Through His Eyes (Troy's POV)

2291 Words
All this time, I've been wondering... What does he think about me or how does he see me? I look into his eyes through his picture on my phone and wonder "How do you see me?". - Troy's POV - - 6: 00 AM - *alarm ringing* I get up as soon as I heard my first alarm, jumped off my bed and excitedly ran downstairs to eat breakfast. "This is my first day! I hope nothing bad happens today and I hope I meet a lot of new people since this is a new school after all. And I'm entering high school! They say this is the best part, entering high school!" I gladly say inside my head. I couldn't contain the excitement inside of me from coming out and eventually, my aunt noticed "You're up earlier than usual" My aunt said looking surprised 'cause I usually don't wake up this early in the morning even when going to school. "I have to be early, it's the first day of school today!" I replied while still having the sound of excitement in my voice. "I'm a changed man you know" I added while the look of confidence is painted across my face. We both giggled and laugh, although I was serious with what I said. It still sounded a little ridiculous to both of us so we just laughed it off. "Just wait, I'm still cooking your breakfast. Then I'll get your juice ready" My aunt added. If you're wondering where my mom and dad are, they're in a different country but they told me that soon they'd come here to pick me up, and then I could go with them. Since I was gonna wait a little bit more 'til my aunt was finished cooking breakfast, I decided to turn on the tv and watch some cartoons. I mean, it doesn't mean I'm in high school, I won't be allowed to watch these anymore. I enjoyed watching while waiting for my aunt to finish cooking. "Troy! breakfast's ready!" My aunt called as I hurriedly came to the kitchen and smelled the delectable scent of what she cooked. It smelled so good that my mouth started watering and I was starving even more once I saw what my breakfast for today was. It was the classic bacon, eggs, fried rice, toast, and juice breakfast. "Wow, this will keep me up the whole day! I'm starving!" I said before I ate everything that was in front of me. "Wooh, I'm stuffed! That was delicious!" I told and complimented my aunt's cooking. "Ooh, I'm flattered! Of course, the food would be delicious because I cooked it" my aunt proudly told me while giggling a little. - 6:30 am - After eating, I immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower. 15 minutes later... I was already finished and quickly put on my uniform. After I was finished, I grabbed my bag and went straight downstairs and onto our car. "Can we go now? Can we go now? Can we go now?" I repeatedly asked my uncle who was already at the driver's seat waiting for us. "No, not yet. Your brother is still inside and not here yet. You'll have to wait a little longer" My uncle calmly answered. The more I waited, the more my patience was growing thinner. I leaned towards the window 'til I finally saw my brother coming. "Finally!" I said to my brother who was walking towards our car. "What took you so long?" I added. "No one told me that we had to wake up at 6 IN THE MORNING!" My brother grumpily answered as he got in the car. Woah, It looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and as far as I know, I woke up on the same side too since the other side was against the wall. Maybe it's a little different up there since I sleep at the lower part of our bunk bed. "Let's go!" I told my uncle and off we went to school. As soon as we arrived, I quickly stepped outside of our car. The first step outside made me very excited to see what's inside because judging by what it looks like outside, it's probably gonna be a great school! I took a deep breath in and exhaled out. "This will be a new start for me! I hope they're nice" I whispered to myself as I went inside the school. I saw the classrooms on the first floor and I saw that they were for elementary and kindergarten students. I then realized that both elementary and high school stay in the same school. "Cool!" I thought to myself although I wondered why my brothers can't stay in here with me. I guess I'll never know. I then went upstairs to check if my classroom was there and I was right! It was there. I was sure it was my room no doubt 'cause in every room, they had a list of names of each student per section. Looks like almost everybody's here already. Well, at least I'm not late. It took us a while to get here since our house was a little too far away from this place but anyway, I looked for a seat and all I could find vacant were mostly the ones in the first three rows. Guess no one wants to be the first to be called to introduce themselves but it didn't bother me much of where I sat. I was in the middle part which was the third row which was less occupied than I expected and to think I thought the first row would have less people sitting there. So I just sat there instead since for sure this won't be our permanent seats and I don't know anyone else here too. I looked around again still trying to find a familiar face but no luck. There I was sure I really don't know anyone here. I still tried to be optimistic because I might just find a new friend along the way. I may sound childish to you but I'm only trying to get used to this school so far, that's why I'm so excited. As I was looking for my notebook, I saw a girl at the door. I looked around and she doesn't seem to be looking for anyone. I looked at my watch "It's 7:25! she's close to being late but she made it on time" I said to myself while still being curious about this girl who's at the door. As I gaze upon her beauty, I got distracted 'til she looked my way. W-why is she looking at me?? I can't seem to take my eyes away from her and the same goes