Chapter 53.5: The real reason

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"Impossible..! Sir Terran is fighting thirty meters away from us and letting weaker demons pass him for us to fighr to ease his burden... it shouldn't be possible for him to come here in an instant right captain..?" Eadwig asked Blackmane but saw Blackmane wirh the same confused look as him. "Do sir Terran has a brother..? haha" Blackmane laughed bitterlt as he don't understand the situation at all. --------------------------------- Meanwhile Nyx was also very shock that combining two different elements actuallt has such a powerful elemental reaction. "It isn't as powerful as the one sword s***h I did half a day ago... but still the blow just now was supper strong but good thing I managed to help the hunters" I sighted as I looked over the dusty batrle field and saw that every demonic beast the hunters were fighting were hit by my attack just now. 'QI injection on things... only a Golden core can do such things, with mt cultivation level I can only show my heaven defying techniques but in order to inject my QI to a fragment of stone I need to be at least at the Innate spirit realm to do such things but it seems my knowldged really differentiates me from the normal cultivators' Nyx was so proud that he made a creepy laugh that even the hunters that were blown fifteen meters away from where he was standing were creeped out. "H-has he gone mad..? why is he laughing all of a sudden..?" "Hey! Shut up! do you want to die??! Didn't you see just how he slaughtered fifteen plus demons!!" "Yeah, what if he suddenly attack us because he heard you!" "Shut up! You idiots... it's clear that he is on our side, do you remember? What ma'am Zira and sir Terran said when the people heard a loud crash near the alley of the Tiger's Den Inn that day..? They said they saw a huge pig lioe monster flew from the second floor and saw a dark figure fighting against it... that pig might be the same as them, a demon and that guy is trying to help us" Eadwig stood up as he touched his dislocated shoulder. *Tiger's Den, the Inn when Nyx stole the magical beast man and fought with Baron Swine* "That's right, don't be rush you fools... this man might be our turning point in fighring against this demons..." Blackmane came closer to Eadwig as he helped him to properly stand. 'Who is this man..? I feel like I've meet him before, and that spell and martial arts he just showed us was the same as sir Terran... could it be?! Is he Nyx their son? No, no how could that be... he is only about five years old now but that kids growth is really abnormal as he is only five years old but his body is actually kinda taller than normal and looks like a seven or eight year old... that isn't possible that kid might be their son but it doesn't explain his absurd power..!' Meanwhile Terran noticed a strong surge of magical energy in his left side and saw a dark figure that laughed, but he saw the hunters were unharmed and only demons died but as soon as he took his eyes off another demonic beast came rushing to him and has no time to take a look around Terran used his wind element as the main damage dealer as his earth element as a way to fight with no restraints because of how strong his defense was and the fact that he was now a seventh circle mage. "Notice: Mage levels are divided to, Novice level, Apprentice level, Elementary level, Intermediate level, Advance mage level then it turns to One cricle, Two circle, Three circle, Fourth circle, Sixth circle, Seventh circle and so on until the Tenth circle where a mage transcends the boundary of mortal realm and is more known as an Arch mage. You'll know more in the later chapters" *Fwoosh* Terran focused on his fight instead of looking at the mysterious black figure as he didn't feel any malicious intent coming from him, of course it was because it was his own son Nyx but he didn't know Terran punched the demons that were coming to him left and right but there was still hundreds of them but he only killed about fifty or so, Terran was panting as his mana started to run out he wanted to save as much mana as he can by letting weaker demons be killed by the hunters but now it seems it still didn't work. 'This snake mane demons are really hard to kill... it is because of their snake like mane that uses a type of magic the confuses a mage or a knight that will make any of their attack mostly miss them or even those who have a low level of power experience a strong illusion that will certainly lead to their death, and this arm demon that has arms for it's four limbs is pretty fast and is good at close combat. It can either stand with two arms or crawl it is a good pair for fighting with this two types of demons... but who could perfectly create such hordes of demons and why attack the Grannar village..? heh, as for now I should focus on killing and surviving' Terran wanted to kill all the demons surrounding him as the clouds reveal the bright shine of the moonlit night a giant silhouette of a humanoid came into his vision as he felt the tremendous amount of demonic aura that giant demonic beast had, Terran almosr fell to the ground Nyx saw something wrong and focused as he used his blood and mana to enhance his vision, he clearly saw an Ape like giant magical beast but it exudes demonic QI as it's fur was jet black it almost looked like a tree because it was already night but it seems it was the one who was controlling this demons, that's what Nyx thought. But Nyx saw a blurry silhouette of a human like creature, Nyx used his spiritual power to further enhance his eye sight and saw the night as clear as the day he saw a winged demon on the left shoulder of the giant demonic ape and three humans wearing black hoods that he was very familiar with It was none other than Baron Swine and those two weird mages, Nyx got angry just by seeing this three his blood boiled as he remember them taking a young best girl for their so called "Master". Nyx couldn't help it anymore, he only wanted to help Terran if he was in danger so Terran can learn a thing or two from him but it seems the things that are happening right now were much more complicated than he thought, that master of theirs must be the one who orchestrated all of this Nyx's eye's narrowed as the foggy shadow on his body calmed down the hunters saw Nyx suddenly went quite and in the next second they only saw the ground where Nyx was standing where blown to pieces Nyx suddenly dissappeared, Blackmane was focusing on Nyx and thinking if he would do something and wanted to get ready for anything that would go out of hand but it seems it was only a joke for Nyx as he dissappeared the rocks and soil were blown away towards the hunters and even some of them got hit by small rocks. "Ow...! What the hell..? A rock?" "Hey! I saw you! you were holding a rock earlier! Did you threw it to me?!" "What..? I was only looking at the rocks that that guy