Chapter 71.5: Revival Plan part two

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Terran halted and skidded along the cliff created by the sunken ground as he saw this beautiful scenery. "Just... just what is this place that Nyx has brought me..?" Terran was mesmerized by the sheer beauty of this place and forgot for a moment that he needs to meet with this mysterious master of Nyx. Terran had no idea how to get down but after thinking for a few minutes he finally decided to leap down from the three hundred meters tall cliff any sane man would not do this. "I hope this works..." Terran jumped and used his earth element to make a platform made out of stone from the cliff face. *Ahhh..!* Terran instantly regretted his decision when the stone plat form he made started to slowly crumble as he didn't know how to make in the first place and it was his first time Terran jumped from the stone platform and made another one but this time he made it only a meter wide and much thicker than the other one This time it stayed still and didn't break after knowing this Terran wiped the cold sweats he had and hold Zira much tightly than before and jumped Terran did this for a minute or two then got the hold of it. While Terran was doing this the others, Paul, Helbert, Elena, Flora and the rest were waiting anxiously for Terran to ask them what happened in the nearby forest near the cliff face. Meanwhile Nyx got inside the unfinished small palace they were making and made a very mysterious array that was only one meter wide has a Dark colored spiritual array that was emanating a cold aura while the other had a silvery glow and was complementing the cold aura with a warm aura and making the two double layer arrays react and create many sparks of small greyish dots flying around the ground. "Finally... I created the Yin Yang soul splitting array, with the use of this f*******n array even if I wasn't a Nirvana realm cultivator I can completely create a stable soul avatar using the Yin and Yang energies I can create a stronger and stable soul. Yin and Yang exist in our body to create more Yin and Yang the more we live and cultivate but not all has know this an unbalanced Yin and Yang will make many sicknesses even some with more complicated illness but Yin and Yang are fundamentally there as the Heaven and Earth exist for one another Yin and Yang also exist for one another and this is the nature our soul has but every soul has different forms and characteristics with this I can easily create a clone for my self..." I then sat cross leg in the Yin and Yang soul splitting array as I started to circulate my soul power pouring it in the Spirit array to activate it's effects. 'I hope I can finish this before my father gets here... creating a clone is easy I can use my soul as I have a special cultivation technique regenerate even in if it was split a thousand pieces making any Soul splitting technique very compatible with me and with thousands of souls I can easily create thousands of souls and make my soul power much stronger, the downside is it's very hard for the body to cope up with thousands of souls my body would either crumble or explode so I couldn't be careless about such things... But with this I can fool mt father into thinking that this soul clone of mine is my father, he would sense that what he is talking to has such a mysterious warm and cold aura because it is made from my Yin and Yang soul using the Yin Yang soul splitting array this might even work out well in the future I can create puppets or create bodies for my soul clones and create an army of me that will only follow my orders I can even let them cultivate many different cultivation techniques but that is very hard to do... the materials for the puppet and creating a body is not a childs play but with this I solve my "Master" problem' Then continued as he tried to clench his fist as the Yin and Yang soul splitting array is extracting a portion of his soul but what Nyx didn't think was that the mana around would gather in around him Soon a small patch of soul was extracted and the mana around Nyx entered the soul as if it were ment to the small one feet soul clone that Nyx created now was slowly being nourished by the mana and was getting bigger and taller Nyx focused and didn't think about it and made the Yin Yang soul splitting array stable as this change was happening. 'What happened..? I thought I would need to use my soul power and blood essence to make this soul clone bigger and have a physical body, but it seems mana can nourish one's soul this is heaven defying not only is it abundant can also nourish the soul..! Maybe this world can uncover the secret of the Realm of the gods in the past, I only reached the void transformation realm while others said there was a legendary realm beyond the ten thousand immortal worlds that every being has god defying potential and has reached the what they called Demi god realm and realm that has reached immortality and there is even a real beyond that but no body believed it as no one has ever succeeded or has seen any one transcend to another realm but maybe this is the realm they were talking about..? Now that I think about it I know nothing of this world it seems after this I need to infiltrate the Sloth Kingdom and learn it's culture and the state the world