for her. We quietly stared at each other 'til a teacher came in. She took the seat next to me. There I sat formally because I really didn't know what to do with her around, she makes me nervous in a way I can't explain. Is there something bad that's gonna happen between the two of us? I mean, we've only just met- wait, let me rephrase that, we haven't even met but I wanna make sure that there really isn't anything wrong here so I decided to get to know her but how do I approach her? How do I even talk to her? Why am I even worried about this?? She glances over at me and for some reason, that made my heart beat quickly. I didn't know what to do and just smiled at her. Ooh, the teacher's here. That'll take my mind off of her, probably... It's introducing time! It's finally my turn since the person that was in front of me was the last of the second row to introduce. I got kinda nervous but I was sure it wasn't because of me introducing myself to everyone. Something just felt off but I went through with it anyways to be done with this as soon as possible so I could finally meet her so I could finally know a little bit more about her to finally start a conversation with her. I started talking and introducing myself but I was a little concerned about the way I look. Maybe my hair's a mess or m-maybe my clothes are dirty. I realized that I only started getting conscious about the way I look only after I saw that girl. I don't see her being different from the others because when the other girls look at me, I don't feel this way. Feels kinda weird but good at the same time. I have never felt this way before. It'll just probably go away soon. I guess it's just a sign she'll be a great friend once I meet her! I sat back down and she was next but she didn't stop staring at me. I heard our teacher calling a name, it's probably her. I just look at her because I don't want to embarrass her. It took a while 'til she was back in the real world and realized that our teacher was calling her over and over again. She looked embarrassed and red. I couldn't help but find her cute so I giggled a little but I think she noticed which is maybe why she's turning even more red. Since she saw and heard me, I immediately looked away out of embarrassment. She started talking... Maya? Maya Luna, so that's her name. I was so fascinated by her but not in a creeping type of way that I continued looking at her. She really is pretty, I won't deny that but maybe this isn't the only reason why I can't stop looking at her. - 11:30 am - I went to a fast food place alone but it didn't bother me as long as I was eating, I came back to school afterwards and the rest of the day seemed pretty normal. I waited for our car and once it arrived, I got in it but I quickly leaned by the window and for some reason... I was thinking of her again. I took a notebook out of my bag then grabbed a pen and started writing her name down so I wouldn't forget. There I wrote "Maya Luna". As soon as we got home, I looked for her name through the internet. I looked on ** but no luck, I tried f******k but it showed a different name. That couldn't possibly be her. So I lie there in bed thinking of how I could talk to her. A few more days passed but nothing yet. Neither of us decided to talk to each other. Ironic really, I want to make her my friend yet I don't even try to talk to her. Then today our teacher said something about a group project. Apparently, our group is based on rows and since she was beside me, that meant we were group mates. Yes! I could finally talk to her! We formed a circle then chose a leader and to my surprise, everyone chose her. They said she's smart so I chose her too. She said we'll be doing it by this Saturday so I waited, got a little impatient but before I knew it, it was already Saturday! but wait... I NEVER GOT TO TELL MY UNCLE AND AUNT I WAS GOING!!!! How in the world am I even getting there and as far as I know I'M ALREADY LATE! Suddenly, my aunt called me. "Troy, your friend just chatted me" My aunt said while I'm here trying to figure out who she's talking about. Friend? In the past few weeks, I have never made one friend yet. "Maya, your friend? she said you're supposed to be with them today doing your group project" She added. Oh shoot! she already knows I'm missing. "I told her she can talk to you through my account" She added. Oh no... I don't know what to say! Maybe she's mad at me! Maybe she thinks I forgot what day it is but technically I kinda forgot to tell my aunt I was going because of my excitement but I don't think she'll take that as an excuse. I mean, she looks tough yet fun to be around at the same time. A perfect balance. I finally got the courage to talk to her. I waited for a response but I guess she's waiting for me to talk so I casually started it with a... "Hey" I said while trying to keep our conversation calm. "Did you forget what day it is?" That was the first thing she said, of course I haven't. I just forgot to ask my aunt if I could go. But I thought maybe she just doesn't know what day it is or maybe because she wanted to actually start a conversation with me so I said... "Saturday?" I replied. "Do you remember WHY this day is important?" She answered. Ohh, she looks mad. Maybe I could lessen that anger with a joke? "Your birthday? Happy Birthday!" I jokingly answered. I hoped that would make the situation be a little less serious but no... I was wrong, completely wrong! "No! It's supposed to be the day we made our project!" She furiously replied. Oh no, I guess I better get there before she blows a fuse. I didn't know what else to say to calm her down so I chatted her... "Oh shoot, I'm sorry. I'm on my way" "For once I'd like to see through your eyes, So I know your words aren't full of lies"
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