It's Monday morning. I went down to the kitchen and was surprised to see Daddy in the living room having coffee. Wasn't he going to work? As far as I know, they will only stay for a night. It's only a week but it's rare. I went to the kitchen for breakfast. My maid prepared my uniform. I picked it up and saw Anastasia High School in the patch. Am I not going into Foster anymore? How about my friends there? My popularity?!  "Dad. You can't do this!" I said and stomped. "If you want me to study there, I won't come to school anymore," I added. He stood up and faced me. "Then follow Jacob to the states." "No!" I murmured and crossed my arms. I bent down and immediately approached Daddy. I hugged him and begged.  "Dad, please. I'll make sure. I'll do everything to pass," I begged.  "Then, do it at Anastasia." "And how long will I stay there?" "If you pass this quarter, I'll take you back to Foster. Just pass this quarter and everything will be back to normal." Dad replied and I immediately shook my head.  "Where's Mom?" "She prepared your school requirements for Anastasia. Don't waste your mom's effort. We'll be back at 5 PM. Make sure you're here before 6." "And you're not going away? Meaning you're going to stay here?" "Yes. We're going home every single day." Dad answered that made my eyebrows cross. Oh, nuts!  I'm currently in my powder room while wearing the uniform that Dad ordered me to wear. Wasn't it too cheap? I'm itching because of the fabric. I combed my hair and irritatedly threw my comb on the floor. I'm so irritated. I have no idea how to commute. I don't even know how to take a taxi.  I looked at my account balance to call for a service. Dad cut off all of my cards. He only gave me three hundred. What can I buy with these? A comb?  I went out the gate and searched the map on the way so I could go to Anastasia. I arrived on a highway full of smoke and beeping cars. It's so hot to walk here and I can feel my viscosity already. For sure, I'll take a bath using milk when I get home. Swear.  My first class begins at nine and It's now eight thirty. Lots of people were waiting on the side of the road. I was in the back and waiting for the car to stop in front of me. I saw some public transportation called jeep or whatever the name was. I haven't ridden in there in my whole life.  I blew my bangs off when I saw the time on my wristwatch. It's eight fifty. I can't be late or their first impression about me will always still be the same. I immediately stopped the taxi and it stopped as I wished for. I was about to board but someone else came in and left quickly. What the hell ?! It's disrespectful! I came here first!  I stood up and was barely used to the weight of my bag. Why does Dad want me to experience this? I just sat on the side and rested there. I wiped my sweat and so did my tears. I'm late! It's already nine o'clock. If I didn't come to school today, for sure I wouldn't be able to return to Foster. Should I call Dad  and tell him that I can't make it?  I wiped my sweat and braced myself. I was relieved to see someone wearing the same patch as mine. I immediately ran to him to see what he would do to get to school. He was also in a hurry so I quickened my pace to catch up with him. He disappeared from my sight so I just stomped in annoyance.  Suddenly a taxi stopped in front of me. I opened the door but I saw my schoolmate earlier and we were both holding the handle. "Excuse me, I came here first," I said seriously. He just looked at me for a few seconds and got into the taxi. I was left on the highway without a ride. I stood there like I was lost. Well, I am. I don't know how to commute. In my 17 years of existence, I have never done this before. Even if I call Daddy Lucas to come here, I can't make it to school. He has to prepare his schedule and fix his appointment first before coming to me.  I picked up my phone and called Azhter. My closest and best cousin among all. Well, he's just my cousin. He's not answering his phone and must be busy with his basketball practice again. He's gonna be kidding me.  "Hey." Someone called me so I suddenly turned around. I saw my schoolmate come back. He glared at me and lowered the taxi's window. "If you want to stand there for the rest of your life, you're not gonna be able to make it at school." I was encouraged and quickly got into the taxi. I closed the door and it suddenly slammed shut. It was exhausting. I stood on the highway for almost thirty minutes.  "Excuse me, Sir. If you wouldn't mind, Can you take me to Anastasia High School, please?" I said and handed over my money, three hundred pesos. My schoolmate immediately took my hand and lowered it down . "Look at the meter. You'll only pay when we're already there." He said and returned the money to me.  "That's amazing. How much is the fare?" "Maybe at 200. That depends. Just look." He replied. I removed my bag to wipe away my sweat. It's very hot outside. I have never sweated like this except when there's volleyball training every after-school. I looked at my wristwatch and it was 9:15.  "Aren't you late?" I asked.  "I am." He said while frowning. I tied my hair up and didn’t realize my ID had fallen on the floor of the taxi. My schoolmate took it and put it in my backpack.  "Hey, here we go." He says, I got out of the taxi and so did he. He's waiting for my fare because we have to split the bill in half. I couldn't see my money so he glared at me. He took a deep breath and paid for our fare. He immediately ran and left me at the school gate.  "Wait, Hey—" I haven't finished my sentence. I looked at my palm where I had already found my money. He's really in a hurry. Well, I also should be. I pulled out my schedule and searched for my room. It's difficult to find a room. It's my first time in this school. I don't know anybody. I went to my class and they were all looking at me. I think I'm around thirty minutes late. I observed the entire room and it's hot. There is no aircon and the floor wasn't tilted.  The teacher looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Hi and Good Morning, I'm sorry I'm late." I greeted.  I went inside and sat on that vacant seat. It's different. How can I manage to study here? Someone came in from outside and that's the schoolmate guy I was with earlier. Wait, we're classmates? "I'm sorry. It's traffic." He said and headed to where I was sitting. My classmates were looking at us so I turned to them too.  "What's your problem?" I asked him. Was it about the fare that I forgot to pay? "That's my seat," he replied. I immediately stood up and handed him the chair. My fault, I thought it was vacant. "I'm sorry." My teacher looked at us so I averted my eyes. "Make sure to fill up the slip, Mr. Mercado. And you, New Girl. Please, introduce yourself and fill up the slip with Phillip." Phillip? That's his name?  I went to the front and saw the faces of my future classmates. I saw one of Avis' teammates in the back and for sure she already knew me. Her arms were crossed and her eyes were glued on me. Gosh, I called them losers yesterday. What if they retaliate against me? I can't afford to lose my background.  "Hi, I'm Lizette Kryzion Flores. You can call me Lizette." "So you're from Foster University?" The teacher asked so I nodded. I heard my classmates murmuring my name. "You can sit beside Ms. Isaiah," she ordered. I saw that girl Isaiah raised her hand so I went beside her. I can still hear others talking about my name. Can't they lower it down? It's so obvious.  "Wasn't she the captain of Foster U's volleyball team? Did she drop out or maybe she was expelled because of her ugly behavior?" Then I heard them all laugh. I sighed and looked at them. They stopped the conversation when they saw me staring. They are all Avis' friends. Avis is also popular just like me. We have different attitudes. There are a lot of differences. I can say that she's friendly and well-dedicated. But I just hate her. I hate everything about her! Someone grabbed my shoulder and threw a piece of paper at me. I massaged my forehead and threw it back. They did it again so I finally looked back.  "Stop it," I said clearly. They repeat it over and over again. That's why I lose my patience.  "I said stop it! Stop bothering me!" I shouted irritatedly. Everyone looked at me, including our teacher. I took the paper that was thrown at me. The teacher ordered me to stand up so I have no choice.  It's not my fault! Why are they all blaming me? I opened the note and read what was written on the paper.  "LOSER." I closed my eyes and saw them grinning. They all looked back so I got curious. I saw Phillip confidently raising his hand. The teacher also ordered him to stand up and asked what his problem was. "It's not her fault," he commenced, making everyone stare at him. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Am I wrong, new girl?" He asked, causing me to drop the paper with the word loser.

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