is in... looks like going to school is unavoidable but it might also be beneficial to me, I can learn what is mana and learn more spells and what magic is in this world and even learn more intricate things such as enchanting a weapon back then in the ten thousand immortal worlds only Rune masters can enhance a weapons or armors powers to the next level or have divine abilities that exceeded one's own imaginations and Rune masters can only be count to a hundred to a thousand in every world that's how rare a Rune master is, in a world there are about tens of millions of people and there are only a hundred to a thousand of Rune masters... that is because the art of Rune mastery was lost in the ancient gods era and only a handful of clan and people or someone with a chance encounter has one and I got one... hehe that is because the tomb of a fallen god was full of such treasures and many treasured supreme books and even unknown level of books were stolen by me but it seems my space rings were not all in the Four Mystical Island now that I think about it it was good thing that I got the Spirit capturing pagoda easily back there...' Nyx then had a flashback as he let the mana condense his soul clone. "So how did you guys started to live in this place..?" I rested my head as I asked the tribe leader. "That is... we lived here since long ago, but our first ancestor was the one who made us... we, people of the trees had drawings in our sacred tree it is where our first ancestor used to lived you see that houses in the trees right, warrior..? We made it same with the ancestor's home in the sacred tree" The tribe leader said with respect as he pointed to the nearby giant trees with tree houses on them. I nodded and listened to him carefully and I might know how to solve this problem quicker. "Uhum..! Back then we were still at our primal form but the more we lived the more our appearances change and it was written in our sacred book from the teachings of our ancestor that it is called evolution and our once hairy body started to change and became more human like what the ancestor looked like but we still had our divine ability when we were first created we had great strength and healing ability it is because we had a wood spirit divine body but even with such bodies we were almost wiped out by the monsters in this island and the other islands..." The tribe leader said as he played with his hands shaking in fear. "Monsters..?" I asked as I looked at the Jadeite skin frog. 'It is without a doubt that monsters will grow stronger and much faster than them, it is without a doubt that they were the race that I created back then... back then I only created about ten of them and teach them basic language from earth and didn't allow them to seek lands beyond this realm because outside chaos was everywhere I even used ten percent of my total blood essence back then in order to create them it took me one thousand drop of my blood essence it was ten percent of my total power... but seeing this now it seems it was worth it I made people of my own and even had the divine ability that only elves has because they are born and nurtured by the wood QI vitality of their own world tree and this island has one of it's own' "Yes... monsters has always been around since our ancestor was here, but at that time he protected us from danger but now he is gone and monsters from long are still living till today and are much stronger than most of us humans... But our tribe has us tribe leaders and our chieftain there are a total of about ten tribe leader each having different power and culture but under one chieftain that has ruled over us for about a hundred years" The tribe leader said as he looked at the front and heard cheering from the people. "What's happening in your tribe..?" I asked as I heard loud cheering. "It is our festival where we showcase our strength and the top three tribes will win the chance to get the items our past ancestors has... but it isn't always easy as other tribes has also been given teachings from our ancestors we mostly have the same fighting power but if we were to put it all on the line some of our tribe members are stronger than the other..." The tribe leader said as he starts to shake. "Is something the matter..?" I asked as I sense some strong vitality mixed in the presence in front of us. "..." "It's our fighting festival... the leader will fight for herself..." "Her..?" I asked with my dumbfounded face. "Mmn... She, leader has been crowned for fifty years now... our tribe has the tradition to chose the strongest warrior as the Chieftain and in the past she was picked on by our tribe members because she chose manly job as her hobby and till she joined the fighting festival for the next Chieftain all that was change when she showed us her power..!" The tribe leader said with actions. "Uhh... so, how did she get strong..?" "Hmm... this is a secret but some elders of the tribe says that she got a very special book from the records of our ancestors and from their she started doing weird stuffs like meditating and no body know what those other stuff she did in the past and till now" "Hmm... thank you for telling me this secret" I smiled as I patted the shoulder of the tribe leader. 