Chapter 74: Science and Cultivation

2345 Words
"Ahem..! If you want to know more then, why don't you join us? I have a plan as well as master we wanted to create a sect where everyone can learn all this things in a systematically way and cultivate to be stronger and protect those who you want to protect and let's all be a family... how about you listen to our request..?" I then scratched my head awkwardly as I butted in while my father and Helbert were also listening as well as the forest elves and darks elves who were closely listening and almost like a child that would like to hug their teacher when listening to an interesting story. The elves then told Nyx and Terran why they choosed to stay it was because the human kingdim has border around the fertile plains the humans choose to live in the fertile plains in the first place so that they can plant vegetables abundantly. And the Elves choose the the ancient forest of Kruna because it's where they originate and their skills in bow and nature magic prove them to be dominant in the forest not even dragons can easily conquer and go as it wish if it mese with the forest elves but due to this reason borders where created for each races the Dark elves lived in a desert region called El niño that was said to be a part of the ocean once but due to unsual rising heat in the desert causing it to dry up and causing the natural ecosystem to force to change and evolve the water beast became a new desert beast but mostly half of the water beast that used to live there died due to the heat and unable to cope up with the change. But because borders where created so did s*****y as nobles and merchants and the border was used to shield this illegal activity other races that doesn't have a permit for going in and out of the human kingdom will just be captured and sold again that's why it's much more riskier than risking their life trying their luck on finding a rightful owner. Meanwhile after everything was cleared Nyx wanted to think of what he should do first rather than be hot headed and charge to the Sloth Kingdom it would be possible but it would be impossible for him to avenge his mom and the power level in this world he still has a lot to learn. A day has passed and Terran and the others were busy in transferring the villagers to the plateau at first they didn't know how they would transfer them as normal humans can't use magic like Terran have a string physical body like Helbert and jumped down the cliff slowly gliding down, but thanks to Nyx's broad knowledge his soul clone which is his master created an array called gravity manipulation array which can directly reverse the gravity and make the people safely jump down but it was not like they can directly jump a three hundred and fifty meters tall cliff so Nyx's soul clone made Terran's crude platform wider and stronger using earth reinforcing rune which made the rocky platforms sturdier the hunters and the guards were the ones escorting the people jumping down to the platforms making sure no accidents happened this continued for at least half a day some people fainted during the process and kids cried to there mother's arms but when they jump downwards they felt they were going so slowly that the small children enjoyed most of them. Meanwhile Nyx was contemplating what he had learned yesterday. "So the reason why they want to stay was because of the human border... the human border was created thousands of years ago by an arch mage and used his earth spell to create a wall to separate the human fertile lands and other races lands sealing off from the outside world but it was also thanks to this border that it helped the demons on the human kingdoms to be delayed forts are created to enter and go outside the city and the earth wall was reinforced with magic making escaping almost impossible with the fort and army guarding the borders for demon invasion and they would not hesitate to kill the beastman and elves..." I was at the palace sitting in a corner near the front door of the stone palace they have created. 'Hmm... first should be creating the village for that I have the beastman and the hunters creating houses is easy but how it's made I saw how the forest elves made the treehouses they used their wind magic to cut down pieces of log easily and made but the normal people can't possibly do that... hmm... if only saws and chainsaws were made then I could have both the normal people and the forest elves work together but it should be easy to make a chainsaw right..? is there a magic for creating things..? I doubt there is but I think I can create a chainsaw if I just find the right man and give him the idea then... then the first thing I should do is recruit and give them the knowledge of earth known as science..!' "How hard could it possibly be? I created immortal weapons using the small knowledge I have on earth and created different artifacts like a fan that has wind runes that blows by itself when it is injected mana and creating it's components and parts are easy I have earth magic now so how hard could creating a saw be..?" Nyx then laughed and used his earth magic to summon a small lump of metal but in how to create a motor to make the blades of a chainsaw rotate Nyx had an idea. *Clang* *Swish* *Clang* *Clang* Nyx was busy tweaking his magic and using his physical force and sword to make parts and created a small motor but the only problem was he was designing it using his past knowledge and used QI or QI crystals in order to work Nyx has now finished creating a high quality motor using his past knowledge and using his earth magic he created a titanium motor to make the blade rotates but the problem was it's fuel which is like a battery. "Hmm... I don't have any QI crystals because I don't usually use it back then... oh right..!" I suddenly sprung up as I remembered something. 