Chapter 53: I'm exposed

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"Stop..! it's me Nyx..! I'm not a demon I just used my dark elemnt to cover my body so my father won't know it's me..!" I panicked as even I almost didn't noticed this Panther girl sneak attacking me and somehow managed to stop her hands and claw from sinking to my chest. "Ah... then... Young master... why arw the two of you..." Helbert wasn't sure if this two are lovers or not but thw position was that of a lovers fighting. The Panther tribe leader was caught off guard as she didn't think would take advantage of her, Nyx was holding her right hand and well as her boobs with Nyx's right hand. The Panther tribe leader blushed and she tried to struggle to break free it only made things worst as she feel to Nyx and Nyx lost his balance and her boobs came to Nyx's face. *Boom* *Thud* "Kyah..." The Panther tribe leader made a cute sound as she feel and felt a warm breath in her chest area. "Ahem... I guess we should leave the both of you to do your things quitely..." Helbert them harrumphed as he walked past the two that was playing like a cat on the ground. "Mpgmphh! mahahwpahahqj! hempph!" I struggled to talk but I couldn't even breath with this two huge breast pressing against me. 'Help..! Old man don't leave me! Help!' Helbert leave Nyx with the erotic nee-chan Panther beast girl and the two still lying on the ground. "Ughh... master, forgive this humble servant of yours..." The erotic beast girl finally stood up after the rest of the group leave. 'Why does she looks so red..? don't tell me she's a shotacon..? hahaha... then I should take advantage of this situation hehehe!' Nyx had a perverted expression his face and one can see his saliva dripping down from his mouth. But his old age consciousness didn't allow his l**t to succeed. 'You boy..! don't be swayed by your emotions! remember that we are very old! old enough to make the age of this erotic nee-chan seems to be a baby for us!' Nyx then composed himself and almost made a mistake he can never take back in his lifetime. "Ahem..! Sister- Ahh! I meant that I can see your boobs... no I mean-" I just slapped my own face for looking at this erotic beast girls boobs and the clothes she was wearing revealed her boobies and I can even faintly see her n*****s. 'Wtf am I even saying right now..! this is what those anime mc would say and somehow work and starts to date that girl but this is the... real... real world..?' Nyx was confused as the erotic nee-chan was actually really flustered and embarrassed by Nyx's words and it seems she's a shotacon that Nyx was talking about. "Urm... master..." The Panther beast girl caresses her hair and sat down with her check blushed red and her eyes looking everywhere to not just make an eye contact of Nyx. --------------------------------- "Hmm... now that I think about it, isn't it the mating season for beast folks this time of the month..?" Helbert asked the beast people with him and remembered Nyx and the Panther tribe leader beast girl. "Hmm... now that you mention it, it is those felines mating season this month... and we are next feom our Great mountain lion tribe..." The Great mountain lion leader said. "Hmm... so young master might already have his first time today huh..? how other young man would be envious would the other young man be, hahaha..!" Helbert laugh like a maniac and felt happy for Nyx's first time and it was such a gorgeous lady. "Then... do human parents allow their young ones to mate with others?" The Lion beast man asked confusedly such as their tradition of mating was finding a stronger partner in the form of fighting but it seems with how Nyx showed his power half a day earlier it caught the heart of many in heat beast girl. "Now that you mention it... I think I'm gonna be killed by ma'am Zira if that really happens!" Helbert just noticed that his life was on a very thin line from death. --------------------------------- Nyx and the best were about to have their first kissing scene but Nyx regained his sanity in time and put his arms to the shoulders of the Panther beast girl and his head looking down but was covered by a thick black dark mana and said. "Let's do it next time shall we..?" I then fled and used the shadows dagger I thre earlier when I regained my sanity and teleported twenty meters far from where the erotic nee-chan was. 'Oh god... I hope I didn't leave any weird impression on her... urgh... my future image on her might crumbling right at this moment...' Nyx ran through the roof and saw Helbert rushing back ro where he was and was annoyed that this old man actually left him so he let him be and maybe he will be r***d by the Panther tribe leader and so Nyx's reputation will be saved. *Clack* *Clack* The sound of the metal boots against the hard stone road made a noisy sound as Helbert run and shouting for Nyx and wanted to save his life from being taken by Zira. "Young master..!" Helbert ran with all his might and shouted as loud as he could but it was too late when Nyx has already left. "Young mas...ter..? Eh? where is young master? Young Lady have you seen young master..? Ahhhh..!" Helbert shouted as soon as he came closer and saw the Panther tribe leader's clothes and her boobs seems to have been fondled. "I-I... I'm dead..." *Clank* *Clank!