Coffee, Tea, or Me?

1303 Words
7:45 We finally arrived. I look over by Troy and he's still sleeping soundly. He looks peaceful while asleep and he looks cute even just by doing nothing. I just sit there and stare at him wondering what he's dreaming of that he doesn't want to wake up yet, Then out of nowhere he leans forward but yet still asleep. It looks like he's trying to kiss me! But he stops and whispers gently.. "...I want to be the first... and last to make you feel this way... I'll never... ever make you feel lonely... ". I get a little jealous of who he's dreaming of, she's probably that beautiful that he'd want to kiss her right away. As his face is slowly getting closer to mine, I look at his lips and think of how badly I want to kiss it. He leans forward even more until both of our noses are already touching. I didn't know how to stop him. Do I wake him up? Do I push him away from me? "What do I do??" I panicked. As I continue to move away from what supposedly is "a kiss" from Troy, I ran out of places to move back to then I thought, would I finally get my first kiss? That's not even one of the things I want to happen right now. But then he slowly opened his eyes and I could feel his eyelashes touching my skin. As he slowly opened his eyes, I saw the sparkle in it. It took him a while to realize that our lips where slowly meeting. Then he finally snapped out of it. "Oh, we're here! How long was I out?" He asked. "Wasn't really that long, probably about 20 minutes" I answered. I stepped out of the car and felt the warm breeze that gave me a warm feeling as if I was being hugged like what Troy mentioned before. It feels great! Before they left, They asked me to keep an eye on Troy again and I agreed then we left. "Let the babysitting begin!" I thought to myself. As we were heading into the cafe, he opened the door for me and from there we decided to choose what we were ordering because not far from there we could already see the menu above the counter written in chalk on a chalkboard. I decided to order a latte while he chose an espresso. He pulled up a chair in front of me and said "Here, take a seat. I'll order for the both of us" Then I sat down and waited for him to finish ordering our drinks. He came back and the look of exhaustion is still heavily shown on his face. His eyes began to get heavy and as soon as he blinked, he was out like a light. I started to stare at him again. As I see his beautiful features up close, I couldn't look away because of the way he looked while sleeping.. it mesmerized me. I let him have it because maybe aside from thinking of me all night, He probably practiced real hard for our upcoming presentation. I didn't bother to wake him up unless our order was here. I wonder what he's dreaming of now... Who he's dreaming of... Because now, he's smiling up from ear to ear. He must be really happy. I'm so curious with what's happening inside his mind. Maybe I'll ask him after he wakes up if he could remember it, even just the small details. I'd like to know them. Our order has arrived and not a second later, he wakes up. Possibly because of the smell of coffee in the air. It is a cafe after all. "I hope this is enough to keep me up the whole day" Troy said while taking a sip of his coffee. And apparently it worked. So I then take a sip of my drink too. 7:55 am We started to practice what we were gonna say and do on our presentation for our school project. A few hours later, we finished practicing and preparing. We were ready for the day of our presentation but what do we do now? He suggested something to do since we were finished and I might actually approve of it. "Wanna go to a park? We could play on the swings, the see saw, you name it" He suggested. It's not a bad idea, We need some time to relax too anyways. And so I agreed with his suggestion. What could a little fun do any harm? We walk on our way to the park. It was just right around the corner from the cafe we were at. It was perfect, No one was around. We started to play on the slide then the see saw. I felt happy because I got to play my favorite childhood things again, What makes it better is that I've spent it with him. Since it was lunchtime we had to stop the fun and eat. I was starving since I only drank a latte and nothing else. On an empty stomach I got weaker by the second, Troy was starting to notice so he immediately grabbed both of my hands putting it around his neck and then carried me on his back. "Hold on, I know a fast food place near by. It won't be long, you'll get your energy back I promise" He told me with a worried and anxious voice. I was too tired to respond to him. He started to run quickly while making sure I don't fall off his back. We reached the place in a blink of an eye. He brought me in while still carrying me behind his back. Yeah it might've looked ridiculous but he was making sure nothing bad happens to me while he's keeping a close eye on me too. "...we'll take this and..." That's all I could remember him saying or even hear him saying. He brought me to a seat with a wall near one side so he put me on that side so I could lean into the wall and not fall to the ground. "It won't be long" He said while still sounding worried about me. A few minutes later our food came but I was still too weak to even lift up the spoon nor the fork. And again he saves the day. Instead of eating his food right away, he sits beside me then took my spoon and fork and tried feeding me 'til I had enough strength to do it on my own. I regained my energy then continued it myself. "I'm stuffed! That was delicious! How much do I owe you? Sorry got a little tired earlier" I tried handing him what I think I owe him but he refused. "Don't worry, it's on me since it was kind of like an emergency earlier and you've been sooo nice to me too and I owe you a lot" He replied. "Don't worry, I'll pay it back next time. Wanna go back to the park?" I asked. "Sure! as long as you're sure you're ok?" He asked to make sure. "Yeah let's go!" I replied. As soon as we got there we immediately went to the swing. We pushed of the ground using both of our feet and swing as high as possible 'til we could touch the clouds. Since we were there swinging I decided to ask him about earlier in the car and at the cafe. But it looked like he was having a goodtime so I waited 'til later to mention it. There was only one feeling that I felt at that moment...Pure happiness! "If this is a dream, I wish I never wake up!"
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