'So she got hold of a cultivation technique which made her stronger much faster than the others... it is not weird for her to have read one or two of cultivation techniques back then I just threw away those low level cultivation technique that I didn't needed anymore but now that I think about it it is very precious in this new world and this primitive world that I somehow created I don't exactly remember but I only spent fifty to eighty years back then in this Four Mystical Island space and time treasure and roamed the Ten thousand immortal worlds to find more opportunities and after three hundred years of wandering around I reached the Void transformation realm before I knew it I wanted to find my self a place and didn't remember this place and got used to the life of a lone cultivator but now it seems when I leaved my soul imprint on this treasure it has already belong to me for a life time...' "Ahu,ahu,ahu,ahu!!!" Nyx heard cheering as he saw nine tribe members with tattoos that has the unique shapes of animals like the tribe leader next to Nyx with a sparrow as his tattoo on his chest and painted violet but the nine other tribe members had different tattoos There were four woman and five men and Nyx has already know that the man besides him was a tribe leader making a total of ten tribe leaders, as the Jadeite frog entered the last bushy grounds a clear opening of path was created and torch were scattered around as skeletons of different beast and even humans were used as decorations and in a place not far away from where the Jadeite frog were walking buildings made out of wood that was integrated with the surroundings and even the trees became the pillar of the said buildings creating a unique chain of houses some had a rough design but most was acceptable in a non developed era the buildings were usually designed with basic wood buildings and some even had asian roof and had wooden tiles as roofs. In the center the nine tribe leaders were standing like what Nyx saw and a bonfire were lit the tribe leaders were standing at the bottom of a long staircase leading to what seems to be a palace made out of wooden materials it was the biggest building that Nyx saw as behind it was the giant world tree with it's roots sticking out that were as tall as the nearby giant trees that were thirty meters tall and it's body that was at least a mile long and it's leaves reached the clouds as it's height were tall enough to pierce the clouds it was the World tree Nyx had planted back then and now it was ten times bigger than before at the center was a giant bonfire but it was in the center of the arena for the fighting festival the arena was simple in design it had stairs for competitors to walk and has fifteen meters wide floor as the whole stage and the bonfire was in the center of this all. "Where is that bird bastard..?!" "He must be catching some frogs hahaha" "Hmph..! At least the man has managed to capture a strong beast unlike you two" A woman said with a dissatisfied tone. "Huh..? Woman like you don't have a say in this" A burly man with a cross scar on his face said angrily. "Why you..!" The woman with a bushy thick spiky hair refuted angrily. "Sister, you don't have to fight with this weak man... hehe" A girl with a nice figure and a golden hair said with a charming yet provoking tone. The man with a cross scar in his face trembled in anger as he remembered what happened in the past. "Damn you..! that was..." The burly man stopped talking and steamed of with anger as he punched the ground as his fist made a two inch mark in the stone ground. 'That time... I don't even clearly remember, but that guy Congming had definitely suddenly got stronger and the weird thing was their guardian beast wasn't even here to him yet he suddenly got a boost in his strength and had a weird fierce aura it was as if a monster was fighting against me at that time, I got the best defense out of all of us and my strength is also second to none but yet he defeated me and our boulder tribe got last in resource ranking last year, my Rhino inscription tattoo can boost my strength five times and my defense ten times that of a Rhino beast but he still managed to scratch me... and that Miren woman bewitched me and spread false rumor making my reputation worse than that of a goblin monster...' "Brother Yuchun, it's alright to be a man once in a while but you just choose the wrong woman for that... haha but don't worry we will always be brothers" A man with a cunning smile and had a fairly good looking face and a long hair stood up for Yuchun as he got owned by two girls. "Brother Chen... don't make fun out of me" "Haha, no matter what brother... we can use this chance to get a better ranking than the last time don't we..?" "But that bastard might still come later..." "Don't worry about that I'll take care of him for you, I have something else to tell you brother Yuchun..." The man called Chen dragged Yuchun away with him to a shady corner. "Where are those two going..?" Miren asked the girl with spiky hair. "They must be up to something stupid again... hmph, just wait till the tribe leader gets here-?!" *Swoosh* The woman with spiky hair suddenly jumped backwards and got on guard as she felt an extremely strong presence. 