
Hallows: The Golden Viper

opposites attract

Hallows Vol. 4

The Blackstones welcome you back to the Haunted Mansion.

B.B. and Delilah come face to face with their biggest challenge yet, Mom and Dad. Ashley and Dante try to keep the Viper and the Black Mamba from tearing each other apart as the City of Hellbourne waits patiently for their next champion.

Plagued with the memories of everything she's lost, B.B. struggles to keep up with her six mates as well as her new responsibilities as Merciful Death. The only peace she finds is buried in ruins of old Hellbourne. Determined to get rid of hunters once and for all, B.B. turns her attention to David Espinosa and the Church of Light.

Delilah is a Viper of many secrets. Her resurrection came with many complications and her only memories of being human are taking care of her sweet little sister. The same little sister who wants nothing more than to take over the world and establish Hallows of the supreme race. Refusing to accept that her little sister is no longer the sweet innocent girl who wanted change the world for the better, B.B. and Delilah clash in a battle for dominance over the Hell Stone.

B.B. doesn't know that Delilah is hiding the truth about her resurrection and as the two sisters get closer to their goals, Delilah finds it harder and harder to keep the truth to herself and her family. A truth that might claim what little humanity remains inside of Belladonna Blackstone.

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In This Moment- The In-Between  B.B.:  The music is blasting from inside the cafe. Opening night couldn't be more perfect even if Carson had forced everyone here to show up for Lucien's big night. The entire street is filled with cars and there's still a huge line of people waiting to get inside out on the sidewalk. Stacy made it a rule, once you leave you can't go back inside and I love watching the big security guys tell people to f**k off bellow. It's hilarious.  "There's a party going on inside and you're up here. All alone with a pretty joint," my dad sits next to me. "Hurrah for you emo girl. This is peak socializing for you,"  "This is going to be every weekend for the next two years of my life," I smile inhaling a huge puff of smoke, and then hand it to him.  "Yeah, but day one is a celebration," he shrugs. "You should be enjoying it with your sister and your friends,"  "I'm waiting for midnight," I tell him.  "What happens at midnight?" he asks worriedly.  "Lucien sings,"  "Ah," he waves me off disinterested. "Are we going to talk about the fact that he attacked your mother?" he glares at me playfully. "Lucien Daniels,"  "No," I laugh. "She baited him into it. Did you have this talk with her too?"  "I had it when she told me she was on her way and then again right after the seven of you went into your room," he says that last part with a growl.  "We just hung out for a little while and then they all went to their rooms, except for Lucien. We share mine, apparently. Half the s**t in my closet is his," not that I care. I mean at first, I would watch him march into my room and just drop on the bed and it would alarm me. No one ever walked into my room like that, except for me.  "Is that fair to the others?" he instigates. This is my beloved father. Always trying to start s**t.  "Honestly, the only one that comes home every night is Carson," I shrug. "And he likes his privacy. He sleeps with Lucien and me on the nights when his night terrors get the best of him,"  "I'd hate to know what kind of terrors keep a guy like him up at night," he hands me the pink joint. "What does this one do?"  "Pair it with vodka and find out," I smirk and offer him a handful of tiny Grey Goose bottles from my purse.  He lets out a throaty laugh and tucks them into his pocket. He takes the one in my hand and opens it up. I roll my eyes at him as he drinks it. I grab another one. He leans over me to look into my bag and then laughs when he sees it's still pretty full. I rarely drink but I have been sneaking some since Mom arrived. Just to keep the shaking at a minimum. I'm actually glad she's not here f*****g up my high with her presence alone.  "Why do you have all that booze in there?"  "Delilah and Carson put me on a budget and shots inside are-" I snort. "I don't know how much shots inside are. Vic stole these from the back room for me. Well fed my tolerance is really high," "He's in a great mood," he smirks.  "Yeah, he and Carson just snagged the keys to New City," a lot of people died for that.  The amount of power we're all walking around with right now is insane. Those who are hunting us know. They feel it just as much as the supernatural and we're just getting started. I mean half of us still have a whole year of high school left and we're topping the most-wanted lists in the nation. They have no idea who or what we are. They just know we mean business and they're standing by waiting for us to make our move. To who will stand against us. "What? You're expanding? How far?" he asks. I watch as the smoke in his mouth dances up into his nose before he releases it into the warm night air.  "Cali, Oregon, and Old Town. For now,"  "You're not afraid of getting caught?" he smirks.  "No," I scoff. "And even if we did, what are they going to do? Call my dad?"  "Lock you up, you tiny f**k head," he laughs and bumps my head. We stay silent for a bit.  "Mom made contact with Demetria," I inform him. He looks over at me.  "How do you know that?"  "Felicity, Lucien's main familiar is watching her," I look up and hold my hand out. A shadow swoops down and her little claws land on the sleeve of my jacket. I perch her up on my knee and offer her a Slim Jim. She takes it in her beautifully polished beak. Lucien loves pampering her. "Felicity, this is my dad,"  "Wow, she's huge," he says reaching out to caress her back. She lets him.  "Very friendly as well. Like Lucien," I agree.  "I think we know very different versions of Lucien, baby," he smiles.  "Maybe," I grin giving Felicity a chin scratch.  "Are you supposed to be giving the bird that?" he asks when she takes the Slim Jim in her claws to rip pieces off. Such a little princess.  "They're her favorite. Emelio likes mangos. And Chibi Usa likes Cheetos," I shrug. I mean they're demons. I doubt a little processes meat is going to hurt her.  "Uh-" "Emelio is Ro's crow. Chibi is Vic's," I explain.  "Tony named his crow Birdie," he smirks. "I only ever named my snake. It wasn't until I died that I felt close to them. They were there with me when no one else was,"  "I think we named them for the same reason. We love hanging out together. Even the guys, but for the most part we all do our own thing. Our familiars listen as long as we listen to them. We're all partners,"  "Can we talk about the plans in your room?" he says after a while. I look over at him and nod.  "What do you want to know?"  "For starters, robots?"  "Yeah, I've been working on that project for a while, and after helping Ray. It just felt so good to finish something and I jumped back in to finish them,"  "You're working on a lot of things, B.B. I know you love to keep busy but you're going to burn yourself out. I've been there, Pinky. It's not going to end well. You can end up hurting someone. What are you hiding?"  "Nothing," I say honestly. "I'm just... worried. Remy is all over the place. Eve is on high alert at all times but I think that's because you guys are around. She's been wry of Delilah as well. She likes being around Mun but Delilah herself is off. I keep dreaming about her,"  "Do you have nightmares?" he asks. I look over at him.  "Yeah, when I'm asleep and when I'm awake," I nod. "It sometimes makes me zone out. It's why I don't like to drive. Why I've been trying to keep a low profile sort to speak,"  "What do you see?"  "Delilah,"  "On the chandelier?"  "Yeah, I hadn't for a long time. Since she came back but for the past couple of weeks, it's been back. The guys think it's because I've been unnecessarily stressing myself out but that's the thing. I'm not. I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary and I'm feeding properly. I think it's her,"  "Delilah?" he asks skeptically.  "Yeah, she's not sleeping. I snuck into her room and there are Enochian symbols carved all over the place. Candles and weird s**t. Weird voodoo s**t I was using to help Ray and she's not talking to us about any of it. We wouldn't even know if I hadn't needed my boots back,"  "How do you know it's not the demon?"  "Ash is cool. He was the one that let me into the room. Call me crazy but he looks worried himself,"  "Why didn't you ask him what was going on?"  "You want me to ask a demon overlord what the f**k he and my sister are doing in their private quarters? I'm not that brave," I shake my head. He laughs.  "Pinky, I think you should talk to Ashley about this,"  "Dad," I groan.  "Baby, I know you didn't want to ever see her again. I know that she f****d up really bad and that you've been paying for it from the moment it happened. But it doesn't mean she's not living with the consequences of her actions. You have an opportunity here. She's going to be around. We both are. If you two fight every time we show up-"  "Dad, are you trying to talk me into compromising with your wife?" I laugh. He clears his throat and then nods.  "I know. This is a first for me too," he smirks. "It's just something I want you to think about. For me?"  "The little girl with you guys,"  "Not a little girl," he sighs. "I mean she is right now. She hasn't fed yet. Rebecca is War. She died when she was nine years old in an era where people rode their horses and swords into battle. She was a princess and was married off to some prince to unite their houses and he had his mistress kill her. It happens. She doesn't look like that back home," "Rebecca," I shake my head. "So, she's like what? Your girlfriend?"  "More your mom's best friend and well she's-" he pauses and laughs. "Please, don't make me tell you. I don't like the fact that she looks like a little girl and is playing Mommy with your mom. That's one of War's abilities. To manipulate people into s**t so they go to war. Ash is still working on blocking us all out but I think she's secretly enjoying it,"  "Thank you for not blurting it out," I bump him. Progress. I think.  "B.B.," we both look back to see Natalie coming up the fire escape. A burst of black butterflies flutters around her and she screams wrapping her arm around the metal ladder trying to fight them off. "Stacy! I swear to f**k!"  "What's up Big B?" Stacy materializes next to me. "Mr. Blackstone,"  "Miss Whitmore," he greets her. "You have more control of yourself,"  "B.B. and I train together," she boasts and then turns to me. "Lucien wants you,"  "It's eleven oh two," I say looking down at my watch.  "Yeah, he's on in forty," Natalie runs up and swings her arm to try and slap Stacy on her back as hard as she can but Stacy instantly dematerializes and Natalie slips and falls onto my lap. She rematerializes on her back.  "I told you not to f**k with me when we're drunk," Stacy sings and starts to laugh.  "Get off me you tiny ginger b***h," Natalie rolls off of me and lands on the floor with a thud. "Is this Grey Goose?" she asks and reaches into my purse. "Thank you,"  "Me too," Stacy grabs a handful. "We should add these to Thursday nights,"  "What happens Thursday nights?" my dad asks.  "Girl's night," the three of us answer.  "f**k," he laughs. "I'd hate to be around for that,"  "We had to cancel last week on account of Thompson killing a girl via sucking the soul out of her v****a," Natalie explains. I look over at my dad to see him trying to process what just came out of her mouth and I am not disappointed by his wide-eyed expression. "Then this week, Mrs. B took me and Del on a little stake out,"  They all look at me and I'm completely unsure why.  "What?" I ask.  "You're not going to tell us off for leaving you?" Stacy asks.  "No, Ro let me buff his nails while he was on the phone with his dad. I am ashamed to say that my boyfriend takes care of his hands better than I do. We tried to do Vic's but he said if he wanted baby princess hands he'd have them,"  "Are his hands rough?" Stacy smirks.  "Yeah, he's always fighting and lifting s**t. Can't sit still to save his life," I pick up my purse and tuck it into my arm. I toss Natalie another tiny bottle. "I'm going to go give some of these to Lucien in hopes he opens up a mosh pit,"  "Delilah said no mosh pits," Stacy laughs.  "Delilah said she wasn't going to help her mom scout the reaper but here we both are," I shrug.  "Dammit," Natalie growls.  "Yes, I win," Stacy jumps up and down clapping.  "She got us both, Phantom," my dad takes money out of his pocket and hands it to Stacy. I glare at my dad who glares right back. What would he even need money for? He's f*****g dead. "You should have just kept walking,"  "I thought I knew her, Uncle Danny," Natalie sighs.  I slide down the ladder and prepare myself to go inside. I can hear the music blasting and the people screaming. A boney hand covers mine as I place my hand on the door to push it open. I look over at Remy.  "You want to go hunting now?" I ask her annoyed. She shakes her head and turns around. I pull away to see Delilah's snake leaving. Eve materializes next to us. "f**k," I look back at the door. This isn't something that happens often. Ever since Ro and Ahsan came back from Mexico, Eve and Remy haven't been on good terms. So, whatever this is, it's big. "I'm sorry, Luc,"  I step onto Eve's back and crouch to keep my balance in case she goes fast. She gets a little excited when I give her the attention she wants. I let her lead me to where they want to go. Eve and Remy never go out like this together. Eve is usually with Carson. My purse begins to vibrate once there's some distance between me and the cafe. I take my phone out to see it's the devil himself. I swear the universe punishes me when I think of him knowing he's going to be pissed about me going out on my own.  "Princess, Lucien wants to see you before he gets on," Carson says before I can get a word out.  "I know, sweetie but something is going on with Rem and Eve,"  "What? B.B. please tell me you're not alone," he growls.  "I'm fine. I promise. I'll be back as soon as I can. I have my guns. I'll be back as fast as I can,"  "She's not coming," Carson says. "Baby, no, no, no," Lucien takes his phone.  "Luc, I am really sorry. I was going down but Remy and Eve-"  "Okay," he stops me. "they don't get along. B.B. I don't like this," we come to a stop behind the school where I found Ro the night he became a Crow. "B.B.?"  "Shh," I hush him. I lean into Eve and listen to my surroundings as she wraps her tail around me to give me better cover. She slowly maneuvers herself around the trees without compromising either of us.  Up ahead is Delilah's snake. She's coiled up in a bush trying her best to be as small as possible. Not far from her are two parked cars. Espinosa's Hellcat and an Aston Martin. Eve takes us closer to my sister's snake. Jörmungandr looks over at me and then turns his attention back to the cars. I take the face mask Ahsan got me and put it on as climb over the golden viper to get closer to the cars trying to stay as small as I possibly can to stay out of sight. He says the mask helps muffle my breathing or any low sounds I might make involuntarily.  "B.B.?" Lucien whispers.  "I'm okay. I'll call you back," I hang up. I feel a hot flare in my chest and I feel him coming towards me. No not Lucien one of the other two crows. I can't tell them apart yet but I do know Lucien's warmth is the hotest and this isn't it. "Commissioner," a woman comes out of the Aston Martin.  A hand covers my mouth over the mask but I don't move a muscle. I look back at Ro and roll my eyes. If he had been a threat neither snake would have let him come close. I kind of figured Lucien wasn't going to let me stay here alone. I put my index finger to my lips. He lets go and leans into me. His nose nuzzling the base of my neck. I bite down on my lips to keep myself from giggling when he starts nibbling on my ear. "Demi. What are you doing here?" Espinosa climbs out of his car and the two of them embrace in a hug. His tone is accusatory but playful at the same time. Ro lifts me a little so I'm sitting on his lap. I try to ignore him as his hands roam around my body freely.  "Headquarters called me in," she answers. "They think you're getting soft on the girl,"  "Delilah just came back from the dead," he says with a groan.  "We can care less about Delilah. We want the little one. Passe wants to know what's taking so long,"  "She's heavily guarded," he tells her as if it annoys him. "She's got three devils and three murders watching her at all times. Add the rest of her stone and a dozen demons,"  "How could you let that happen, David?" she growls at him. "You had one f*****g job,"  "Yeah, well you should have kept a f*****g leash on Terra. You said you had the grimoire Delilah used to power up B.B. How did they get their hands on it again?"  "We never had it," she sighs. "We snagged the wrong one. We don't even know what it is,"  "What color is it?" Espinosa asks her.  "It's red. Like some kind of satin leather. I have no f*****g idea what language it's in," she admits. "Have you located the spear of Gabriel?"  "It's in the mansion. Dante gave it to B.B. and I don't know what she did with it,"  "Look, David. You and I go way back. I gave you the sight after the Daniels incident. I know you love that girl, but this is bigger than us. She's awakening something dark. She's like a f*****g beacon. I felt it the moment my plane was close enough. We have to take her in,"  "I know how strong she is but I don't think she's dangerous. Alexie called her Merciful Death. She's not killing the same way Dante did and it genuinely f***s her up,"  "You can't feel sympathy for that thing," she growls grabbing the front of his blazer. She then releases him as if realizing she took things too far. "I'm sorry. I can't always control it," she places her hand on her chest. "Ever since the transfer. I can't stop,"  "Stop what?" he asks placing his hand on her elbow. "Anything. I'm always f*****g working. I'm always taking in new information. It drives me crazy. That's what I mean, David. I was conditioned and trained for this and I can barely handle it. She's seventeen. The six boyfriends, the straight A's, the cafe, all of it. She's getting ready to snap. You need to bring her in,"  "They don't trust me," he shakes his head.  "They don't know who you are, David. You're a f*****g cop. Pick her up and take her. It's as simple as that," she places her hand on his shoulder. "Why are you running for Mayor?"  "B.B. thinks you're going to put someone to take over the town,"  "We did but that useless b***h let Rose's teenage bullshit get in the way. We had to take care of it," "Halestorm thinks Carson did that,"  "Who cares? If Carson or anyone of her boyfriends goes down for that it's just one less asshole we need to eliminate. What do you have on Delilah?"  "Nothing. She's been quiet. Something is happening to her though. She's too calm. It feels a little like she's winding up,"  "Okay, keep going. I'm going to be the one that takes Delioncourt's place. What the f**k is the deal with this town? Why are they so protective of the girl?"  "This town is theirs. Paid and gift wrapped. If you want to appeal to the town head East. Ask for Trey Goodwill. B.B. is starting to look their way. One of her guys is the son of Reverand Addams. But it's a slippery slope. They're not just going to bow for the little white girl because some nobody is f*****g her. I'm sure you can work under those conditions. You've got three disciples with you,"  "That's good information, Helsing. You're my best asset out here. Keep your head down. I'll get you out as soon as I can," she reassures him. "You get to go home a king," he doesn't say a word to her as she walks over to her to retrieve a duffle bag from her car. She tosses it at him. When it makes contact with his chest it sounds like heavy pieces of metal colliding. "That's your upgrade. Try not to lose your f*****g weapon again, David. They're not easy to come by. Restore your armor. There are two high demons in the flesh here. I know one of them is the big guy hanging around Delilah and Damian. I want to know who the other one is. That's where I want to start," 

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