
His obsession


Ariana, a college student without knowledge of the supernatural world is the object of a sadistic vampires obsession, he wants a queen, he will settle for no less than her. He has watched and waited for her and soon he will put his plan into motion but their is one problem. A werewolf warrior comes into the picture threatening to compromise his plans for Ariana.

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Beautiful Stranger
~You can run, and you can hide, but one day you will be mine~ You have had enough! The bar-tender said to her friend in a stern voice. "Oh, come on, just one more," Her friend whined, leaning over the bar exposing her low-cut top, seductively using her charms on him, which doesn't seem to affect him in the least; Hm must be gay. Most men fall victim to her charms falling under her spell. Wavy blonde hair cascading down to her hips, big brown eyes, long lashes any woman would die for, pink pouty lips, beautiful smile, curves that would satisfy the most intimate fantasies of any man, even some woman for that matter. Her body-hugging very short red dress would bend any man's will, bringing him to his knees begging for mercy. When she wants something, she always gets whatever her heart desires. His strong bulging muscles flex as he leans against the bar, showing off the variety of exotic symbols and magical colors covering his arms so beautiful that I become slightly entranced as he shakes his head, towering over them even as he is leaning forward makes her a little nervous in a very good way. "Your vixen charm will not work, My dear." His eyes crystal clear blue, so blue you could easily get lost in them, she is drawn to him like a moth to a flame. His face could have been sculpted by the Gods; his smile will melt the hearts of millions of women across the world, an image flashed into her mind, she is beneath him rubbing her hands over his massive shoulders, tracing the the symbols decorating his chest. He leans down kissing her passionately, his hands exploring her body as he grinds against her she lets a moan escape her lips exciting him even more, she closes her eyes forcing the image from her mind. What was that, she wonders, confused! Her breath hitched when she opened her eyes, realizing he turned his focus to her his eyes slowly roam down her body like he was memorizing every inch of her, ingraining her image into his mind. She feels this compulsion to go to him, like a magnet. Goosebumps start appearing all over her entire body, causing her to shiver. It takes all of her strength to keep from reaching out and caressing his perfectly sculpted face. She has never felt so drawn to anyone in her life. She shakes her head to rid her mind of these insane thoughts when she hears him speaking to her friend, but it seems he is directing his words toward her. "I have my sight set on someone," he whispered; only her charm will work for me. Fearing she will not control herself much longer, she decided she needed to act quickly. "I'm getting her out of here before she causes any trouble, "she said smiling, "Come on, Angel, let's go; you have had too much," she says, taking her hand and leading her through the crowd of sweaty intoxicated woman swaying their hips seductively to the beat of the music gaining men's attention. Living out their wildest fantasies, they keep hidden from the rest of the world. Some come in hopes of finding love to find an empty bed the next morning, no number, no last name, and not even a goodbye letter. "Ah, come on, Ariana, you have to let loose once in a while"! Angel giggles while Ariana pulled her to the exit, "I think you have had more than enough fun for both of us, she said, laughing. "I doubt ill need to let loose anytime soon. "Oh no, you don't! She says, grabbing her again as Angel tried to go to the dance floor; "I am getting us home, you drunken i***t, " she said, laughing. Being pulled to another part of the club; "oh no, you are not dancing on tables again tonight" she yelled above the booming music. "aww come on party pooper." While taking her friend to the exit, she runs into someone, losing her balance, as a strong hand shot out to steady her. " Be careful, dear" Tall and looming, he is towering above her, a beautiful stranger with bright green eyes, his face is almost Angelic but so angelic it's almost unnatural, his muscles bulge under the black V-neck T, so simple, so perfect and so amazingly beautiful. She is frozen, unable to move, not even one step. She is entranced with his eyes holding her prisoner. The booming music and flashing neon lights make it impossible to break free from this spell he has placed upon her. She is exceptionally relaxed and almost weightless, floating forward as if the depths of his soul beckons her to come closer into an abyss of bright glimmering crystal green, the same color of his eyes, so mesmerizing, so beautiful. Her body moves on its own accord like a dragonfly to light. She was able to break free from the haze she was caught in when the bartender grabs her arm gently. "I'll walk you out; you might need help with your friend," the bartender says, staring at the stranger, positioning himself in a protective stance. "I am very sorry, miss, I was not watching where I was going, but I definitely wouldn't mind bumping into you again," the stranger says, reaching out twirling a strand of her hair. "You sure are a beauty," he says, winking. He pulls his hand away slowly as he strolled toward the back of the club. He is blending in with the rest of the drunken crowd. She can feel his lustful eyes roaming her body, tracing her up and down, watching her every move as the bartender escorts her and her drunken friend to the exit. "You have to be careful around here," he whispers, watching the stranger like he is a hawk preparing to descend on its helpless prey; as they make their way through the club, keeping a tight hold on to her like he was hesitant to let go. "Some of these people are dangerous, especially the one you were with just now," he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. She loses her breath at the sensation and the need to touch him, shaking her head at the crazy thoughts she felt, the fear starts to kick in, realizing how helpless she just was, looking over her shoulder She can see him across the dance floor leaning against the wall watching her with a slight grin kind of sinister. He is the predator, and she is the prey. "Thank you for walking us out" I was feeling a little strange; I'm not sure what came over me that was unusual, she said embarrassingly. Curiosity getting the best of her, she nervously inquires, who is that guy? He seems to be a little on the odd side. She says nervously ." "That doesn't matter; just don't go out alone around here and stay away from him."He says in an agitated voice. "You have no idea just how dangerous he is." The bartender walks her out as waiting with her for the cab, "what's your name"? She asks him curiously. "I am Jared, and your name is"? He says with a crooked grin. "I am Ariana. Thank you for walking us out and for getting me away from that strange guy". "It is my pleasure," he said with a slight smile mirroring her own. "Do you live around here?" he asked, stepping closer, "I live on the north side of town; I go to the community college there." "What brought you to silver falls? I can tell you not from around here", He says as he is brushing a stared of hair from her face. "My boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, We were together for three years, so we decided to come to the same college, a huge mistake might I add, he cheated on me last week with some girl he just met, and I found out about it, so I ended my relationship with him." "What an i***t," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. "If you were mine, I would cherish you; I would treat you like the queen you are," he says, leaning closer, so close our lips could brush if I leaned in. A horn honks, waking me from my trance, "Maybe I'll see you again soon. I live in the same area," he said, winking, holding the door as they climbed into the cab. He watches as they drive away then disappears inside the crowd at the crypt. Going back to his bartender duties, he can see the low life who seemed too interested in Ariana lurking in the shadows trying to look conspicuous but failing miserably. He will not let this girl fall victim to the evil this man would bestow. ~LURKING IN THE SHADOWS ~ Humans, so easy, so weak, He knows this one, and he has known her for a while now, following at a distance, desperate to feel her touch, inspecting her every action; their encounter tonight was no coincidence, but the stupid warrior had to intervene. The boy with the magical green eyes smiled, watching as she looked over her shoulder before she left, knowing he would meet her again very soon. The warrior will not be around to save her. His eyes lock with the warrior; an unspoken threat fills the space between them as he walked out of the Crypt, following the trail of the tiny human who will soon be his to possess, own whatever he wanted he would have it. All his and nobody is getting in his way.

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