~ Chapter Four ~

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I was not having a good time at work and decided to leave, I went to a bar and there decided to spend my time drinking my heart out that was deeply broken. "Let me have 1 bottle of whiskey please." I said and the bartender immediately gave me one but it was named Jake Daniels. Darn s**t I change my mind! "Oh, sorry can I rather have a tequila?" "Copy miss." The bartender said and replace my whiskey to tequila. It's been a long time since I visited this place and I think that was six years ago after graduating in high-school. but since Daniel came I didn't had any parties with my co workers or with my friends because Daniel won't let me. Now? I had the biggest mistake that I listened to him when he's only playing games with me! I did my best to be his good girlfriend and I thought he was too doing it too, I bet how that Jane was treating him behind my back? I bet she's that beautiful than I can ever be. I took another shot of tequila while having tears remembering Daniel. How he confessed his feelings to me and how he treated me like a princess. I remember our first date together in an old abandoned house. I was so scared because it looked so haunted plus it was so dark inside but he said that he will stay by side and I shouldn't be afraid of darkness because light is always there. We promised to achieve our goals together and he promised me that if he became a successful lawyer he will be marrying me as soon as possible. I really still do believe in that classic fairy-tale until he changed my mind today from happily ever after into a tragic ending. My thoughts were really killing me because even if I don't want to think about it I can imagine how someone takes care of Daniel than I do. How Jane kisses him and how he kisses her I can feel the pain inside shattering my heart into pieces. "What dumb brain you have." I said to myself. "Your heart don't shatter stupid, its all just in your head." And then I giggled. I was going have another bottle of tequila when someone took my shot glass from me. I can't really identify the person and so I squinted my eyes but still everything is a blur. "Hey you! *hiccup* how dare you take my glass! *hiccup*" "Stop it you're drunk." A deep male voice says. "Give it back! *hiccup* you don't know what I feel! *hiccup*" Then I grab the bottle from him and drank it in one hand. I felt how the liquor burn deep into my stomach and hot in my throat as it touches my mouth down into my liver. "Stop this shit." The man grabs it again making me angry. I pushed him slightly and pointed clearly to make him understand what I was feeling. "You don't know *hiccup* what it feels like to be broken *hiccup*" But he just stayed there standing so I continued. "You must be a good boyfriend *hiccup* are you? Well *hiccup* I did have a boyfriend *hiccup* and he cheated on me *hiccup* haha!" I wasn't really to my senses and I was enjoying it! I felt free and out of problem while the music matches my mood with a good beat. I felt myself dancing and laugh because I felt pure enjoyment. I even grab someone to dance with me because it felt so good. Heat was all over my body as I move in every beat as possible. I didn't care if someone was touching me somewhere as if it's okay with me. "You look so gorgeous babe." Someone said and I giggled in response. "Would you mind joining me tonight?" He asks and softly touches my skin when someone pulled me out of nowhere and punched the guy straight to his face. "Hey what's going on?" I asked to this guy who was holding me. "Shit." He cursed and I squinted again but all I can see is pure white. I can hear everybody is scrambling and someone is already screaming but I still don't have any idea o what was going on? "You touch her and I'll you!" This man says again. "Hey who are you talking with?" I asked but he only tighten his hold. "Shut up this is your fault." "What?" Suddenly I felt myself being lifted in a swift motion. I cling to this person's neck and sniffed him softly and I can tell that he smells so good. "Hmm heaven." I mumbled. "f**k! stop that." I then heard a door opens and I was being place carefully into a soft seat. The place even smells so good that I can't stop giggling about it's fruity scent. "I smell orange! and apples! and oh! haha! I smell bananas!" "Take a rest we're going to have a long drive." He says but it was too late. I already closed my eyes enjoying the sweet scent this place is having. After awhile I felt someones presence lifted me up again. I smelt a familiar scent and giggled because I really loved it! It is so addictive and mind relaxing! "Don't move!" The says and I stopped. I don't want him to go away! I heard a door opened again and I was placed down in a soft, sweet scented, and cold bed of mine. Even though I don't remember having a sweet perfume I still enjoyed it because it make me feel happy. Then I felt that the person was getting away from me which made me sad and held his hand. "Please stay... don't leave me again." I said while crying. I heard heavy breath was release and he was wiping my tears away making me smile. "Don't be scared, I won't leave you." Funny how he said the same thing as what Daniel did but I was happy when he pulled me in his arms and kissed my head. "I won't leave you this time, not ever Aria." Opening my eyes to see his face I was disappointed because it's still a blur, but then I was happy since he had these sweet hazel eyes.
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