I Can't Look Away (Troy's POV)

2187 Words
She came in with us although it looks like she got nervous again. Hmmm... aren't I supposed to do something? Come on brain! think! Let's start out simple. "Hey, aren't we supposed to get to know each other more?" I said as I used my puppy eyes again as the cherry on top to make her feel comfortable enough to talk to me again. Hopefully, I was "cute" enough to make her talk again or maybe I'd even make her speechless, I giggled to myself Not long after, it looks like it worked and she looked like she was already thinking of many topics like before. "What about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Or which do you like better, day or night? Or what is your favorite song?" Wow, guess she's in her comfort zone. Hmmm... which should I answer first? Maybe I could just answer them from the first and to the last thing she asked. Should I answer the first one though? I like her already and I don't want any of them stealing her away from me even just as a friend. Or am I being too harsh? or selfish?? I guess I'll just answer it. But how should I answer this? Maybe in this way. Let's start with... "Well, I have two brothers. One 11 year old and one 7 year old. For the second question is sometimes day because of the warm feeling the sun gives me like it's hugging me when I'm alone and sometimes night because it's quiet and you get to think with the cold wind that slightly brushes through your hair..." I paused for a minute... Oh God, I revealed myself too much... But then I look at her, she's smiling. She probably likes this version of me, the honest one. At least I'm being my true self towards her and Hey! Who says some guys don't talk like this? It's normal! Get over it! I continued answering her questions and I'm left with the last one. " ...Song? Well, I can't just choose one but when I finally know which one it is, I'll let you know" I added. Brilliant! Now we have more things we could talk about that I could bring up at any moment but since I was finished answering her questions, I looked at her again and saw that she was thinking real hard again to come up with something to talk about but I didn't want her to worry too much about keeping the conversation going so I then assured her that she isn't the only one who's supposed to think of a topic to continue this conversation and hey, I was the one who asked for this. "Hey, don't think too much. It's my turn to ask. What about you? Do you have any brothers or sisters?" I asked her. Great Troy, real original! I thought to myself. But I looked at her again and it didn't seem to bother her that I asked the same thing she did. A few minutes later, she answered. "I have one brother and one sister, my brother's 11 years old while my sister's 9" She answered. Oh no... what now. Any questions would be ok? I don't know! I just asked her the first thought that was on my mind. "Cool! hmmm... What about relationships?" Oh no, I said it! oh no, oh no, OH NO... Why did I even ask that? What do I do now? What do I say now? What excuse am I going to say?? She looked at me confused and asked... "What do you mean?" She asked. "If you've ever had a boyfriend or are you currently in a relationship?" Oh God I made it worse! Hopefully she doesn't think of it the wrong way. Took a little while until she answered which worried me a little. "W-why did you ask?" She asked while looking down. Oh no... I screwed up... this is bad... She's looking down trying not to look at me AND SHE COULDN'T EVEN SPEAK RIGHT BECAUSE OF IT! This is REALLY bad! Why did I even think about asking that in the first place?? "Just apologize! Just apologize! Just apologize already!" I repeated it over and over again in my head. "Oh I'm sorry... did I say something wrong? I just wanted to ask because maybe your boyfriend wouldn't like it if you ride with me to send you home, if you have one." I answered and I heard and realized what I said and I got really embarrassed and hid under my shell like a turtle. It got quiet... that probably made things worse instead of making it any better. I did something wrong obviously. I started to get even more worried because of maybe what I said, she'll leave me too... "Oh, no it's ok. I just wanted to clear out why you asked and also no, I don't have a boyfriend. Not even once. Come to think of it, no one has ever really had a crush on me so yeah, none." She answered. Yes! she doesn't have a boyfriend! oh and good thing she didn't get weirded out by me too, yeah that's good too. But I really can't believe no one has ever tried courting her. I mean big mistake bros, guess she's all mine! I mean as a friend... for now. What am I even thinking, all I want is to be friends! right? "Really? I don't believe you. I mean you're serious? Who wouldn't have a crush on you? I know we've only just met but I could see that you're a great, smart, and caring person. But of course we're too young for those so I would understand and I think you'd be busy thinking of other stuff." I replied to her. Oh no... I said too much again... WHY DO I KEEP DOING THIS?? I can't help but say the last thing on my mind. "I mean if it was me I'd totally go out with you if we weren't too young..." Wait- what did I just say??? Did I just confess to her??? WHAT DO I MEAN CONFESS?? I only like her as a friend as far as I could remember. My thoughts are completely scrambled and confused about how I really do feel about her... NO NO NO TAKE IT BACK ALREADYYYY- my brain trying to tell me to take it back. Neither of us can function properly. What if she rejects me? Or