Chapter 17.5:Village Feast part 2

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"T-there is hope... men draw your bow support all the men fighting down on the ground, and all the available people that could fight, fight to the your hearts content! FOR THE VILLAGE FEAST..!" "Y-yeah, for the village feast!" "for the village feast!" "for the village feast..!" "But captain we don't have enough arrows to fire... the village is poor... the baron only takes almost half of the money of all the people living here leaving us only enough to live for another week..." "shut up, just shout for the village feast..!" "Don't ruin the morale of the guards and just fight so you can live another day!" "yeah, this guy is always ranting about the bad stuff... he must not want to eat a magical beast's meat that badly eh..." "Yeah, tsk tsk" "I also wanna eat a magical beast meat, I didn't even think that a time like this could come and eat a luxury meat that only nobles could feast upon!" "Yeah, I heard it taste pretty good, the meat contains a good amount of magic that even one could reach a new level in their magic... that's what I heard..." "Yeah, I also heard noble saying that, but only a handful of people could eat such a luxury meat..." "Yeah" "Yeah,yeah" "That guy must be out of his mind not wanting to eat a magical beast meat..." "Yeah, even the glorious mage said it and he still didn't believe it what a bad guy... ungrateful to his future saviour" "Yeah" "Yeah, yeah" "Yeah" *murmur* "Eh..? how did I became the bad guy here..." "You the bookworm guy, stop spouting such nonsense, you are on duty to get the arrows on the ground and bring them back here to resupply the archer's arrows" "W-what me..? why..." "Stop asking and just do the work, good luck brave warrior!" Captain Kenny saluted to the poor skinny archer and just looked at him as if he was punishing a little brat who don't listen to their parents and so just sent him straight to the battle field. "Y-yes sir..!" Meanwhile Zira was having so much fun after all she didn't hold her sword at battle after two whole years and missed it so much, I felt it... hehehe I'm much more stronger... no to be exact I'm ten times stronger than before... it this how it feels to reach the grand master level..? such a wonderful feeling, the flesh being cut down, sliced in half at a second and on another second the bone is being pierced by my sword and cut down along with it's flesh... the blood sprays and gut flows... hehehe. Zira had a murderer's look in her face, she was smiling as if a maniac addicted the smell of the blood, Blackmane was a hunter for a very long time too but... he has never seen such a sorry sight to the monsters, now Blackmane was not dumbfounded by Zira's power, instead he was scared and in awe at the same time. "That b****y look of hers... it's as if she isn't a human anymore... I shouldn't provoke her in the future... I'm so sorry for Darby he must be scared at this-" Darby was fighting just ten meters behind Zira, Darby was scared but he was also a competitive person so he thought he could reach Zira and contend with her strength he was shocked very shocked that he was scared at one point but he also recognised her as his deity. Darby had a smile that only a child would after his parents buy him his first ever sword, a smile that only a child would have. "Never mind... I thought I would be sorry for him... but to think he was this impressed by Zira's power..." "Blackmane, our right side is starting to be pierced by the wild boars there are too many of them we need help in fending them off and balancing the battle... otherwise our right side might be invaded and we would lose our foothold and the advantage we had now..." "Hmm... I get it but first watch over Darby, he might do something stupid so watch over him alright..? I'm gonna help them relieved the pressure on our right side and if our left side needs help then bring Darby and if he don't listen just drag him there." "B-but are your going to be okay fighting those hordes of wild beast..?" "Of course I'll be alright, I have this gorgeous baby of mine..." Blackmane looked at his sword like his little precious kid, this sword is pretty awesome... back then I thought it'd snapped in half due to it's thin and curved shape, but just like Zira's sword it's pretty durable it's like it's made out of the legendary mithril metal..! Could this silvery metal be mithril... but I heard mithril is incredibly heavy to lift even is just a piece of a mithril ore can weight half that of an adults body, but this sword is the opposite of that... it's pretty light durable and actually pretty hard, hard enough to slice through the bones of this wild boars as if it was just some piece of twig. *s***h* *s***h* "kendrick,varnhame, fryee, harveye, how's the situation here..?" "Blackmane..! thank goodness your here" "The situation here is far worse than the left side, there are more and more beast that came here a while ago and it seems to not be stopping at any moment..." "Hmm... this might be bad, Zira and Darby are far ahead of us and Bourkee is watching over Darby if he does something stupid... this beast is actually pretty smart..." "Blackmane what do you mean..?" "They are trying to separate us from each other, if I'm right Zira are ahead because she is fighting stronger beast and us the experienced hunters are lured to the right side with beast that numbers up to a hundred at the very least... they