Chapter 76.5: New knowledge

1385 Words
'This... this is far too small in quantity my design is at least a few hundred meters and all this wood was only at least at a thousand at most and half of them would go to the villagers that wanted a privacy and the other five hundred would go to the villagers that wanted a more secure home we at least needs about five hundred more for the mansion and the other villagers might also need some it seems they still need to work for a little while... oh while they work I might as well create cement and find the resources in this world for that I might need the black markets information network I also at least need half a day to gather the resources...' Nyx then pulled Terran Helbert and told them this problem and all the cut wood was for the walls and didn't have enough support beams for a mansion this size. Terran Helbert were also worried that their food supply was not enough there were at least ywo hundred and twenty villagers to feed and the chilled meat that was on Grannar village was taken back and was placed on Nyx's special space ring that even time seems to stop and the meat retains it's coldness enough to further preserve the magical beast meat but everyday they cook at least fifty to sixty kilograms a day of the magical beast meat that were supposed to only be used for emergency times and this was one of those times and all those meat were taken by at least twenty percent by the adventurers guild as a tax and the other thirty percent were traded for irons and other supplies such as spices and clothings and all those were safely stored in the Elder's Manor in their storage house and all of it were all safely stored to Terran's storage ring. "Hmm... I do have a plan, in the east there is something called rice and every rice grains can be eaten and this type of crops can be harvested in thousands of sacks if we planted enough we can harvest rice in about four to five months and solve this food crises and have enough for everyone to eat" Nyx said. "I also heard of such a staple food of the east from your mom Zira... hmm... that could really help us but how are we going to get such crops when the land of the east is separated from us by a giant ocean we don't even have a boat to ride" Terran replied to Nyx. "That is not a problem, for sure some nobles have this kind of crops we just need to buy some" "But the problem is where do we find such money... noblew are known for soliciting the normal people and if they know that it was us who had a fight with a noble they woul surely make the price unreasonable..." "Father don't worry too much, my master will solve that problem of the nobles as for the money my master has tons of those gold coins you do know he was the one selling those famous elixir that the people have been addicted to because of it's low price and it's miraculous effect of one bursting their power for a short period of time and they use such pills on their respected forts from the noble families to help their generals and knights fend off the demons in a word you can say the master is also helping this land fend off those demons..." Nyx said. "Haizzz... is there nothing your master can do..? why do I here that every bit of new things that's happening in the continent of Eden has something to so with your master..." Terran touched his head with amazement from Nyx. "So how much do your master have at this moment..? the golr coins I mean" Terran once again asked Helbert were only listening and acted surprise because he already knew about this. "Hmmm... I'm not sure at least about a thirthy thousand gold coins..." 'Ughh... I used all those gold coins in buying the freedom of thise girls and thise magical beast, I have put the beast in my dimensional space I have created back then and saw that normal beast can survive in that area but for humans it would be too much it was like the beast bag that can hold demonic beast and only big sect's had those as for me I have thousands of them and even learned how to make one and I made my magic storage space to fit living beings because I know it would be useful for me and I have sent those magical beast inside the space and time treasure back then and let the tribe members train those magical beast and learn their type of powers and I don't have to worry about that because I have Tian Xian who has already reached golden core realm while those magical beast only have about the sky rendering realm first leyer to the seventh layer as the white maned lion was the strongest out of all of them if I can successfully breed and tame such beast it will be useful for the Grannar village and it's people beast and human fighting for each other increasing our survivality' After discussing all this Nyx went back to the stone palace pretending to talk with his master by in reality he was the one who travelled and met with the villager in the Grannar village that he has been dealing with in the underground black market and readied to go to the auction house or where it's famously called the underground city where most criminals and illegal activities usually occurree and it was located not far from the Grannar village hidden in the rocky stone mountain range in a certain valley that only the underground people know and some nobles Nyx then traveled with the villager that had dealing with the black market and used wind magic to travel at their speee they would either reach the black market in a day or two and Nyx wanted to give out money to those who brings him stalks of rice each stalk will be bought for one bronze coun and rice stalks are numbered in hundreds of thousands the good thing was Nyx also brought the pills to be auctioned and earn more money they at least need a week or two to finish this business and go back to the hidden village of course Nyx created a simple array capable to cover the almost eight hundred meters hidden village with a defensive array capable of blocking anything from the level of sky rendering realm only golden core realm level magical beast can destroy this array and good thing was the hidden village was not located too deep in the forest and the magical beast were all just from E class to B class as the highest which had a power from body refining realm at third layer to sky rendering realm eight layer as the most powerful so Nyx wasn't worried but the mana stone he had from Terran were only enough to cover the village for two weeks just enough for his business to be done to, meanwhile he did this he passed down the blue prints for the cannon, a simple rifle and the ingredients of creating cement and recruited a total of two blacksmiths that Terran knew and Helbert also recruited wood worker and those with knowledge with masonry and tried the knew cement that Nyx has been able to trade in the black market it was delivered to him a day ago by the black market and wanted to test it but now he has other business as well as he left a giant pillar of titanium metal near the bridge of at least ten meters tall and ten meters wide for the blacksmith to take as an ingredient for their work as the iron will not cut it for the cannons that he has designed it was also a cannon designed from earth and in the immortal world that he created back then it can either work with mana stone or the old g*n powder.
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