
Heart to take


Falcon was a heartless cold blooded mercenary who has powers to kill and control .A beautiful girl named Veda eyes beautiful emerald green long brown hair. Veda just moved here as she walked to her school. A man looked at her smiled sof

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Chapter 1
Falcon drove to his next job of course and made a few calls. As he parked his car and heart began to beat very fast and looked at the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Falcon gets out of the car and begins to follow her as he enters the school . Falcon wore a suit covering his tattoo. Falcon sees a bunch of punks looking at Veda. Falcon saw her office as she had a piece of paper showing her class. Falcon used his charms and said," Excuse me miss." Veda turned around as she looked at him with wonder as Falcon spoke softly and said," I'm a substitute librarian could you point me in the right direction." Veda's eyes were beautiful as she looked into his eyes and said," I'm so sorry but this is my first day." Falcon smiled at her and said," That's alright." Veda looked at him and said," I actually need to go there myself to gather the book I need ." As Veda walked up to the teacher asked where the library was as they gave her directions. Veda gestures for him to follow her. Falcon followed her and said," Forgive my rudeness but I never did catch your name." Veda blushed and said," My name is Veda." Falcon smiled and said,"Beautiful name, allow me to introduce myself my name is Mr. Charms ." As Veda blushed more said," It suits you." Falcon smiled at her. Falcon open the door for her as they walked inside the library. Falcon walked up to the desk and looked up the book for her. Falcon showed her what station the books were at. Falcon left the library off as he killed his target quickly and got rid of the body. Falcon uploaded info on Veda. Falcon had to make a distraction and started a fire. Falcon ran back to the library. Veda was in the middle of reading as Falcon was back sitting at the desk as he checked the time. Veda rested her eyes for a moment Falcon continued to admire her from afar. Suddenly the fire alarm went off as Veda abruptly woke up as Falcon rushed to her as Veda get up grabbed her stuffed. Falcon see smoke coming there way. Falcon spoked seductive said," Follow me. Veda his hand grab her hand and gentle pull her to the exit. Veda looked around they were the only ones in the library heading toward the exit as Falcon voice was calming said," Nearly there." Falcon took her to the exit. As Falcon guides her to park as Veda turned around and seeing the fire begins to burn the school down. The fire department was already there. Veda was shaking from fear as Falcon gently touched her shoulder and handed her ice cold water bottle said," Veda take deep breath." Veda said," You saved my life." Falcon smiled softly said," Just try to be calm." Veda took another sip and said," I think I'm gonna go home." Falcon looked worried said," Allow me give you a ride home." Veda softly smiled said," After everything you done I couldn't." Falcon smiled at her said," I insist." Veda said," You could get in trouble." Falcon gently touched her hand said," Don't worry about it , beside I'm substitute remember." Veda nodded yes. As they Dean of the school used the megaphone said," The school is closed everyone go home." Veda walked to this beautiful black Tesla. Falcon opens the car door for her. Veda sat down in the car. Falcon walked around living the dream he could easily take her away. Falcon sat down and started the car as they drove off Veda told him where she lived. Falcon drives her home ask," So Veda tell me about yourself?" Veda turns red said," Well transfer here and just moved here yesterday." Falcon drove up to the side of the street as said," you sure you're okay." Veda nodded yes as she step out of the car sighed said," Yes thank you for everything." Veda unlocked her door as Falcon watched her go inside the house. Veda walked in her house was empty. Veda sat down on the couch as she took a few deep breaths. Veda took off her shoes and then takes a nap. Meanwhile Falcon made a call few important phone calls. Falcon drove to his house stare at her picture vision of her dance around inside his head. Falcon never felt this way before he decided to scheme a plan to kidnap her. Falcon begins to make arrangements for everything reading the info on Veda. Falcon smiled victorious said," This is just perfect no family , no friends ." Falcon quickly changed out of those clothes and into dark grey shirt showing off his tattoos decided to go out. Veda woke up from a nap and decided to get some stuff. Veda grab her purse and then locked the door and begins to walked. Falcon sees Veda walk and begins to follow her. Falcon park the car and begins to follow her inside. Falcon kept his distance but watched her like a hawk. Veda eats her meal quietly as Falcon orders himself a beer gesture the waiter said," I'll pay for her meal tell her it on the house." Veda talked to the waiter for a moment her facial expression was shocked and humble and she grab her stuffed and lefted. Falcon begins to follow her again. Veda stop for a moment looked at the sunset as she walked home. Veda to her house as she see a bouquet of rose on her door steps. Veda picked them up and smell them . Veda read the personal note it was from Mr. Charms. Veda blush as she went inside. Falcon smiled said to himself said," My are you just full of surprises blushing over flower." Veda put them in a beautiful vase. Falcon watched her fall asleep fantasize of her sleeping in his arms. Falcon drives off and goes to his home make sure all the arrangements are in order.

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