It Can't Be...

2275 Words
Now that I finally understood what feeling I felt earlier, now there's just one more thing that needs to be crossed out... Could it be him who's making her happy now? There's nothing wrong with that but I think I feel mad because of it? I mean I know they haven't actually spent time alone with each other because Luke was always with me and he's got a girlfriend already. It's just that they beam at each other whenever I was with Luke, it wasn't me who she was looking at but Luke. This is also probably the reason why I'm jealous and upset. I know him and he's great and all but none of this could be real, for all I know I could be just imagining all these again. But now I was sure this was all real, No... it couldn't be him... He's a good friend of mine and I know he'd never betray me, specially like this. Would she really replace me with my best friend? But we're nothing alike... I guess that's the point but why him? He knows I like her so badly and we're still good friends until now and like I said, he's a good guy and I trust that he wouldn't tell her about how I really feel for her not until I do it myself and he respects that decision of mine. We have a bro code so I really trust him. Although what I'm worried about is that if he fell for her, what else can I do to win her back? He's almost perfect. Should I just let her go? It probably is the right thing to do but it feels so wrong... But I guess it would be easier if I just confront him? 'Cause for all I know, I could just be paranoid like the past few weeks that passed by. He's a very understanding person so I just decided to confront him later this recess and as always, he agreed. So until then, I was quite uptight this morning and I could see Maya taking quick peeks from the corner of her eye and she probably thought I was mad about something or maybe just really busy so she stopped looking after I caught her. Recess came yet knowing that Luke is basically an innocent huge potato, I could worry him easily by just looking mad. I couldn't do it. Well, not now at least... Luke came up to me this recess and immediately asked me about it. He said.. “Hey Troy, you told me you had something to tell me earlier? What was it?” He just went straight for it but I make up an excuse and tried looking calm while giving him another excuse. “I forgot it, it's just at the tip of my tongue but I'd possibly recall it this lunch so like before, come with me to lunch if you can” He replied as soon as possible and said.. “Sure, well then, see you later dude.” He left afterwards because today, their class had early recess for something related to their other class so he had to leave so soon. As I see him leave, I couldn't clear out whether I was mad, hurt, or just paranoid. I took a deep breath in and a deep breath out, It helped out a little. - Lunchtime - I grabbed my bag and went downstairs to meet up with Luke just like we agreed upon earlier. He was already waiting at the gate and as soon as he saw me, He waved at me and called my name and when I got there, I was about to go straight to the point and tell him but he told me we should talk when we got to a place to eat because he was starving already so I just went along with it and nodded. We were just strolling around the side of the road, I was about to confront him and I probably called his name a hundred times already and might I remind you, there wasn't much people out and we were walking closely beside each other so it was impossible that he couldn't hear me because it seemed like he wasn't paying attention and was looking behind me. Before I spoke another word, I turned around to see what he was looking at and apparently it was Maya! It was her... Then my suspicion started to rise quickly again because they look at each other all confused and as if they know each other and my hunch could be right but before I could even say his name again, he speaks up and said.. “May? Is that you? Long time no see!” He excitedly said. I was so confused with all that was happening. So I chose to get answers from Luke and clearing things out by simply asking this question.. “You know her?” I asked while waiting for an answer, I mean obviously Luke would know about her because I talk about her with him but know each other? I didn't think so and he also called her differently... but even so, apparently they did know each other! "Yeah! she's my long-lost childhood best friend..” And I guess longer than me and Maya has known each other nor me and Luke has. I thought he was just making it all up so me and her could talk again but what he said was actually true. “..ever since we were 4 or 5 but I haven't seen or heard from her for the last 6 or 7 years not until now, How are you? Did you move or something?" He continued. Yet no answer from Maya. She looked both shocked, confused, and maybe a little anxious. She didn't say a word and was supposed to leave already not until Luke said something.. "Hey! Where are you going? Come with us, let's eat lunch together so we could catch up!" Luke gladly suggested. She soon thought about it after hearing his suggestion. I didn't know if he wanted them to catch up with each other or me and her. She then answered... “Sure” I thought that she'd stop there but then she added. “If it's ok with Troy?” then she immediately looks down trying not to look at me. I didn't want her to worry more and this is good, at least we can both talk now. “It's fine with me” I answered without hesitation and smiled at her 'cause at long last, things are finally starting to work in our favor and things might get fixed between the two of us. “Great! so you two know each other already? Let's go! I'm starving!" Luke