'I clearly remember that my father has said there are mana stone here which is the same with QI crystals that contains pure energy which can be absorb and used as fuel I might need some and design the fuel to suite a mana stone...' Nyx then ran out of the unfinished stone palace and meet with his father Terran and gather some hunters. "So Nyx why did you gather us all here..?" Terran asked while he was sweating heavily as he was helping the forest elves chop down woods for making houses as he was an expert in wind magic but using a wind magic enough to cut down trees with ease Terran and the elves at least need to use a second circle magic spell and their mana was not infinite making them casually take turns in resting and the work for creating a strong wall for the wooden houses. "Ugh... I'm beat up from chopping down woods..." "Haaa... I know right... I wonder why sir Helbert and sir Terran can still casually talk like they aren't exhausted..." *murmur* *murmur* The hunters and guard casually talk about how hard it was for them to do everything the villagers were only gathering and using the woods they cut down and making the small simple wooden houses but it was taking too long they only have about a hundred men and the tools were only enough for about half of them and the nails weren't enough as iron was scarce because of the past Baron that traded almost all the ores that were dug out by the Grannar village miners. "Hmm... I can create a tool for cutting down woods and making the normal villagers do your work of cutting down woods used in making a wall or the structure of the house and not even using wind magic but we'll need mana stone..." Nyx said confidently. "Really..? then we should get going and mine some... I heard the Grannar village's mines has a lot of lower ranked mana stones some even got lucky and got a rank A mana stone worth at least five hundred gold coins..." Blackmane said as he wiped his sweats from his forehead. "Hmm... I do hear that too, but Nyx what are you planning to use the mana stone for..?" Terran asked. "Oh that..? hehe I have inherited a god's memories and have a very special thing called science and using the knowledge called science I have created a thing called a chainsaw which can cut trees like cutting grass..!" I then posed like my life depended on it and made sure to make a good impression in them. "Hmm... that is really gonna make things much better and our workload would be divided much better making our work speed much faster... I didn't think making wooden houses would be like those times back in the academy back then with that old man... haish..." Terran scratched his head. "It really is, I also underestimated my stamina... after I'm an old man and chopping down trees and carrying logs are a very hard task for an old man like me..." Helbert made a joke to lighten up the mood. "Hahaha..!" Everyone laughed and pitied Helbert with his old age it was really hard for him but his grandmaster level didn't allow his body to act like an old man. "Hahaha... but Nyx... are you sure you aren't joking with us..?" "What..?! No..! As a matter of fact, father I have already created a prototype I only need at least a low rank mana stone to test it and design it much better and take it to a blacksmith to find it's flaws and make it better..." Nyx then had a glittering ring in his right hand then a giant chainsaw appeared right infront of all of them. "Nani..?! Space magic?!! Nyx... since... since when did you know a high level magic such as space magic..!" Terran was so terrified yet excited. "What..? Space magic..?" Helbert's voice turned weak after hearing such thing coming out from Terran's mouth. 'Space magic are only available for those ancient families... and only seven of such ancient families has such... space magic is one of the most rarest and hardest magic to learn and only a little will managed to even learn some elementary spells and each of the royal families in the seven human Kingdom's has one royal arch mages that knows space magic to use as an escape or attack magic, an arch mage can easily run away of easily dominate a battle depending on their space magic...' "Hehe..! Nope! Your wrong, it's not a space magic but an artifact, called space rings... space rings are usually made using space iron crystals but it is rare they are made by master blacksmiths and the master of my master was once a god and a trivial everyday space ring for him is not a hard thing to make... and what's more this space ring is made from a once glorious void dragon and the master of master used it's smallest finger as a space ring and has about a total of a whole other dimension enough for billions of people to live in if they were to go inside this space ring... this is secret so don't tell anyone about this... hehe" I then laughed like a child showing and boasting others my treasure. "R-really..? a void dragon..? I heard there were many species of dragons... but didn't know it my self... haaa, a god is truly a god after all... anyway, you don't happen to have more do you..?" Terran suddenly became friendly to Nyx slapped his back. "Urghh... I do have some... but it's not for free..." "Come on son... I'm just gonna study it a little and maybe I'll even learn how to use space magic... how about ten class E mana stones..? Hehe" "This guy... his trying to scam his own son but this god... what are they talking about, sir Helbert do you know about it but this space ring is really a one of a kind treasure..!" Blackmane asked Helbert. "You'll know soon enough, all you need to know is that young master Nyx is gonna change our lives for the better..." Helbert said solemnly while looking at this two. "What..?! You think I'm a child? give me at least five hundred E class mana stone..!" Nyx shouted to Terran's ears. "Hehe... done, I have my bag back on the tree house I was in and it is full of class B mana stone and one hundred class E mana stone is one class B mana stone... so it's a deal Nyx..!" Terran laughed. "So we didn't even needed to mine? Urgh... dad you could've just said so, here have this space ring it also has a gift from master study it later... and everyone here will also have a space rings..." Nyx then summoned at least thirty-five space rings but unlike with Nyx it was a pure gem like ring with a black yet a faint silvery hue due to it being a void dragons bone when it was made and the ones Terran and Helbert received are high quality space rings having about a thousand meters of space inside unlike with Nyx that seemed to have almost infinite amount of space while the hunters and guards have a normal space rings but have a high quality when it was made and had at least five meters of space inside.
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