'What is this..? This suffocating pressure... it is as if a strong monster is coming... don't tell me..! Is Congming late because he was dealing with this monster and got defeated then we might need to work together in order to defeat such monster!' "Miren..!" "Yeah... I can feel it too..." The foxy lady said as she guarded up as her boobs jiggle around with their crude dresses. The other tribe leaders didn't had a good sense and tracking technique and only watch the two ladies guarded up but in the nine of them only the two noticed the presence and the rest didn't noticed but the last woman in the nine tribe leaders trusted her two woman friends and guarded up as they used their QI and surrounded their body. The other four tribe leaders who were men also guarded up and used their QI to make a semi armor and used their respective martial arts to prepare for what's to come. Meanwhile Nyx was closing in to the tribal ground and heard a loud cheering. "So... you just have to defeat all the tribal leaders and even the Chieftain if possible and I will be rewarded..?" I then smiled as I released my killing intent unconsciously and started laughing. "W-well yes... you can try-?!" Nyx went zooming like a meteor and leaped from the back of the Jadeite frog and sensed a familiar energy, it was QI and at first Nyx only felt one person guarded up against him and soon another one used their QI till all seven did except for the other two idiots talking to each other in a far corner while the nearby spectators in the buildings were clue less. "It's coming..! Get ready!" The spiky hair woman said as she felt extreme pressure of unknown origins. *Swoosh* Nyx rapidly ran along the wide road going to the center of the tribe village as he saw seven people were already ready for him and he thought there was no need to hold back anymore, this guys can use QI and he uses mana that is a level lower than QI but it's quantity is enough for him to fight this seven people and the special characteristics of mana. "Hahaha..! I'm sorry for this my child... I only want the Soul Capturing pagoda!!" I then used my martial arts but it was not like it was easy As I used my divine sense to probe their cultivation realm, all of them were basically in the entry level of the cultivation world most them were only at the Sky rendering realm and their stages where at the sixth layer or at the eight layer. "Who... who are you..?!" "Miren, there is no use in asking questions let's deal with this intruder first-" The spiky haired girl said but she didn't even realised that Nyx was already right next besides her when she realised it, it was already too late. 'How fast..! His as fast as our Chief!' Nyx then targeted the one who was the strongest out all of them Nyx felt a strange strong power in this spiky haired girl although she only had a Cultivation realm at the sky rendering realm at the seventh layer but Nyx felt her real power she was hiding her real cultivation method and it was body cultivation, body cultivation is much harder but the benefits and effects can be seen once one successfully cultivated their body and got to fully cultivate their body cultivation technique to it's maximum level That's why Nyx wanted to take her down first before anyone and prove his strength in order to get what he wants, Nyx used martial arts in order to prove to this primitive people that he has strength as in the first place primitive people will always believe in physical power more than anything as they don't have the concept of heaven and earth in this small Island of theirs. "Thunder clap palm!" I then used my mana and once again created a new skill this floating window has been recording lately and the more I use martial arts skills the more techniques are recorded in the floating window. 'This is like a game world... but I guess it is pretty cool I can see my martial arts techniques and also see this new level, it has entry level which is the first level back in the ten thousand immortal worlds they only level martial arts techniques based on ones accomplishments in that skills and has characteristics like the Tiger palm, at the normal level one can attack at a fast speed and have a fierce QI resembling a real tiger palm attack but at the middle level one can materialize a tiger palm and the attack speed and power increased by two times which can break any boulder if one wants to and the last level which any normal person would call mastering the martial arts techniques the tiger palm can let the arms of the martial artist cover in a thick QI protecting it from any attack and resemble that of a tigers arm shaped from QI and the attack is increased by three times from the normal level and the tiger palm will now materialize that of a real tigers aura and fierceness but in this world it has like a bar in the bottom of a skill and is colored as blue to see the mastery of a skill and it is unlike in the ten thousand immortal realm that you need to work hard for that particular technique in this world as long as I know the principles behind that technique and managed to comprehend and used it in a real battle it immediately gets to the highest level of mastery which is now recorded in this window as "[Max]" mastery level which is quite a cheat like thing..! I don't know what or who gave me such a thing but it is really helpful for me and defeating this primitive tribe is quite easy' While Nyx was thinking this his palm was suddenly covered in a thick mana