
My Vampire Stepbrother Lover

non-hunman lead
magical world

Killing sentence.

Eighteen years ago, in the palace of the vampire royal family, Duchess Marilla gave birth to a baby boy.

To ensure the safety of the child, the King and Duchess Marilla decided to send the baby to the human world.

Eighteen years ago, the Robbers family adopted a baby boy. That boy's name is Andrew. Andrew and Layla grew up side by side.

He always protects and gives her the best.

But then one day, tragedy struck.

Vampires appear, call Andrew an earl and bring him back.

Also from here, Layla discovered many old secrets.

She decided that she had to find Andrew and bring him back, she knew he was not happy, definitely missing her too.

From the human world to the vampire palace, Layla is not afraid of difficulties and dangers.

In Atoman, two people live and die together.

In Satsuco bay, no matter what happens, the two of you will never leave.

In the human world, they trust and fight for each other unconditionally.

In the vampire palace, Layla broke Andrew's loneliness, touching his heart.

The two just love each other, stay together, and overcome all prejudices, difficulties, and challenges.

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Chap 1: Who will pay for her life?
The hot temperature, as if molten lava in the heart of a volcano seemed to want to burn her, the only thing that could free her was the man in front of her...... Clinging to his skin as cold as marble, the instinct to live inside her finally made her let go of resistance.... Pain mixed with pleasure rose little by little, like a firework exploding in her head, making her like a lonely boat embarking on a sea of burning fire.... . Feeling precarious when sinking when floating, but it is difficult to restrain yourself from sinking into it. "Hey, wake up....it's cold in here, don't sleep here and catch a cold." The heavy shoulder caused Layla Vidali to suddenly wake up, her dreamy eyes met the nurse's attentive gaze, and for a moment, she felt so guilty that her face turned red, and she was so embarrassed that she didn't know where to hide. Damn, a long time had passed since that drunken riot, the night she'd messed with Roy Teredor still appeared in her dreams from time to time. Fortunately, she was so drunk that she passed out, and she didn't remember anything about that night, or else she really didn't know how to face Roy. The nurse saw that she was awake and gave her the paper in her hand: "You forgot to take this antenatal check-up result, Doctor Pan told you to come back at the weekend." Layla Vidali took the pregnancy test result, smiled sweetly, and she carefully put it in her bag. Roy Teredor went abroad to survey reality. He will return today. Layla Vidali thought about the date night but in her heart she couldn't help but feel nervous. Because the place where Roy Teredor came from was quite remote, it was only when she was 7 months pregnant that she could contact him. Remembering the terrified look on Roy Teredor's face when she found out she was pregnant, Layla Vidali was a little nervous. Maybe it was because she was so sensitive during pregnancy that she had a feeling that Roy Teredor was not as happy as she thought. The doctor comforted her. When a man has his first child, his mentality is a bit unstable, not used to it, everyone is like that. But.... the matter of marriage can't let a woman like her take the initiative to say it... Outside the hospital, the sun was already high, bright sunshine everywhere. Layla Vidali struggled to support her waist, she was about to call a taxi when suddenly a bright red car rushed towards her. Her heart fluttered, and she quickly retreated a few steps back. The sound of the car's brakes made a "click" sound, the car skimmed over the gravel floor, and then stopped. Layla Vidali was so scared that she couldn't stand up, she looked up and saw Helen Vidali wearing a sexy tight-fitting red dress, with wavy curly hair, coming down from the car. “Helen Vidali, are you crazy?” Helen Vidali looked at her, smiled meaningfully, she crossed her arms, strode gracefully on the catwalk, she stood in front of Layla Vidali, leaning on herself in high heels, arrogantly looking down at her enlarged belly because of her pregnancy: “What? Afraid I'll stab the bastard in your belly?" Layla Vidali subconsciously clutched her stomach, took a step back, looked at her with wary eyes: "Helen Vidali, don't be too harsh!" Although she knew that Helen Vidali had always been at odds with her, Layla Vidali did not expect her to be so toxic. “Am I too much? You're the one who deserves it! Drunk, lost consciousness, crawled into bed with someone, got pregnant and still wanted Roy Teredor to be responsible, ha ha… Layla Vidali, you really have no shame!” Layla Vidali was stunned: "What nonsense are you talking about?" “Oh, so you really believe that the person who slept with you that night was the real Roy Teredor?” Helen Vidali smiled slantly: "Always say that you grew up with Roy Teredor, you are a young man, you don't even know what his body shape is?" Layla Vidali's face became whiter and whiter, she was about to stand up, her whole body seemed to be falling into an ice cave. That's right, the man that night... At that time, she just thought…. after Roy