are trying to eliminate the weakest of us... the hunters who are fighting at our left side..! they are in danger!" "W-what..? how could that be, I see no monsters which are of B rank or A rank... there is no one to command them" "Yeah, Blackmane you might be over thinking things too much..." "And besides there are only wild boars and E rank magical beast that are surrounding us..." "W-we are surrounded while we were talking..! "How is that possible... normally wild boars would just charge straight to us or ran away if they feel they are in danger... how could they form such formation to surround a group of people..." "kendrick,varnhame, fryee, harveye, be careful... there seems to be a leader amongst them, and only high level beast can command this many boars at once, and orc must be around..." "An orc? that's at least a D or C class monsters depending on how many rings it has..." "That's right the orc race is a humanoid creature like apes but they also have an intelligent not more than a 3 year old... be careful orc race are pretty powerful they are on par on a Gorilla but a level lower..." "An orc... what a nuisance, I hope the other young hunters can keep up with this turn of events..." "harveye, don't fight with us but..m concentrate on tracking down were the orc is located and see if it has more than 4 rings then it's gonna be hard on us... orcs have their own ranks on themselves... like humans they fight, and those who are stronger are granted tittles such as, warriors, hunters, chieftain, and lastly an orc mage, those earrings are actually magic Item's ranked D-C at the very least" "Really..? a magic item..?" "A magic item... then it'll probably sell well if we could get our hands on one, hehehe" "You morons... a magic item isn't that easy to obtain... first you have to kill the orc but... most of the earrings they are wearing are physical enhancement enchanted on them making them have twenty percent more power... and what if we meet an orc who have two earrings then..?" "Well... we'll have more money on our hands..!" "HAHAHA, right right and maybe we can buy weapons or upgrade our gears" "You think this is all about money..? do you even know how strong an orc is..?" "Blackmane the beast seems to have no intention in attacking us..." "So why bother thinking an orc is hard to deal with" "harveye, please explain it to this idiots, you are the only one out of use who had the access to read book back when you were younger" "Huh..? me? W-well let's see they said or in books, orcs are much more powerful than humans... like what Blackmane said earlier they are only a level below a gorilla that could easily snap a humans neck in half... but unlike gorillas orc's are a very competitive creatures since they are born, they are trained to hunt and do daily task that enhance their body's physical strength... it's easy to say they are the very least they are five to eight times more stronger than normal humans... but to us hunters they should be about three to four times stronger but..." "But what..?" "Y-yeah, I didn't know that the gap of racial strength would vary too much..." "What is it harveye..?" "Just it to this fools who are ignorant about what magic item is, harveye" "R-right, a magic item like what Blackmane said earlier a magic item in the orc race are usually enchanted by physical strengthening magic which usually makes them twenty percent stronger depending on it's rank or the rank of the orc mage who made it, a D rank magical item would about twenty percent of their strength then a C rank magic item could be in the thirty to forty percent of the users strength... but it also had a buff," "T-then they could get up to from three times they would go to 4 times and from four times they could go even higher in their physical strength... t-then... we don't have a chance in winning this just from the strength alone" "Y-yeah... but what is that buff you said..." "Yeah... what's that buff harveye..?" "a buff... let's see if a certain magic item was created using the same method or has the same effect and is made from the same mage who made them... then it could potentially have a boost on the effect like for example an orc who has two earrings, normally if you think they should just get up to forty percent their original power... but if a magic item resonates with the other magic item then the user would get a power boost from five percent to ten percent in normal cases... but what if that certain orc has four earrings... then they could..." "They could reach up to a hundred percent in their strength which would be about eight times more stronger than anyone of us... now do you get it you idiots... just focus on defending this wild boars are not on par with us and only a handful of magical beast are present we can deal with them as long as we work together, Harveye just like what I said earlier observe the surrounding area and see if you can find this boars masters-" Before Blackmane could finish his sentence an ear piercing sound was heard and in the next moment w strong gust of wind blow and the, magical beast, emerson, bourkee, wulfsige , heath, blackmane, varnhame, fryee, harveye, eilish, Athol, haileye, elwyne, all of them was blown up in the air. Meanwhile Terran was having a tough time controlling the magic circle and and any point it could collapse, so Nyx tried to release some of the magic contained in it and made an adjustment in the magic circle, Terran also noticed the magic