* Helbert's body crumbled as his sword on his back fall to ground and he was kneeling as his hands touching the ground and has a dark shadow on his face. "I-I didn't think that... that, young master would really do it on a lady... for him to be so vigorous at a young age..." Helbert feel down helplessly as he imagined Zira chopping his head down. Meanwhile Nyx has already come to the battle field and saw his father fighting the demonic beast like a god of war, Terran was using the rock iron skin spell to make a strong armor for his body and was using his wind element to boost his speed and power his arms has a wind vortex circling around it as he fights the beast gets blown to bits that the defenses weren't strong enough to defend against Terrans barrage of attacks. "Hmm... my dad is pretty good, but his martial arts... a pity it's only those military martial arts that only uses killing method and no other special strong techniques, it must be because he didn't have a good master. But I will help him and let him know how to use real martial arts that I have copied from earth..!" I was standinf atop from a nearby building and watching the people fight, but it seems the hunters can only do a little about the situation Nyx sighted and looked so motivated to fight but he can't risk to reveal his identity to the people but if he don't he would not have the heart to take the responsibility to take on the death of the hunters. "The titanium blades are dull because they didn't use the seven folds tempering art, a forging technique that can successfully make a strong but brittle metals and make use of other heavenlt ores to strengthen it even more. And titanium is one of those strong but birttle metals because if one uses it as a sword component it will not last long because it is brittle and the blade will be dull after a couple of fight but due to the mysterious "enchanting" magic in this world the problem was solved but it was onlt temporary it onlt made it ten times harded and made it sharper but still brittle... and facing against an army of demonic beast, haiz I should just have not his my knowledged and I should have just not worried about them figuring out about my reincarnation this is another world and people shouldn't know about profound things such as reincarnation" I convinced my self into believing that people won't know about those things and just jump to help my father. 'I should use martial arts to make father learn a thing or two, with his formation he would endanger his merdians from collapsinf from the unstable movements he's doing' *Fwoosh* Nyx jumped from the building leaving a dark foggy foot prints on the roof as he flew in the air without using his cultivation to fly but his raw sheer power, Nyx then used his mana and focused it on his right arm and the amount of mana he has gatheted has condensed into a terrifying black vortex and wifh his earth element Nyx copied his father's move and created a wind vortex and made a new set of skills. *Ting* "Skill created: [Vortex punch]" 'Huh..? this again, what the f is this? is this supposed to be a game... hah never mind I'm just gonna use this "Vortex punch" and use circulate my blood eight times faster and make it flow to my right hand with everything I had..!' The vortex punch Nyx used made a loud whistling sound as the clash of the wind and dark element it created a semi elemental storm but with Nyx's special body and cultivation level it didn't even made a scratch on him but even only made Nyx feel like his right hand was being tickled. "...What is that..?" A hunter asked while he was fending off a demon who had a broad sword with only one blade but the demonic beast ressembled that of a miniature Minotaur but was a goat with a deep yellow colored eyes. "Hey..! focuse you i***t if you don't want to die!" A fellow soldier scolded him. "I know... but that sound is too loud and is making me lose my focus..." "Then kill that demon first and tell the captain if it is another demon... if it is then we might nor be able to help sir Terran and... maybe even die-" *BOOM!!* A loud crash suddenly came and all of the nearby demons and the hunters were blown away from the shock wave, but Blackmane and Eadwig managed to stand and even used the situation to their advantage the stab the demon they were fighting with their now dull swords. "Cough, cough... what... what the hell was that? Captain..?" Eadwig asked as he almosr fall to the ground from the shocking blow. "I don't have any idea... but it must be something with incredible power... get ready, and gather the hunters to form the formation that ma'am Zira teached us about..!" Blackmane shouted and made Eadwig gather the hunters that were all blowd away but was surprised that all the demonic beast they were fighting had the same injuries on their chest, and it seems that a stone with an intese dark element mana was shot through their chest using a very powerful wind magic. "Leader..! It seems to have helped us..? I mean, it did kill the demons but let our fellow hunters alive..." Eadwig scratched his head confused and waited for Blackmane's answer. *murmur* *murmur* The hunters slowly gathered around, and some of them had some minor injuries such as dislocated shoulders and arms from the shock wave but no one died, the hunters started to talk about who this mysterious person was and saw the dust slowly clear and saw a pitch black figure with a wind vortex on it's hand circling around like Terran and thought it was Terran. "Impossible..! Sir Terran is fighting thirty meters away from us and letting weaker demons pass him for us to fighr to ease his burden... it shouldn't be possible for him to come here in an instant right captain..?" Eadwig asked Blackmane but saw Blackmane wirh the same confused look as him. "Do sir Terran has a brother..? haha" Blackmane laughed bitterlt as he don't understand the situation at all. --------------------------------- Meanwhile Nyx was also very shock that combining two different elements actuallt has such a powerful elemental reaction. "It isn't as powerful as the one sword s***h I did half a day ago... but still the blow just now was supper strong but good thing I managed to help the hunters" I sighted as I looked over the dusty batrle field and saw that every demonic beast the hunters were fighting were hit by my attack just now. 'QI injection on things... only a Golden core can do such things, with mt cultivation level I can only show my heaven defying techniques but in order to inject my QI to a fragment of stone I need to be at least at the Innate spirit realm to do such things but it seems my knowldged really differentiates me from the normal cultivators' Nyx was so proud that he made a creepy laugh that even the hunters that were blown fifteen meters away from where he was standing were creeped out. sorry if I can't properly update but it's just hard on me, so please wait I'm gonna try today to finish updating two chapters.
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