answered filled with thrill. Why wouldn't we know each other? she's literally the girl I keep telling him At that point I knew he acted dumb as if I never spoke about Maya to him so I wouldn't be caught red handed about thinking and talking about her all the time around him. Quite a close call if he hinted even just a little that I always talk about her infront of him. So then, the three of us continued walking 'til we found a place to eat at. We found a place, a place just a few blocks away from our school. As soon as we got in, right away we found ourselves some seats for the three of us. Then Luke offered to take the orders for us so we could just wait here for him 'cause there was quite a lot of people in line and he knows both me and Maya are easily distracted. So we told him what we wanted to get then we gave him our money so he went to the line while we sat there quietly and taking quick looks at each other which obviously made the atmosphere awkward. I didn't dilly-dally and just went for it and spoke to her. But of course my nerves were kinda in the way which made me stutter a little and didn't know much of what I said even after I've already said them. “Uhm... Hey... Long time no see... I-I mean long time no talk?" I embarrassedly look straight away from her yet I wasn't the only one who stuttered. “Y-yeah... long time no talk" She answered right away yet not a word after it which got us quiet again and didn't decide to speak of another word but not until Maya handed me something without telling me what it was and while I look at it, she told me something while still sounding a little nervous. “H-here! You can read it later if you want..." Then carried on with looking away from me as I opened the piece of paper she handed me. She was probably more nervous after saying that and handing this to me because her cheeks began to turn red again. So since it looked like she had nothing else to say at the moment, I hurriedly read what she wrote for me. I quickly read it and halfway through the letter, I noticed that it was the song she was singing yesterday and it is for me! I was so glad and I recalled how she sang it so halfway through, I read it in her voice when she sang it with that sweet melody she sang along with it. I was really happy for once because it's as if things are going back to the way they were like when we first became friends. I felt my blood rush but in a good way. I felt that rush, the one that you feel when you find out that the person you like likes you too. That type of feeling. Like I've said before, she's the only one that makes me feel this rush. I finished reading it while still having a smile along my lips. I quickly glance at her to check if she's still looking away but she actually has been looking at me while I was reading the whole thing and she actually looks shocked and confused and looked away as soon as she caught my stare. Was I doing something wrong again or did she give me the wrong letter? Before I spoke to her, I checked how far Luke was from the line and he was farther away than I thought so I decided to talk to her now while I was alone with her. Now I grab her hand and put it over my chest so once again she could feel I was being true to her 'cause I am. I looked at her and said... “I'm so sorry for what I've done... I'm so sorry for ignoring you out of nowhere without letting you know the reason why I did it..." I was sure enough that she trusted my words because even I could hear the guilt in my voice while apologizing in front of her. I could see in her eyes even if she saw I was being sincere, she tried not to show too much of what she felt and so she answered me with... “You mean ghosting?" she said it sounding sarcastic. All I could think of at the moment was, Wow, they have a word for it now? so I just answered her casually yet still being true to her. “That's what it's called? If it is then yeah... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being such a coward and not just telling you straight away" I really couldn't help but regret what I did even more because for sure, if someone did that to me, I'd be crying my eyes out specially if it was someone I really cared about... like her... But not long after, she felt that the way I said it was true and she accepted my apology. When all seemed like it was going well already, she added a question. “Oh and Troy, I have a question... it kept on bothering me ever since... Why did you ignore me all of the sudde-" before she could finish, Luke arrived with our meal. Luke was holding all of our orders in two trays so he quickly put them down and said.. “Foods here!” he shouted. He then added.. “Come on! Let's eat! I'm famished!" and he was actually looking quite hungry to be honest. So we just grabbed our food and started eating. But before I ate my lunch, of course I wouldn't forget that Maya was trying to ask a question earlier so it got me curious what it was. “What was it that you were going to ask earlier?" She immediately gave me a response and what she said was.. “Nah, it's nothing important. I could tell you another time. For now... LET'S JUST EAT!" sounding really hungry, guess she just really missed talking to me that's why she right away thought of something to ask. But of course, I chose to remember it so I could ask her next time. I let her eat 'cause I know what happens when she's starving. We all finished eating so I stood up and raised one of my hands towards Maya and asked... “Friends?” “Friends.” she answered while smiling with her adorable cheeks turning red. Finally, happiness... “The truth was actually quite contrary, Just a memory of your melody”
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