
My First Love


My First Love is dead.My father is not my real father.I have to choose one,my past or present.I choose my present and lost my first love again.This world is so mean.I am loosing everything.I want to be alone forever.I want to be a painter.

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Where is my hero?
It was late at night.Four people were chasing a boy.The boy was very tired and injured. He ran and reached an old factory.He went there and hid .Then those people started looking for him.All of them had guns.The boy was very brave, but at that time it was better to hide because he had to live to protect his love.But those people found him and started to beat him badly.And when one of them was about to kill him with gun , a beautiful girl came and stopped them.That girl starts crying and begs them not to kill him. GIRL:(Please don't kill him.Let him go). One of the MANS:(Hey, little girl, run away if you want to stay alive). BOY:(Hey, you need to go.I will be okay. You leave.You have to live for me). Other MAN:(Enough . Now kill him). GIRL:(Don't . I am not going anywhere). BOY:(Don't be so stubborn.I am not gonna die. I will always be alive in your heart .Please go). The girl nodded in no while, tears pouring from her eyes. MAN:(So boring .Have a nice journey.GOOD BYE). The man aimed at the boy's heart and shot him.The girl standing in the distance screamed. GIRL:(Roy. Noooo.....). Then the men started to walk toward that girl .But the girl was standing still looking at her love dying. She didn't care at all that those men were coming to kill her. That boy's eyes were filled with tears,blood coming from his mouth and then he slowly closed his eyes with a smile on his face. After the death of that boy, those men also shot that girl.Then everything went black out. A girl gets up from her bed and starts pressing her shoulder.There was a tattoo(love loyalty sign) on her shoulder that started to glow and the girl started to feel pain.This girl's name was Aika, who had just waken up from a nightmare. AIKA:(Ohh! What a nightmare. By the way,I have seen this dream every day , so why do I get scared every time?Why don't I remember that boy's face?I only remember his teary eyes. And who was that girl? She was looking beautiful from the back. This dream is so strange.Ahh, whatever it is).Looking at the time.(Oh no I am late). Then Aika put on her uniform and a woman(maid) came and inspected her, making sure that she looked perfect. AIKA:(Am I looking okay?). The women nodded yes. AIKA:(You can go now .Thanks for helping me.) The women went.Ever since the maid came to Aika ,she was expressionless.Aika was the daughter of a rich family.She was bound by strict rules.She was not allowed to hang out with friends.Now she is in her last year of college and today is her first day of last year.She came downstairs, her parents were already waiting for her.She apologized to her parents for coming late.Aika's dad(Mr. Dune) stared at her and he didn't say a word.Aika went to college with her driver.On the way to college she asked her driver to stop the car. I would walk to college by myself(In this way no one can suspect that she is rich).While walking towards college she started to think, why don't my parents love me?For them, money is more important than me?Am I always going to be alone?I wonder where my hero would be? A helicopter landed at the same college to which Aika went.A boy with a tall height, muscular body ,sexy eyes and a killing smile, came out of that helicopter.His friends, Fatty,Tom,Alen and Zeng welcomed him.That boy name was Jion, who was as rich as Aika.Every girl was going crazy at him but he didn't give lift to anyone.When he came to the lecture room he saw Aika sitting alone. Then he sat behind her with his friends. His friends were continuously asking him about his training.But Jion was busy looking at Aika.Then Aika's friend came, whose name was Rinda.Rinda started talking with Aika that have you heard about the new boy who just came.Then Aika said that he's sitting behind you.And when Rinda looked behind she went crazy but she didn't speak a word to him.She was very shy.She then ask Aika that now she should also have a boyfriend because its the last year of college.At that time Jion was telling his friends about his training. In the recess, Aika was having her lunch when three rich girls came and started to bully her.They were asking Aika to stand up from here and find another place to sit.A boy came to those girls and asked them not to bully her. He said that he would give them his place but those girls weren't ready to listen to anyone.Then Aika got angry and she started fighting with those girls.Some other boys came to stop the fight but they also got injured by Aika. Then, finally Aika stopped fighting.She went outside with Rinda.The news of the fight spread throughout the whole college.And when Jion came to know about the fight, he turned out very excited to find out more about Aika. Aika's left hand was also injured during the fight. Jion ask his friends to tell him about that girl.Tom said: she is beautiful but of such a cold nature.Fatty said: but she is nice to me.Zeng said: I only like her fighting skills, the way she protects herself.Alen said: do you guys remember when a boy confess his love to her and the way she rejected him.Jion said: Ouch that was hurting.Tom said:wait..don't tell me that you are into her.Jion said: nooo..I am not.I was just ahhh... never mind.I only love to play with girls, just a time pass.I don't actually fall in love.Alen said: now you are back our gang is complete you know THE HEART STEALERS. Jion said: yeah I remember it.From tomorrow we are gonna have so much fun.At the end of the day when Aika was going toward her car which was a few meters away from college she noticed that someone was following her.So she try to fooled that person and got into her car safely.Jion sent that person to keep an eye on her.When Aika came home she rest for few hours and then she gets ready to go to take her taekwondo class.The takewondo club was in Aika's college but in the evening she always came in her car because at that time there were only few students but they cannot suspect her.And on the other side Jion was helping his father in his business because in near future Jion was about to hold his father's place and he has to work with his partner.But yet he don't know who is his business partner.Jion's father(Mr. Eddie) said that he is gonna tell him about his partner later.AT the end of the day, Aika wished that her next day would go well. On the next day, when Aika went to college and opened her locker, there was a letter from THE HEART STEALERS which said that come to us we need to talk......

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