circle was revolving as if it was alive and didn't do anything as he was in a much trouble if he do something wrong with it and just held his ground and gritted his teeth. Nyx on the other hand just smirked and controlled the magic circle, hmm... I may be a noob to this magic circle but it's nothing new if it's the same with an array, I'll just use a little bit of magic an tweak it a little bit and use a defensive formation to save this people... the five elements tortoise hurricane, a defensive compose of just purely air and form a tortoise array and create a wide range tornado which doesn't damage anyone but, one can control it and move the person who are in it or throw them away using the momentum gained from the swirling tornado... well I hope this will ease the burden on Terran and kill that King od the West forest or what ever... I-I also WANNA HAVE A VILLAGE FEAST..! *Fwoom* A huge mana was released from the magic circle and from there it formed a tortoise shape in the ground, and suddenly blown like a bomb and the surrounding area was lifted to the air, the trees the magical beast, the corpses and even the hunters..! "Ahhhh..!" "My ears..! it hurts, what the f*ck is going on here..." "Ahhhh~ help..! Blackmane, harveye, varnhame, fryee, help me, I'm going towards the monsters..!" "Fyree, go help Kendrick out your the closest one to him, the rest of the hunters gather around and to to the center of the vortex, it should be the safest area" "B-but Blackmane how would I go there... and how would we even gather the people aroun-" *swoosh* *swoosh* With a flick of hand Nyx moved the people around with just hand signs, ha... this is pretty tiring, my soul power is depleting rapidly... if not for my understanding towards arrays then we would've been long in trouble. But with this I can utilize the magic circles huge amount of mana and make a magic circle like my father's to use as the arrays core and create the black tortoise aerial formation to create a safe area for the hunters down there while using the huge amount of mana that my father is gathering that is almost out of control... would both save us and the people around us... I just gotta focus and use more mana than Terran is gathering, he lost control of the magic circle the moment it exceeded his capacity, this always happens when an array's master's understanding of arrays are not enough and use an array that is out of his league... First I should help all the hunters and then blow all the monsters in one go... but I don't have good control with it so maybe the other wild boars will be blown towards the village but... I don't have time we should discharge this mana it's getting harder to control it by the minute... Nyx then focused and gatheted all the hunters that are floating everywhere in the array he made cluelessly, Blackmane was also having a hard time navigating through a vortex and tried to help the separated Kendrick and gave Fryee a boost but he felt a resistance in the wind current and he was blown away, he only saw Fryee and Kendrick floating above him while he was disoriented by the wind current he was twirling around like a piece of leaf and just couldn't resist the wind pressure no matter what he did. Fyree, Kendrick I hope you two are gonna be okay... *plop* Blackmane lost his consciousness while falling down he was twirling around pretty badly that he couldn't take it anymore and just lost consciousness. "Blackmane..!" "Are you alright..?" "H-hey, Fryee and Kendrick are falling catch them..!" "Are you crazy..? what if we get crushed by their speed of crashing down..?" "Y-yeah... but still we need to save them-" While the other hunters arguing if they would save them the two of them falled down but it wasn't anything like they imagined it was af if a wind barrier saved them just in time and a strong gust of wind blowed below their feet and made them step back a few steps. Nyx was happy to see that the hunters are now all safe, all that's left is his stupid father who gathered such a terrifying amount of mana and discharge it. Now I just need to make a little tweaking in the magic circle and discharge it towards Zira at the right moment if that gigantic boar arrives... this absurd amount of mana should shred it to meat chunks... hehehe for sure that should happen right..? Meanwhile Zira was slowed down by the sudden increase of the wild boars and magical beast that have surrounded her all of a sudden, but she saw the perpetrator. "hehehe... so that's where you were hiding, you thought you could swarm me till I get exhauted..? HAHAHA wrong move you stupid pig..!" Zira dashed to he left side and leaved a foot print that was at least as deep as two to three inches when she dashed leaving only crackling sound of the earth being broken. After a moment she focused and chanted a few words, "energy blade" *fwoosh* *swoosh* *s***h* *s***h*. "Oink oink oink..!" The boars charge forward after seeing their comrades being slaughtered right before their very eyes and was in rage, how could a mere human do this to their kind..! for our meats you humans would do this- *shiing* A shiny light suddenly passed through a huge black boar and realized he just died for his meat. He felt his guts, lungs, brain and his blood pouring down and thought what a cruel way to butcher him, as he saw the face of the butcher he was Terrified at how Zira smiled while looking at his body, and he died again his sould lost consciousness while floating