
Living writer forever and eternally .

poor to rich

Optimistic human is the best change we want to make but the pesmistic is against for daily activities. That could make the decision of dividing people in three categories. Thirst is the stuff who have all authority to overcome the obstacles in life, they pay in life, they move from any planets to other planets, ones among them can jump , Eventually with their families according to the power of children. Second, they are people to live a good life without any activities in life like paying in life using the stuff treasure, they have any authority after death for their savings. The third are people who like war against the stuff, when they fail they have nothing in stuff, this is a principle of humanity. As a human grow in hard situation, to understand it is very necessary because of love of humanity.If the power of death and illness exist, that is something to maintain in a big change for new Constitution. We have to build this Earth ,even though it is in the contradiction but in God we trust.The love of our family constitute the topic of friendship that every human must consider for their existence . Some think that the rest of our people is only on their results of good work . Knowing that the good action begins with self to improve the actions of other people. The power of children and the power of self times are the big circonstancy that we want to develop for our well being and for the environment. What we do must change even though there is an opposite. None can't ignore the opposite but we must to work hard for more.A good entrepreneur is someone who knows the two sides where he can fail and where he gain. That is the managerial stand up but the sitting down follows the regurality of letting be free. Our freedom is not a joke but is something we are going to give promotion and all necessities for empowering our stuff without forgetting the good actions made by somebody to free our thoughts. The principle of dialogue is unknown and the news ones must begin to do what is real and not false .Oh ,what happened to people who prefer the unending war and bad repetitions. The new existence must be respected to overcome the obstacles met in our stuff. Being sure by ourselves is our gun which must conduct us in the good times of Victory against ennemies. If some one is against us automatically he is our ennemies and we must know what prelogatives we must take. This is my first report I want to publish through this opportunity and I consider it as my perpetual work by it I must live. The Heavenly father exist and we obey for this big opportunity we have on this Earth. Thanks! The continuity is a big place I must take to be the first on doing a good work . My computer and my phone are the things I must use to do my office .Even the homework pass through them.The emergency exist to take a good decision and it is my case study.For these ones I will remain on the top of my stuff using multiple treasure I will get. All I have must be the things to use in my best job I like eventually with my opportunity to satisfy the needs of my family. May God bless our people eternally. I thank to all who have helped me to do this work and I want to give them the thankful remembering their names forever.When we fall in love ,it means we are in possibility of doing all necessities in our life. The circonstancy the n which we live are the best opportunity to fall in love .More we give, more we get, More we loose ,more we become stronger by knowing that the life is a big fighting we must win. Absolutely the fear come to others but the time exige the accomplishment of any works we had proposed for a good understanding and well being of all humanity. The books of peace I like to do the best work. Good things by their existence ,it is the leadership of opinion we want to manifest by publishing a similar work .Our honorable job ,we like and give thanks to whom it may concern. Our days and our times to be the best aids we obtain in doing such writings. That will be forever and eternally in our life stuff.I am very glad for my post which I will do all my possiblity to maintain it. Even though each beginning is very hard but I think it will be in our will to present the favourable work with it we must gain the bread of life by using this principle I may present by using this book. Glory to God who give me this opportunity to do whatever I want in the life of our people and for whole stuff. Eventually the power of existence is the best way to arrive at the top of our considerable work I may present now as the beginning of new Constitution we are going to vote .Where is peace, there is abondanycy of anything we want. These are the drinkable words I may present to whole humanity. Hello coworkers , congratulations for your good work. I congrate the Demi Gods for their sutenancy day and night. May be the great blessing in the name of our Victory. The prayers begins by myself forever and eternally.Go

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