worse, stop being FRIENDS?? "JUST TAKE IT BACK ALREADYYY!!!!" I said while inside my head I was trying to think of an alibi. She's awfully much quieter now...JUST SAY SOMETHING!! "But you're my friend and I could only probably see you that way and I think you feel the same way too" I added. I went back to my thoughts, did I go too far there? maybe she won't think I like her or maybe if she did like me, maybe she thought I rejected her... Oh God, why do I keep making things worse?? But when I thought things were about to get even worse, she replies. "Yeah you're right, I mean we are friends after all and I can't imagine thinking of you that way hahaha." She replied. Ouch! that hurt more than I expected and more than what I said but it's good that things are clear between us. Then I heard two voices giggling in the front. It was my aunt and uncle! Apparently, they've been listening to our whole conversation and they heard that last bit too... Oof- Oh no... the awkwardness is growing again! I just laugh it off so she won't notice a thing and she probably didn't and joined me just laughing it off. A few minutes later... We were talking to each other a lot again before we knew it. We talked nonstop like there's no tomorrow! It went on like that for an hour until we reached her house... My smile turned slowly into a frown again... There's one more day in between us before we get to see each other again. I didn't want to say goodbye, and instead, I convinced her to stay longer... I mean we were already at her house, just a few more time to talk won't hurt, right? She doesn't seem convinced so I brought out the big guns! I used my big ol' puppy eyes on her again because she can't seem to say no to that. I was wrong, she didn't give in to the temptation of my puppy eyes and resisted it and grabbed both of my cheeks with her hands and then she told me... "Aww is my cute little puppy gonna miss his owner?" She asked. Awwww that's so cute with the cute voice she used on me. Wait- she's my owner? So that means... she's mine!! or more like I'm hers! Or maybe not. Instead of answering her with words, I chose to just nod like a dog. To be honest, if I had a tail, it'll be wagging nonstop like an actual dog. Wow, she even petted me in the head. I whimpered since she was about to go inside. "Don't worry, It won't be long we'll see each other again." She added. Instead of saying and waving goodbye, I opened both of my arms and grabbed her in for a hug. I held on to her tight then I felt that she was raising both of her hands and hugged me back. I didn't want to let go and she knows that but her parents called her in and there I really had to say goodbye already. I walked slowly towards our car while looking back if she's doing the same but she's already inside so I went in quicker. As our car started to move, I leaned into the window and put one of my hands on the car window, sighed deeply and said... "I trust you... we'll see each other again..." I whispered to myself as we got farther and farther from her house. The whole trip, I kept on staring at the window and even tried pinching my cheeks like how Maya did earlier. Sooner or later, my aunt who's been watching me this whole time started to notice what I've been doing the whole trip. "Ooh, you miss her already don't you?" My aunt told me while finishing off with a smirk. But it didn't bother me much because she is right that maybe I do like her more than just a friend already... The confusion was gone, I like Maya and I won't deny it any longer! I just answered her honestly on how I really felt but not too much about how I feel about Maya "Yeah... I do miss her..." I answered as I sighed deeply at the window while it creates a fog and I write her name on it and again sighed thinking more of her. "Don't worry, she promised that you'll see each other again and hey, you're classmates" My aunt said then smiled at me trying to assure me that everything will be fine. I know but I can't help it, what if the next day it'll be different between the two of us? What if someone tells her how I really feel?? I continue to worry inside my head. "You two are perfect for each other you know, and hey, maybe one of these days she'll confess to you" My aunt added while winking at me. I giggled a little to make her stop worrying. Oh please, like she'd do that. A few minutes later we finally arrived at our house. I took off my shoes and went directly upstairs to my room and I didn't bother turning the lights on and grabbed my phone. I searched her name on f******k and there she is but wait- Do I do the first move? I am the guy after all... but what if she thinks I'm too clingy? I stare at my phone for 30 minutes but still doing nothing. Until my phone lit up and there was a notification. I open my phone to see what it is and... It's a friend request! From Maya! Oh no, OH NO, what do I do?? I decided to click confirm but I accidentally pressed delete I tried looking for her account and decided to send her a friend request and maybe explain to her later what happened. It's already sent... It's been 15 minutes already and she hasn't accepted my friend request yet... Hmmmm... maybe she's mad 'cause I deleted her request... Oh no... I felt really bad because of that one mistake... what do I do?? I panicked and ran around my room with both hands on my head and kept thinking of why she'd be mad at me then my phone lit up again with a notification. It's her! she accepted it! "Is it love? is it love in my heart? Yes, I love you! I loved you from the start"
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