used to kill the demons, I didn't threw it at you!" "Then what is this rock? Huh?! Are you saying it is alive and is making fun of me?!" "Must be! Because of how stupid you are! I already told youit wasn't me!" The two hunters close to each other started fighting like a cat and dog but Blackmane punched this two idiots and immediately calmed down. "That mysterious guy did it, if you have any problems with him then just go and complain to him if you wanna die" Blackmane looked back and pointed his thumb back wards and pointed it to the crater left by Nyx. "Haha... Blackmane we... we were just joking around..." "Hahaha, right right!" The two idiots had a dumb look on their faces as they thought what kind of human can leave such a crater on a solid ground that was made from hundreds of years ago that solidified from the people and carriages using it as a road. "Only a Grand master level swordsman or martial artist can leave such crater on the ground just by jumping... and jusdging by the crater size it is about one feet tall and there is no other explaination other than there is another Grand master level swordsman or martial artist in the Grannar village... Haha, Blackmane do you have any idea to who it is?" Eadwig laughed as he came closer to Blackmane as his arms were still hurting. "I have no idea..." Blackmane shrugged his head as he had no idea if a Grand master level is like a rare breed of duck and can be seen if one just know where to find it. Terran lost his balance as he was lost in his thoughts that Zira was killed or was taken away by that giant demon and lost hope, but he never expected a sharp and loud bang to come to him Nyx flew in air as he leapt he broke ground with every bit of step and with a blink of an eye he reached Terran that was thirty five meters away from him and the demons was about to pounce on him, Nyx gathered his mana. "Tiger palm..!" Nyx shouted but his voice was different as he used a special technique to distort his voice, it sounded deeper and sounded like a man in his twenty's or so. *Boom!!* *Fwoosh!* A loud crash suddenly appeared from Terran's back side as he lost his hope he got to his knees staring blankly to the ground as saw the shadow of the demons pouncing onto him, but he didn't expect that a loud scream of a tiger to heard and a giant claw like mana with a Tiger's patern the demons in his back side were all torn to pieces, their guts flew out like a rock smashed against a giant boulder their limbs and eyes landed five meters away from the encirclement of the demonic beast and the other demonic beast got blown away by the remaining force of the attack Nyx perfectly controlled his power and only killed the twenty or so demons that jumped to Terran in his back as he fall to the ground helplessly thingking that Zira was taken away by the demons or was killed by them, Nyx used a martial technique of the Sky rendering realm to make sure it doesn't create a mess and accidentally kill his own father. "Boy... stand up, all hope has not been lost yet... that child, your wife is still fighting... I can feel an intense fight over that mountain range, the cold mana and the moonlight sword intent... quite a fierce battle if you ask me" I then pretended to be older and told my own father that I can sense my mom fighting from afar over the mountain range of the Grannar Village with the demonic beast earlier. "W-who are you..?" Terran asked as he didn't hear a thing Nyx said, the loud bang and the crushing of the body of the demonic beast Terran's ear were still ringing and Nyx's acting was all for nothing. "Me..? I'm just a hero for fun..." I sounded as if my head suddenly shined like that one hero. Terran still didn't hear Nyx and just looked at him blankly, the hunters saw Nyx took down the demonic beast with ease but they only saw dark figure and a claw of seven meters wide wiped off the demonic beast and even blown some away that none dared to move and come closer to Nyx. --------------------------------- Earlier, Baron Swine and the Winged demon was laughing at the sight of Terran desperately fighting against low leveled demonic beast. "Haha, Baron... I bet that that human can only kill twenty demonic beast at most" The winged demon said with an evil grin. "You're over thingking, that human only at most kill five of them... withthat amount of pitiful mana hahaha, he can only hope that he can even properly fight" Baron Swine laugh as he looked at Terran with anger. But a moment later the two has never thought that Terran was very strong, strong enough that even if they fighr him one on one Terran can still gain some foothold. "Gulp..." Baron Swine had cold sweats as he saw the demonic beast got torn apart by Terran's raw power. "Baron... I seem to have smelled fear within your heart, HAHAHA!" The winged demon mock Baron Swine as he felt his fear. "Don't joke about that, I can kill him if I want to!! Master has given me new power and I actually wanted to test it out-" "??!" The four sudde ly felt chills as they saw a human jumped all of a sudden, and all the fifteen plis demonic beadt got killed and in the next few minutes he dissappeared and soon a giant claw like attack torn the demonic beast apart like paper the limbs flew apart as the other demonic beast got blown away. "What happened..?!! That technique... just what was that, a demonic beast of class B and class A just got torn to pieces like nothing!" Baron Swine can't believe his eyes as the demonic beast that he was ao proud of got killed in an instant. "That technique... it is the same as master's, but ut seems it was weaker but I haven't seen nor heard any technique that can clearly copy a giant tiger palm!" The winged demon exclaimed. "I have never seen the master do that kind of technique though..." "Maybe it is because we are always getting upgrades as is always being tuned up by master..." "Yeah... I guess so" The two mages conversed to themselves. "Heh! Don't even think you are at the same level as us newbies... isn't that right sir winged demon..?" Baron Swine mocked the two but the winged demon didn't go to the level of the Baron. The two mages went quite as they felt embarrassed for their weakness. 'Hmph! This Baron thinks hi is the same level as us..?! That two mages are the result of experiments from the master for the last couple of hundreda of years and is as strong as a SS class demonic beast if they were to awaken their real powers... I don't know why the master would take a human to the ranks of our noble society, he ia just a waste of space!' The winged demon scoffed at the Baron for being ignorant and wanted to kill him, as this two mages are actually stronger than him an S class demon. "Hey, walk faster and kill that human" The winged demon told the giant demonic ape. 'The reason why master sent this three here must be because of this person... ha... it seems I have underestimated the humans'
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