4 Who Was Miles Bradford?

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"Are you kidding me!" Diana laughed. "By the time your father and mother died, they had already nearly declared bankruptcy. Everything we have was obtained by virtue of our own abilities." Kristi's aunt stared at Kristi proudly, with an intense look of disgust in her eyes. "What does a psycho like you know about anything?" she yelled. "Nothing! Now go away! You are not welcome in this house!"   Kristi clenched her fists in anger. "Shut up!" she shouted. "And don't you insult my parents!"   Uncle Usman didn't look pleased about the conversation they were having. He looked at Kristi and said, "Enough, Kristi. Stop fooling around. I know your parents' death hit you hard. It hit all of us hard, but we don't owe you anything, so why have you come to our house, if not to make trouble?"   Kristi gritted her teeth. She hadn't expected this to come from the mouth of the uncle who had loved her since childhood. So, when she spoke, her voice was hoarse. "Uncle," she said, "My parents were good to you, and by treating me this way, you are betraying them."   Diana frowned scornfully as she turned to her husband. "Usman," she said, "why are you talking to this little b***h? She only came here to get money from us. What a shameless little b***h!"   Usman sneered when he heard that. "I don't like being used," he grumbled as he took out his wallet. He drew a few hundred-dollar bills from it and threw it towards Kristi, deliberately humiliating her. "You need to give up any hope of having your family's property returned to you. Take this money and f**k off. We are no longer related. We don't want a psycho in this family!"   After leaving her home – well, it was her uncle's home now, Kristi walked aimlessly for a long while. Gradually, the realization that she had nowhere to go dawned on her. And I have no money – she thought morosely – except for what little I got from my uncle, and that won't last me for very long.   Eventually, the sun began to set, and the cold night air set in, causing her to shake all over. Finally, she found shelter under a bridge where she could live temporarily. Later, to earn a living, she began to look for a job. Nobody would hire her, though, because of her stint at the asylum. Nobody wanted to hire someone that might go crazy at any minute. So, in the end, she had had no choice but to come to the Diamond Club and apply for a janitorial position.   At first, even the Diamond Club had rejected her, though. The HR manager had taken one look at her and laughed. Kristi had a pretty face, but she was nothing but a bag of bones.   "Why would a high-end club give you a job?" the manager had asked her mercilessly. "Not only do you look like s**t, but you are not even qualified for the position!"   "Please give me a chance ..." Kristi begged. "You won't regret it. I promise."   "Get out now!" the manager shouted. "I said, No! And I'm not going to change my mind!"   Kristi turned away so that the manager couldn't see her crying, and just as she was getting up to leave, a gentle female voice suddenly came from behind her, "Let her stay! It's just a cleaning. Why not give her a chance? It's not like you're hiring her to be a Princess. There is no need to embarrass this girl. All she wants is a job; an honest day's pay for an honest day's work - a thing that every person should have a right to!"   Kristi turned back in shock and saw a beautiful, mature woman, and when the manager saw her, his attitude suddenly changed. "Tianna… I mean, Minister…. Minister Fernandez!" he stammered. "But to admit such a person... would be…"   Fernandez, "If anything goes wrong, I will take responsibility for it."   Kristi bowed gratefully and thanked Tianna.   Tianna sighed and said, "There is no need to thank me. Just work hard. I am giving you a chance, but I can't help you if something goes wrong." Tianna patted Kristi on the shoulder, and then she left.   Not only had Kristi been given the job at the Diamond Club, but she'd also been given this small room to live in. It was better than nothing, but it wasn't a decent place to live, and she never slept well, not even on nights like this, when she was exhausted.   What's worse, she had nightmares.   ...   Kristi's job began the moment she woke up, and almost every day was exactly the same as every other day. Sometimes, though, there were different moments.   One day, a handsome man appeared in the Diamond Club, and the bar suddenly became very lively.   One person said, "Oh my god, isn't that Miles Bradford! I wouldn't have expected to see him at the Diamond Club."   A second person said, "It is Miles. People say he's a graceful man and is not interested in this kind of place. It seems that no man can escape our charm!"   A third person said, "The legendary President Bradford is here! Gee, he is so handsome! I'm going to accompany him."   One of the princesses rushed forward and accidentally hit Kristi's shoulder. When another Princess saw her, she shouted, "Stop! Miles is mine! He is my guest today!"   The princesses surrounded Miles, and they began to flatter him, complementing his hair, his clothes, and his muscular build. They were trying to seduce him, and some of them were striking sexy poses for him.   The Princess that had hit Kristi's shoulder said, "Mr. Bradford, you are the most handsome man I have ever seen. Let me pour you wine ..."   A second Princess said, "Mr. Bradford, Mr. Bradford, do you think that I am beautiful? I am more beautiful than these other Princesse, right?"   A third Princess scowled at the second and said, "Hey, don't be so pushy. What kind of a question is that, anyway? Get out of here. You're going to overwhelm the poor man."   Miles was accustomed to this type of woman, and he mostly ignored them. The only woman who caught his attention, however, was the woman not clamoring for his attention: Kristi Zuniga. She was cleaning the floors on the opposite side of the club, and she was utterly disinterested in the Princesses or their "remarks".   "Interesting," Miles murmured, and when he turned back to the Princesses, he said, "Can you please leave me alone? I am not in the mood."   The Princesses took this poorly, and they stormed off in a huff. Then, once they were gone, he summoned Kristi and asked her to pour him a drink. At first, though, Kristi didn't realize that he was speaking to her, because she wasn't used to being spoken to by the guests. After all, she was nothing but a bag of bones. Of course, the Princesses heard what Miles had said right away, and they were not impressed.   After a moment, Miles stood up and approached Kristi. "Why did you ignore me? Am I unattractive to you? "  
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