Tough decisions

1726 Words
"Yvonne Beeman" “River, where are you?' I tried communicating with my wolf, who didn't reply my first question. “I'm sorry for not being strong enough to protect you,” She replied, wryly. “We'll be fine, okay?” I tried to reassure her. 'No, we won't, we won't be fine, as a matter of fact, we can never be fine, until we leave this dungeon!!! I have begged you to leave this place, let's run away, but you never listen,” River vented. “We have no place to go, dad will not accept us in his house and even if he does, his wife will make it more difficult for us, till the alpha comes back and find us there,” I tried explaining this same reason I gave her for the umpteenth time. “We can go somewhere far, somewhere he will not be able to find us and begin a new life there,” She implored. “How do we survive? We barely...” I was still talking when River cut in. “Fine, suit yourself,” She said and closed the mind link. I tried in vain to reach her, till we got home. When I got home, I heard that Irene was imprisoned for advising the Luna to disobey the alpha. I wanted to go and see her, but I wasn't allowed. The warden in charge said it was the Alpha's command that nobody visited her, especially, not me. It was really important I listen to River and leave this place, else the people I love would suffer unnecessarily and I will lose my sanity. After having a wash, I went to the kitchen, to prepare something for the Alpha to eat for when he came back. I was barely half way through, when I perceived the Alpha's pheromones and my lips parted in silent terror. I was scared to death of what he would do to me when he burst into the kitchen to meet me. "You!!!" He roared, making my knees shake weakly. He walked up to where I was standing, opened the pot with which I was cooking and shoved my right hand into the cooking pot and in an instant my eyes bulging from their sockets and I screamed in anguish as I felt an excruciating burn, a result of my hand being plunged in the steaming water. "No, this won't do," he screamed and freed my hand. He paused for a while, looking at nowhere in particular, I guess he was mind linking his thugs to come and pick me up. While I was still pondering on what he would do next to me, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to our bedroom, where I met Irene naked on the bed, our matrimonial bed! My jaw dropped as I couldn't believe my eyes. "Would you rather I make love to her or cut off her throat for making you disobey my command?" The Alpha asked like my opinion mattered. "You know you are the Luna and it's best for us to make decisions together," he grinned, a fair amount of sarcasm oozing in his tone as he ran his fingers through his hair. "It- It wasn't her fault. She didn't, she didn't tell-" I kept stuttering when the alpha screamed abruptly and I saw myself trembling at his voice. "Decide her fate!! This is your punishment for being irresponsible," he roared. I didn't want any of those things he said to befall my sweet Irene, but I had no other option but to make a decision that won't end her in the grave. "Ma-Make love to her, my Alpha." I cried in a suffocated whisper as I pleading with Irene through the mind link. "Then sit down and watch," The Alpha smirked. "I'd rather die than allow this happen," Irene whimpered, her voice cracked, trying to stand on her feet but all she got was a violent smack from the alpha for her troubles. I watched as the Alpha rip her dress to shreds and in a brief tussle, he was in her, thrusting in and out of Irene in my presence and moaning in pleasure as his kisses ran from neck to her breast, while hot tears poured down her eyes. I could feel my body grow tense to the point of shaking and all I could do was stand rigid with terror, too overwhelmed to move as I watched the only woman who had shown me an atom of kindness being defiled. The fact that this was entirely my fault and there wasn’t a thing I could do help her broke me. I felt another kind of pain, a kind of pain I had never felt in my entire lifetime. It was so excruciating that I started throwing up. After about thirty minutes of pumping in and out of Irene, turning however which way he pleased, Alpha Storm retreated and went to the bathroom to wash up. I looked up and saw the mess he had left. Irene was a virgin and she had been ripped off her innocence because of me. I felt guilty, why did I involve her in my business? Why did I tell her my problems earlier today? I crawled to where she laid, transfixed on the bed, to plead with her, but I couldn't find the words. All I could do was stare at her pale face and tears freely fell off my eyes. "It's not your fault, it was never your fault." Irene muttered weakly, to reassure me, but it wasn't working as guilt took the better part of me. "I- I'm- Sorry Irene," I managed to say, but Irene threw her gown on, leaving her bra and panties behind as she ran out of the room. "Remember, it wasn't your fault, my Luna," she said, as she limped through the door. I was still sobbing in pains when the alpha came out of the bathroom to meet me. "My beautiful beloved Luna," he said and started kissing me without my permission that left me utterly repulsed. I tried to shrug him off, but he carried and placed me on the same bed he just committed a vile deed some few minutes ago. He ripped off my clothes and placed his huge member in my p***y. After having me to his satisfaction, Alpha Storm placed kisses on my neck, stood up and went to the bathroom again. I waited for him to finish using the bathroom, before going in. I managed to wash off the stinking smell of alpha Storm from my body, after which I put on nice clothes with intentions of leaving the pack as I couldn't take it anymore. When I got outside the house, I was met with a hysteric crowd and became unsettled, wanting to know what the fuss was about. "What is going on?" I asked the next person I saw running. "It's Irene... She killed herself," Was the reply I got and in an instance, I could feel my body became impossibly still as my blood ran cold in sheer terror. "What! How? Where!!?" I exclaimed, as I couldn't believe what I just heard. "Oh my God... Where is she?" I questioned, shaking an innocent werewolf like he was the cause of my problems. "She was taken to the evil forest at the command of the Alpha," he said and I ran towards the evil forest. I wanted to see Irene one last time in the land of the living, before joining her in the great beyond as dying with her was the best thing I could do and the only option I had in the world. I ran as fast as my weak legs could carry me and when I got to the evil forest, I saw no one. I walked deep into the forest to search for the people sent to bury her, but I couldn't find anyone. I decided to take my miserable life there in the evil forest, as I had nothing left in the world. Irene killed herself because of me, but she did it in a noble place, I should kill myself here, so when I meet her in the great beyond, she will appreciate how much I respected her. I walked around, looking for something I could use to end my miserable life, until I saw a very sharp wood and picked it up. I knew I would heal easily if I stabbed myself with it, so it was pointless. I was about throwing it away when I looked up and saw wolfsbane plant and went to pluck it. I hate full moon festival days, it has never favored me. Mom died on a full moon festival day, I was given as a means of payment to the brutal Alpha Storm on a full moon festival day, the one I call my mate forced himself on the only friend I had in the world and she ended her own life on the full moon festival day. I curse the full moon festival day, it shall not be well with today. “Please Yvonne, don't do this, you shouldn't do this, it's not the solution to our problems,” My wolf cried out to me through our mind link, but it was too late as my mind was already made up. Seeing that I didn't give her any response, River made an attempt to take control of my body in a desperate effort to stop me, but I started eating the wolfsbane leaves and she became weak. I ate a significant amount of the leaves despite its odd taste. I was already too weak from eating the wolfsbane, when I used the sharp stick I was holding to stab my stomach with the last strength I had left. “Yvonne...” she coughed. “How could you?” she cried and lost her consciousness. River could have easily survived the wolfsbane, if it was given to us by someone else, but because I ate it in my own and she lost the will power to fight for us. I closed my eyes to welcome the darkness that accompanied my brutal action. I knew I was going to die, but I deserved it, what else should be done to a person like me?
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