
The pact master[episode1] Man with no memorys

lucky dog
magical world

Adults only

the world is full of battle friend ship romance and sex.in this world demon kin can be partners, lovers proxies.creatures that are a mix monster and man. some bother humans , some fight for humans. the gods want peace but the demon lord wants war . can this pact maker bring eternal peace to the world or will he give up not even trying

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He woke up in a forest with one hell of a headache, the forest was unique, but he did not know why it was special. The trees were lovely to look at. He did not recognize the trees, but he knew what was called. The great Slotch was a blue-leafed tree that grew fruit many humans and demon kin loved to eat. (Wait )he thought(what is demon kin?)his mind continued and why did his head hurt like hell and where was he. Oh, that’s right, this world is called tarra it is home to both humans and demon kin(wait, how did I know that?) he thought to himself, man his head hurt he was lying on his back looking up into the sky (who am I) he thought “wait I’m Castel Arcana, and I’m 18 years old… Wait but where am I from, what happens to me” he said the troubling in his head just wouldn’t quit it made it hard to think he got up looked around and spotted it.  A Purple plant with green flowers and, somehow, he knew this was the Haitian herb good for getting rid of headaches if taken with cold water. He went to the plant and picked off a purple left. Then look around the forest, and he spotted it. That’s a lake it is home to a lot of wildlife and an excellent place to fish and looks quite neat, and bye the plants that grow around it the water is very pure. (wait, how do I know that) he thought to himself, “well, let’s get something to drink,” he says to himself. Let’s see; he passed a tree that only grew during the winter but had the best smelling flowers in the spring. The flower petals could be used as a s*x enhancement drug if the ground and mixed with the honey from a colony of RenkinBees; the witch had the habit of collecting the pollen from only the healthiest Of flowers. His hand reached down into the water, and he gulped down the water grinding the Haitian herbs and drinking the juice with the water. His headache quickly abated. But it was quickly replaced by panic when a pair of eyes opened up in the water. Then water spays out around him, and a body tackles him to the ground. He was on his back again, but now with a Sahuagin demon kin on top of him. This type of demon kin was supposed to be docile unless a demon lord was on the rage or …. They had chosen a mate. He knew there was no way to talk her out of letting him go. Once this demon kin selects a mate, it’s for life, and they will go to any length to make sure their chosen mate breeds with them as often as they can. Let’s see what else did he know about demon kin. They were born with a basic knowledge of the world and knew how to talk and stuff as soon as they were born or hatched. In this case, she hatched though it was more likely she had never seen or even met her parents. The info came to him freely as this blue sahugagin sat on top of him, looking down at him with a gaze that said everything “mates now” she said, her sticky hands going quick to his shirt and removing it, as he saw his shirt thrown to the side on it he reads the word “nerds rule” on it, he founder what a nerd was, but that did not seem to be included in whatever knowledge he was pulling from.She looked fish like (think blue creature from the blue lugon exept clearly female) Well, he pulled on his knowledge of what was happening. The best thing he could do right now was mate with this sahugagin. If he didn’t, the creature might hurt him trying to get what she wanted from him; oh, she would not mean to. But right now, she was not thinking clearly. So with that done, his hands go to her cantaloupe size breast. His hands touch n*****s. This sahugagin squeals in joy at that. He is not going to fight her and removes his pants are stretchy and very warm, and the word “Nike Comfort“ along the side of the leg, oh, he knew the work comfort. But not the word Nike  However he did not have time to worry about his cloth and his od under boxers that had strange pictures on them, that he had no ideas what they were, but they seemed to be like square faces(they were transformer under ware)not that he knew what it was they were trying to show. He was now lying there naked under this nude sahugagin. Her webbed hands go to his member and start to massage it because he was not even close to ready at the moment. After a pleasant member and ball massage, his member was now rock hard. Well, at least she was taller than him and very attractive. Not that he knew what attracted him. He wondered as she took his length and grinds her p***y lips against his member, and she guided him to her inside. Her insides felt so weird, not that he had anything to compare them to. But she was cold to the touch and was covered in mucus that did not seem to leave her body. She began to ride him “yes, I know you were meant to be,” she said, “what’s your name?” He asks as she grinds on him “human call me pish, can’t say true name Pishterlin later,” she said, saying her actual name, and he just knew there was no way he was going to be able to say that with his tongue her mouth and tongue were just too different for him even to say it right. He wondered how she spoke so well. But that was just part of being demon kin in general. Now he was having trouble focusing on things in his mind. Right now, his thoughts were how to please her; that was what his mind supplied as she moved on him wildly. He grabs her hips and starts guiding her on driving. Though she had a good idea, what he was doing was more advanced. And she was running off the basics of s*x. His hands rub her frills in the right spot, and soon she is moaning wildly “yes, I was so right,” she says, moving faster on top of him, his hand on her sides; he knew the right places to touch her and the breast while she would like were not the best place to touch her. Her kind was more sensitive, along with the frills that cut through the water and made them move so fast through the water. Her gills open and close like she is not breathing enough air, but he knows it from the fact that she was feeling so good from this that she is having trouble controlling her gills. As he bucks up into her and pulls on her frills, she shacks, orgasming herself. “Hey, I’m not done,” he says, making her continued move “so right,” she says as he makes her move faster. He reached his limit. And sperm jets from his member into her. “Mine,” she says, rubbing his chest, and they glow. He feels their minds connect, and he knows she feels a complete hole. And satisfied then he felt Curious “What name mate, “ she says simple “my name is Castel Arcana” she nods rubbing her stomach, and she shacks the color of her frills change from blue to purple well that meant his sperm had just found her eggs, and now a child was growing inside her she smiled and got off him and gather up his strewn clothes for him and help him get dressed “so you would not happen to know where I came from,” he asks she shacks her head “no there was just a flash of light, and you appeared on the ground .hid and watch, at that moment I knew you mate,” she said “now we have contracted to,” she says filling his mind with hunger. It’s at this time that he two feels hungry. Pish climbed the Slotch tree and nocked some fruit from its branches enough for him. Then she climbed back down. And dove into the lake she came from. She came out with fish in her mouth and fish in her hands for a few minutes. During this time he had taken to gather up sticks and dead branches, he went to the Westal tree nearby gathering some of its sap by scraping its flesh with his nails then placing the sap on the drive branches. He then gathers some water from the lake and mixes it with the sap. And 10 seconds later, there’s a nice fire in front of him. “Was right good mate know the world?” Pish says, simply handing him a fish; this fish was the carpray and usually ate from the bottom of the lake eating algae while what it ate was nasty, once it was proudly cooking it would be delicious to humans once finished will they cook “so Phish what can you tell me about your self “he asks with a curious tone “I live most life alone, never meat other demon kin I like, move a lot find this place stay for a while inside tell me to wait here for something, now know what I was waiting for” she says it was weird how she talked it seemed so crude, yet it was also normal at times “do you know where a town is ?” He asks

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