to the heaven. "Hahaha, what's wrong pig orc..? are you sad when you saw your brothers and sisters being slaughtered..? good for you to have a heart but... I'll rip that hearth out of your chest!" Zira had a serious look and once again dashed but this time she leaved her sword and srtuck it to the ground, while the orc was Terrified he also had a dignity to protect to he activated all six of his earrings and boosted his strength up to one hundred and fifty percent, bluff bluff bluff, oink..! "Huh..?" Zira had no idea what the orc was oinking about, while the orc meant was, you human dare to slander our kind..! then be prepared to meet your doom! "Well whatever I'll win whatever it does..." "oink..!" *swoosh* "Heh..!" Zira boosted her speed to her limit and faced the orc chief at her full speed and the orc couldn't even react a little and his heart was taken by Zira, Zira struck his chest as if a her hands were made to he a spear! The poor orc chief just boosted his strength to it's maximum, H-huh..? why do I suddenly felt cold in my chest..? "O-oink oink bluff bluff" "Why are you making a pig sound you orc... well thanks for bringing all your pig friends... now I can s*******r them in one place in a single move, hehehe" "O-oink..?" W-what..? how could a human even be faster than me..? an orc chief..! this disgrace my king will never forgive me! If you want to slaghter us all then I'll you down with me- *s***h* Zira notice the orc hadn't lost his will to fight yet so she focused her energy blade to her right arm while her left hand was still holding the orc's heart in it's chest, and slashed the head off of it's neck and rolled to the ground. While the orc saw his body collapsing before his own very eyes. "Well... let's take care of all the remaining monsters then..." *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* Zira, was the first one to hear it as her body was enhanced and she already opened all her acupoint, what is this rumbling sound..? Zira looked at her front and saw the silhouette of a huge mountain that was moving towards her direction at a frightening speed..! Terran saw this next as he had a vantage point that could see farther than Zira because he was located at the gate then Nyx heard this sound and looked at it and saw a huge tusk that could be seen even in the dawn, the captain and the guards trembled at this sight and captain Kenny was the first one to say something. "There, I told you he became bigger and bigger each time he visit me in dawn... he still recognises me so maybe... I can convince it to spare our lives..." "A-are you crazy..? look at the gory sight in front of you it's companions are all almost dead do you think it would easily forgive us..?!" Terran said this in a trembling tone as he was already having a though time to control it but he didn't notice nor anyone noticed Nyx was supporting him from his back because they were all too focused at the current battle and was in shock of the huge size of the King of the West Forest, named the Dawn Tusk Boar, it's name was spread ten years ago by the village people as they always heard a rumbling sound every dawn and saw a tusk that shined on the morning light near the gate and would be very terrified, and now they saw it's whole glory as a king of the west forest. "Heh just a fleshy boar... and nothing more... I'm gonna kill it in one shot... Zira get away from there fast I'm gonna cast an seven circle spell..." "Got it honey, I'm gonna go back" Zira dashed and ran at her full speed and the wild boars and the remaining magic beast were left and ran when they Zira running as if they already made their purpose. "Wind... cannon, Rupture..!" *Fwoom* *Swoosh* Nyx saw that the magic circle change and really had a seven circle floating forward towards each other as if it was supporting every magic circle that was on the backside, but Nyx tweak it a little and had an extra circle Terran was shocked to see an eight circle..! that would be already at the level of a grand mage, he didn't know what happened of did he gain new power but he jus continued and discharged it as they were all in danger of being trampled to death..! *Fwoom!* An ear piercing sound came and suddenly a spear shape wind that was spinning at a speed that a tree would be shredded if it was suck onto it, and the spinning spear like shape of chaotic wind blow and Terran and the guards were blown away but Nyx already anticipated this and focused and controlled his blood and made his blood flowed eight time faster to his foot like a jumping spider and jumped backwards while saving his stupid dad. *BOOM!* A loud and deafening roar like a dragon was heard and Zira looked back but she only saw a huge dust storm and a shockwave was soon seen by her and she panicked a little bit a shockwave that could reach her location would be very strong as the spear like shape Terran shot has already hit the Giant Dawn Tusk Boar but still manage to send a shockwave that at the very least was at a distance of a few kilometers, Zira once again strucked his sword Mitsuki to the ground and focused to make an energy barrier in fron of her and guarded. Zira was sweating very much, she was not scared but she was worried that the shockwave would reach the gate and blow it away but that would make a serious casualties and maybe even endanger Nyx..! I don't why but when I updloaded it updloaded the same chapter twice.
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