Teredor matured, perhaps taller than she imagined. Now being maliciously reminded by Helen Vidali, she suddenly thought that, except for the physique, the man that night seemed... there were too many completely different points about Roy Teredor. "Tell you! That night you drank wine made by me. Don't say lust for dissatisfaction, I had the good heart to find you two big names who expected you to not know good and bad. You suddenly went inside someone's room, that's not even polite to people..." Helen Vidali opened her mouth in disgust: "Roy is kind, afraid that you won't be able to accept, so he told you the man that night with you is he!" "You..." Layla Vidali trembled, hearing this, she couldn't hold it anymore, so she squeezed Helen Vidali's wrist: "Why are you doing this to me? Why! Why have you harmed me like that yet?" Helen Vidali at first was still pleased with herself, and was about to push Layla Vidali away. At that moment, she saw Roy Teredor behind Layla Vidali. Her voice immediately softened, showing lovely composure: "Sister, I know I'm wrong. You can hit me as much as you want, but don't blame Roy..." Layla Vidali was dumbfounded. Right after that, she saw Helen Vidali suddenly fall to the ground, looking like she was being pushed. "Layla Vidali! What are you doing......" A rebuke sounded. Layla Vidali turned around in surprise to see Roy Teredor's cold face. Roy Teredor slipped past her and helped Helen Vidali up: "Helen, are you okay?" Her whole body seemed to hang on Roy Teredor: "Roy, I didn't mean it, I really know it's wrong... It's all because of my fault with you..." "Okay, I'm here no matter what!" Roy Teredor patted Helen Vidali's shoulder and led her to the car: "Let me make it clear to Layla Vidali." Layla Vidali's head was blank, she saw Roy Teredor walking towards her, then saw Roy Teredor's mouth open and close again. He said something for a long time. Talked about their years as a teenager, talked about how he struggled to love Helen Vidali, said he was also angry when he heard that Helen Vidali harmed her, talked about how he felt so scared and sorry sorry to hear that Layla Vidali was pregnant, says he accepted Helen Vidali's apology... Finally, he said, "Layla Vidali, sorry, I can't marry you. It's not that I hate you because of that day or this child, but because I can't betray Helen, I can't do it again, deceive your own feelings even more.” For the past few months, he had taken Helen Vidali abroad. They were stuck together in the early afternoon and evening, although on the surface, because he wanted to make up for Layla Vidali's hurt, he admitted that he had s*x with her that night, but from the bottom of his heart, he had already chosen Helen Vidali. So after learning that Layla Vidali was pregnant, he didn't have the heart to go to Vidali's Family to clarify this with the two of them, but wanted to tell Layla Vidali the truth first. "Does that mean... Roy Teredor... From the very beginning, you knew that Helen Vidali took drugs and destroyed my virginity? Because you wanted to cover it up, you told me about the man you were that day?" Layla Vidali finally found her voice, and lost sight of Roy Teredor's calm expression. "Layla Vidali, Helen, she didn't do it on purpose, she's young, her temper is volatile...." "So what about me?" Layla Vidali looked up at Roy Teredor, filled with despair: "Have you ever thought of me at all?" Roy Teredor was speechless. After a while, he reached out and pulled Layla Vidali: "It's too sunny here, let's go home first..." "Don't touch me..." Layla Vidali shoved Roy Teredor's hand away, she suddenly burst out laughing. Living up to now, Layla Vidali suddenly feels like her life is a farce. To get to Roy Teredor's city, she tried to get into B. In order to please Roy Teredor, she gave up her wish to be an actress. In order to be successful in her life, she abandoned both her adoptive parents and returned to the Vidali Family, all day clumsily flattering this so-called famous character. In the end, only to get one sentence in return: "I can't let Helen down." Helen Vidali, not only took her identity, robbed her biological parents, now... also robbed her heart! Helen Vidali is young. Can wrongdoing be forgiven? So... Who will pay for her life? She didn't even know... who was even the man that night! Layla Vidali covered her face, she trembled, desperate to the extreme. Roy Teredor saw Layla Vidali in a panic and staggered out into the middle of the road. He immediately threw away the cigarette he was holding in his hand, wanted to chase, but was pulled by Helen Vidali behind: "Roy, where do you want to go?" It was at the moment when Roy Teredor was hesitating, only to hear a loud noise, Layla Vidali was walking on the crosswalk, was thrown up, and then fell to the ground. "Save people... Save people... a pregnant woman..." The blinding light came on, Layla Vidali saw a flash of people and two faces that made her sick, her stomach sent a spasm of pain that made her aware that something was missing, she just blinked, fresh blood on her forehead was profusely flowing, flowing down her eyes... the whole world fell into a black patch... o0o Very much Five years later. In the hallway on the top floor of the Eton bar.

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