Think Troy, THINK!

1667 Words
After playing for a while, I finally start to think straight and decide how I'm gonna apologize to her! that's always been the answer but I never went through with it to think how I'll do it. Anyways, now I've finally thought of a way how I'll apologize! Although to me it didn't feel like a sorry was enough, I thought that I should give her something. I must come up with something to give her as an apology and as a goodbye gift and as a remembrance of me? Yeah, that. Something that will always remind her of me even when I'm gone like for a long long time. I want something that'll keep my connection with her but not a phone, something better. Well I mean yeah a phone already sounds good but I can't choose that. One, is because I want something that was made by me which makes it even more special and two, I can't afford it. Hmmm... I need to think, Think Troy THINK! There must be something so special to her that she'll remember me by. Something that I can easily make. Hmmm... I try to remember the things that Maya likes which has gotta be a lot. Hmmm... she doesn't like sweets that much unlike me... stuff toys? but I don't know how to make those, I mean I could learn it but I want my gift for Maya to be perfect! and with me wanting it to be perfect, it might not just take me months but YEARS! and by the time I do manage to perfect it, it would already be too late. I have already left and we went our different ways. So now I try to think even deeper, even harder! what could she like most? I chuckle at this thought that just popped up in my mind. Me! She likes me the most! Wow, I sound too overly confident there. She can't keep me 'cause I'm not a thing and yeah, 'cause I'm leaving. Now I gotta think and be more serious because my time here might just run out. After a few more hours of thinking, I finally got it! “I have an idea!" I shout to myself excitedly because I'm sure she'll love it! “A bracelet!” I shout once more. My dull mood starting from the beginning of the week has finally changed into an exciting one! I can finally feel at ease because it won't be so long until I could finally talk and be around her again just like we used to. I can't wait for that to happen again. I'm sure with my gift for her which is a bracelet because I've noticed that she wears three of them one on the right and two other ones on the left. Which makes it a perfect gift to give to her. I was so excited that I went out immediately and I bought the things I needed already but unfortunately, I only had half of the things on my list, I also counted the small lightbulb that we found as we were playing on the swing before. I carefully cut it in half so I could have the other half on my bracelet and luckily it did not break. I mean, this isn't just for her that I'm making. I want something that'll make me remember her too once I'm gone. As if I'll ever forget her. I mean these past few weeks, she's all I thought of, I guess it's because she's a memory that I have in this place that I never wanna lose. I continue making at least half of the bracelet. I add the things that'll remind me of her like our picture together and I put things in her bracelet that will remind her of me like the lightbulb we both found. Somehow, that thing was important to both of us. Now whenever I see a lightbulb lit or not, I remember her. I hope she does too whenever she sees one... I continue filling both of the halves with this thing that looks like clear glue but is not and it kinda hardens and is like plastic or more like rubber once it dries, then for the other half of it, I fill it up with our picture sized real small to fit it there but not too small that no one can see what's on the picture with not much design while the other half filled with this glue looking rubber thing will be full of decorations. I finish the lightbulb part so I then go ahead with the other things I'm gonna attach. I was soon finished with the other decorations that'll be soon attached to this bracelet. I then go on with the string that will bring all of these things together but sadly that's what I couldn't buy so I have to wait 'til tomorrow to buy it. So since it was almost night, I packed these things into a safe box so no one can touch them nor destroy them. I've given too much effort on this so it shall not be destroyed! After those long hours of working on this, I decided to hit the hay and wake up early tomorrow to finish it all. I tuck myself in but strangely, even if my eyes were already shut, I still couldn't sleep. I mean it's strange for me because usually, as soon as I close my eyes, I'd already be asleep! I guess the excitement of what tomorrow will bring is what makes it difficult for me to sleep easily like before. Instead of trying to go to bed, I just think of the endless possibilities of how the bracelet would look like or How Maya will respond to this gift of mine. Of course it'll be kind of awkward for the both of us because of how cold I was to her and how I was acting these past few days... But hey, a sorry is where I could start to heal everything along with time. If all goes well, maybe she would forgive me.. Even though there's this wall currently between us, I still love her. I slap my face as I try to think of what's more important for now. Not my love or me leaving but her accepting my apology. “Come on Troy, this is no time to think of love” I tell myself once more to get it stuck in my head instead of her. - The Next Morning - I woke up early again and quickly took a bath so as soon as the stores open, I'd be ready to buy the last thing I need. 20 minutes later... I finally finished then wore my clothes. Next I head on down stairs to get to the store but I was stopped by... “Troy, where are you going this early in the morning?” My aunt asked looking confused and as if she just woke up. I replied to her with... “I'm just off to the store to buy something that I couldn't buy yesterday, it'll be quick, it's just one last thing”. She looks at me once more with even more of a confused look. “To the store? I think you're a little too early because the store isn't open for 30 more minutes it's only 4:30". I got shocked to hear what time it was. I guess I couldn't wait until this thing is over and I can finally see the results. “And couldn't you buy this later? why this early in the morning? Will it be out of stock later this day?" my aunt added. Hmmmm... I mean it won't be but I wanna see it finished already so... “Well... it's important and I want to see it finished already". I answered. “Ooh, what is it? and who is it for?” She replies with a wide smirk on her face and curiosity in her eyes. She giggles as she waits for my answer thinking I'm speechless but what's really happening is me thinking of what to answer her so I just tell her that... “it's a secret, I mean... it's for school” I answer. She pats me on the back then tells me... “Sure it is, sure it is” she answers and sounds doubtful of my reply to her as the smirk on her lips widens even more and hides a chuckle as she leaves. Going back to the topic of time, I guess I'll wait here for a bit and watch some shows. I look through all of them and finally found something to watch to past the time before I do go to the store. 30 minutes passed... Oh good! 5 am, the stores must be open now so before I head out, I checked if my money was here and after that, I went to the store as soon as possible. It was open yet no one was inside yet except for the employees who work there. Since it was a big store and the sun hasn't risen much yet, it looked kinda creepy since aside from the employees there, it was completely empty in this place but it didn't matter, I just need to buy the last thing I need, So I looked for the part of the store where I could find a strong string to hold on to the little things attached to this bracelet. I looked through all of the parts then finally found what I need. After that I quickly went to the cashier then payed and off I went to my house. As soon as I arrived, I went to finish this gift and a few more minutes of fixing it, I was finally done! “I hope you'll remember me with this gift, Hoping it will help us from drifting apart”
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