Oh no, OH NO!

1652 Words
Finally finished it and in a few more days I might finally give it to her. Well, as I said before, I have to think rationally before I do anything or try to say anything to her. It will be really risky if I just chat with her now. I have to bring patience within me so what I might do won't be a total fail. I need to be extra careful. I soon thought of a time to tell her but I still don't know when like, I might get overly nervous when I'm already facing her and then end up with nothing to say or it might go the other way around and say things I never wanted to say and become a total disaster. As to how desperate I am now in this situation, I just ask the sky and clouds above to give me a sign of when I should do it. Sounds pathetic I know, but I don't know which way to go, which path to choose so that all of this won't blow up into a bigger mess. I look back up into the sky, “please tell me or even show me when's the right timing for me to confess all these things I lied to her about or these things I've kept a secret from her" I whisper those words gently to wherever the wind will take it. I got so bored that even the box that I wanna put it in should be perfect and special like the gift. Someone as special as her deserves all these things except for the pain I'm causing her because of how big of a jerk I've been even if some was unintentional... I then went back to the store and grabbed some of my left money from the other day and bought the materials with that money. As I was waiting in line to pay for the things I bought. I look around and little by little, everything slowly reminds me of her. I don't know how and why it's happening a lot lately but one thing I'm sure of is that I don't want both of us to wait any longer until we could fix everything again. She really matters to me a lot like each day, my worry for her rises. I remember the last time we went out to get coffee, she was so tired that she fainted and looked as if she was lifeless. Now that I remember that moment, it made me wanna go to her house then just bust the door open just to check if she's fine. But I can't, that just sounds stupid, she's probably ok and I'm thinking too much into this. I should just probably focus on improving the design of this box so I can be over and done with this. And I guess it could be a distraction from thinking of her as well. A few more hours later, I have finished the box as well. I was done right in time before lunch was served. I look at it once more before I head downstairs. “It's perfect! perfectly made for her”. I smile looking at the box. It made me so happy just looking at it. I hope all this effort will be worth it. I try testing the durability of everything before I can finally say that this gift is finished. After testing, I was sure enough that it could last years before it breaks, well of course if she takes care of it or does not get it lost but other than that, it seems durable. Seems too much effort for a bracelet and a box but it's only because she deserves the best and only the best! Then, I just sat there and stared at it for a while thinking about what to do next. I got bored then just looked whether she was online or not, I can't talk to her yet but I'm happy enough just to see her online. I just scrolled through our chat then noticed that she was reading our conversation as well! I knew because it shows that round thing around the call button showing whether they're reading messages or actually typing out a message but I don't see those three dots at the bottom so she's probably just reading and not typing out anything. Ooh! this might be a good time to say sorry but how do I even start? I mean, there's a lot of things to discuss how much of an asshole I've been this entire month to her. I panicked! I start typing with “Hi” But then immediately erased my message thinking I'd screw this up as well. I spent minutes stuck with the message I haven't sent yet and didn't notice she went offline 5 minutes ago. I wonder if she saw me typing, which made her go offline? I guess she's still mad... I'll just wait 'til tomorrow when we're at school. - Afternoon - I had nothing better to do so I just stayed inside my room and be alone with my thoughts so when the day finally comes that I fix whatever I've broken in the past, I won't stutter right in front of her and I might be able to reconcile with her. She's the closest friend I've had so far here. Like I've said over and over, I don't want to lose a friend like her. Since I couldn't talk to her, I decided on messaging one of my other friends and ask them if they're going to school tomorrow so I could get help and advice on how to do this properly, I mean, they probably know more of this than I do and probably because he's a bit older than us. So I messaged him all casually and started with “Hey Luke, what's up?” I wait for a response which I didn't really need to wait long for because soon, a message from him popped up on my screen. “Nothing much, how 'bout you? Anything happen with the girl you keep talking about?” Luke asked, and as expected, he already knows what I wanna talk about. So with no hesitation, I tell him everything about it. “Nothing happened yet 'cause I don't know how to talk to her again and bring up what I couldn't tell her a.k.a. the reason I ignored her” He stops me there and tells me the obvious. “No girl ever wants to get ignored dude, so yeah, that probably is gonna be way harder for both of you 'cause you never told her why you had to do it. Even so, she doesn't deserve to be ignored” He replied. “I know, I know” I answered “But I'll do anything to make it up to her, Dude I swear I'm serious” I added “Looks like someone's fallen deep for a girl” He jokingly replies “I can't help it, she's not a hard person to love you know” I reply to him “You sound like a drunk dude on the streets wanting their ex back but I can tell you're not drunk just “in love”. Both are bad except when you're not drunk, you'd probably think straight” Once again he mocks me but I know he still wants to help. “Ok, ok. Now let's get serious for once here” I answer him as to where he replies with... “Well then, Do you have a plan. I can help if you want or need it” So far, I don't know how he can help 'cause so far, I'm bringing in all the confidence I have left just to face her. “Well, I plan on giving her a gift then say sorry and explain everything to her which I hope she'll understand and accept my apology and I've gotten everything that I need ready, I guess your support and thoughts on this idea could help.” I wait for his thoughts on what I plan to do so I just sit there while I see him typing “Well, if you're asking for my honest opinion, I think she might think that you're using that gift to get her forgiveness if you give it before saying sorry to her. What about giving it after?” He answered, It does make sense though, even if she might not think that way, I have to be careful so I go with his advice. Before I could even reply, he messages me again. “What's the gift for anyway?” He added. I tell him all about this gift and he understood why I did it. “You're really gonna miss her, aren't you? That's why you made her a gift, didn't you?" He stopped typing so I thought he was done but then he added... “You think it'll be enough for her to remember you?” I pause for a while and wonder, Will it be enough? Oh no! OH NO! she might just give it to someone else or forget all about this gift or she might not want to wear it 'cause it looks bad to her... But I stop all these nonsense thoughts going through my head, I know Maya's not that type of person. I'd be more than grateful if she actually accepts it and keeps it. Even though I'm not sure with how everything might go tomorrow, I still have hope that things might get better. “I'm not sure, but let's see” I replied. “I might not be sure with what our future may hold, But I'm sure my love will last until we're old like how our tale will be told”
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