and suddenly sparked and lighting arcs flew from every direction, Nyx was behind the spiky haired woman as he used the Thunder clap palm and hit the back of the back of the spiky haired woman The spiky haired woman felt danger and activated her tattoos power which was on her back and resembled that of a bear and soon her body undergone into a transformation as her hair turned brown from her normal hair color which was red and her body started to grew twenty percent larger as muscles started to emerged from her body as her tattoos glowed brown in color as the bear tattoo suddenly dissappeared and transformed into a black marks all over her body as her finger nails transformed and became sharper and larger her reaction speed also became larger. "How dare..!" The spiky haired woman turned around but it was too late even with her mysterious power Nyx's Thunder clap palm was already right in front of her face as she turned around she didn't have time to dodge as her hair stood up from seeing Nyx's attack she knew Nyx was faster than her she was very proud of her power but it seems it was not enough. *Thunder!* *Boom!* The spiky haired woman right in from of her face but as Nyx's attack were about to hit her she managed to use her right hand to block Nyx's attack but the power behind the attack was scarry as she was blown away and her arms were scorched with a lighting palm mark and coughed up blood as she flew away the ground c***k as she tried to block was still blown away Miren the girl next to her saw this attack and her legs started to tremble but the spiky haired woman was still flying at a frightening speed but the people behind her the woman with a strange tattoos same with her used her Panther like tattoo and she transformed the same with the spiky haired woman from her normal green hair turned jet black in an instant and tried to stop the spiky haired woman who was blown away by Nyx's attack but didn't think the momentum was strong enough to drag her with her. "What..?!" 'What is this force... this absurd power... even though I only tried to stop her I'm being dragged with her even with my Primal tattoo activated..! I was still powerless' The two woman were dragged away by the insane power and another tribe leader tried to stopped them but but was also dragged away and the others had a dumbfounded look as the three were blown to the bottom of the arena they didn't even noticed how Nyx got in this place in the first place but as soon as they got distracted seeing the three tribe leaders crashing to the bottom of the arena breaking the stone floor and the receive heavy injuries Nyx slapped and punched the rest it was very easy for him but as for their tribe leader, Nyx felt her watching all this happened. "Aren't you two gonna fight back..?" I tried to provoke two weird guys in a corner and sure enough it worked the other burly guy transformed as his skin turned from brown to grey as he had an armor like skin and soon his face took form of a beast and his forehead got horns and rushed towards me. A while ago, the two were discussing how to fight. "Brother Chen... are you sure we can eat such things..? This look pretty shady... and if there is a world outside why have we never know..?" The burly man asked as he looked at a suspicious looking pill that has a red and black marks on it's surface. "Don't worry... I have already tried it and it works... do you remember the time we went into hunting for the tribe..? Hehehe, I took out a pretty strong monster here with in the peak of earth level and about the outside world part... I will tell you later about it when we win if we cannot defeat the Chief then we don't have a chance to get to know about the outside world" The sly looking man said as he whispered in the ears of the burly looking man. "Hmm... I don't know... but I do want to defeat the Chief" The burly looking man hesitated as he looked the suspicious looking pill. "You don't have to-" *Boom!* *Thunder!* 'What is this..? this pressure urgh...' The sly looking man with long hair didn't noticed until Nyx made a huge attack and blown away the spiky haired woman the sly looking man with a fairly good body shake as he knew first hand the spiky haired woman is second to none in the tribe leaders she can even defeat him in three to five moves but to see her being flown away by only one move he knew the attacker must be dozens of times stronger than her. "What's happening..? That stupid woman even activated her Primal tattoo and got her strength boosted ten times..! But still didn't stood a chance, who is this mysterious guy..? Is he part of the plan? Wait but that guy didn't mention any of this..!" The sly looking man murmured while looking at the fight The longer he looked the more it seems that the tribe leaders were not Nyx's opponent he saw his fellow tribe leaders being slapped or punched unconscious after some exchange they all ended up knocked out and didn't even have the time to activate their Primal tattoos. "Are you gonna fight or what..?" The mysterious guy provoked the two. "Why you..! who are you!" The burly looking man said. "I'm here to teach you some manners kid..." Nyx further provoked the burly looking man and sure enough it worked to his favour. "You... damn you all!! I'm gonna kill..!?"
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