
getting to know me?


Here we go the beginning of my new chapter. It sure has been a rough year 2020, though I have gotten cuts and bruises. Those exact cuts and bruises are every where... They are on my body as they are yours, they are in my mind exploding me in tears, they are in me and I will prove it not to be. Fore it shall be no more this is my body not some door on the floor, ... , It was you that left me scared and cut open, it was you that left me be and said that I am nobdy.!! But, but why? Why would you leave me in some demonic world that you have created? How can you sleep, knowing that it was truly you that made me week? That's it you shall not touch me any more, I am not obligating. NO, in fact I am demanding you will not touch me "those are my scars", for you will not look, " THIS IS MY UGLY SHELL", and damn you if you shall weep, " MY TEARS, mine, These tears are my tears" it is all of you that has put me here. But still "I" STAND STRONG "I" am here because you've been to far gone. Why, couldn't you just apologize to me. Was it really that hard after what you had seen....... " my big bro inside of me". I was 7 and him 15 shyly, HOW dare you with me on my knee to fragile to week. Yet I am to stay strong, it is I that is here all alone. Or so you think!! I got my wife, alright, tonight, good night. My wife the one to fix what you have broken. My wife the one right here forever by my side until we shall die

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The Man I Am To Be?!?! here we are 17.....................................
Here I am wild, and rambunctious, but still a simple man strong as strong can be by all means. For I might be 17, the worst of my life is now behind of me. You shall not weep mother, you dare not cry father, it is my brother's lie that made me want to die! "ME" 7 years old getting split like an upside down "Y" as I fall in fear for 9 straight years, Laying with me most every night, some how deep inside, I know I mustn't cry, as I know he sleeps nice in his lie winking at me because mother makes him right. For I am a young man who has been alone since 6 and raised himself down by the sticks. I must move on, but must I keep going, yet the sun rises all that's ever showing. my life is here, just about anywhere, nobody is here none on my side, except the voices in my mind. One night i did what's right protecting moms life from her husband who has a sick mind alright till I had to run out of sight he went hunting me that night. Though I'm 17, as lost as can be my friends mom is the only one to find me locked and loaded save my life, and instantly I forget everything insight. I am a 17 year old man but more is to come that I understand. At my friends house mid of breakfast my best friends mom say " Hey son .. How was your night?" as I begin to cry my best friend insures me it's all alright. He lifts up my head and says " welcome to a new life, but more importantly welcome to the family we'll never leave your side" in an instant I drop to one knee and ball historically. " I have never been able to say I have a family" I tell my brother under my breath. knowing that now I can go get good rest ton of weight off my chest. Still 17 years of my life and finnaly it was done no more restless nights, no more fear to close my eyes, most of all no more of a lonely life. For I was lost for now I'm found by a loving family in this small little town. I sit back in a chair and and think to my self wow I am really here. Finally I am home and off of that dirty broke down road. This is new to me but however here you live with respect, honesty, and integrity, if not you get whooped until your beat. Step outside and light my smoke while the boys all laugh and start joking that cigarettes kill you faster. One time worried hoping to just make my new mom happy..." Good night mom" I said, as mom says " I love you son, sorry for what you have gone through. but now you got a crazy family that she never wants to meet"... quicker than ever, I say " I hope to one day find a woman as strong as you, because to deal with me, she must be strong and powerful, while being able to coddle me goodnight" as mom agrees I clearly state "you have helped me more than I can believe, but now I can rest Knowing we're all nice and safe, this is my family ain't no better place".! s

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