Chapter 30: Stealing right under their noses

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"Yawn... I cultivated for about three and half an hour, I should start my plan" Nyx woke up but saw that the bonfire they lit was still blazing and her mom was beside him still sleeping and Zira got a blanket and put it against them. To my surprise it didn't feel cold at all and this might be because of this spiritual wood that is being constantly being burned, such a treasure is being used as an incense. I looked around and saw that Paul and the bunch of kids were sleeping tightly next to us and the same with us they had the same blanket on top of them and soon enough when I looked around I saw that almost all of the people that were present in the feast were all still here sleeping and had the sane blanket and even had a rug under them, it was as if they were comfy enough to not bother the hard ground. I looked at the blanket and the rug in question and probe it with my divine sense. Sure enough, this is a hide of a monster... *Yawn* so that's why it wasn't cold, it completely blocks off the cold air outside making the blanket and the temperature the same even if your out in the artic. But my question is, just how did they managed to do this stuff over night..? Sure enough this must be because of "Magic". I soon felt sleepy and wanted to sleep and fall to my mothers embrace. But I seem to have forgotten an important plan that I had to do. What was it again..? Oh right, I need to still the demi human girl, and make that damn pig lose his so called "treasure" and I might even know more about the magical beast and other monsters in this world if I can get that demi human I can try and extract a blood essence of it and try to use it and scan it's lineage and it's past ancestral bloodline and maybe I can find a fragment of memory from it's blood line... usually those kind of things happens when one successfully awaken their bloodline and even obtain bits of fragmented memory from their ancestral bloodline. "Well I should get going now... Hmm, but how do I escape from this..?" I looked around and saw that everyone was still asleep and my mom however is holding me, now that's dangerous. If she finds out I'm gone... or maybe I can use that escape technique, yeah I can make use of that. --------------------------------- ---------- "Well... things should be okay, I hope..." I looked back at where my mom was and saw here holding a titanium spike beside her and hoped it would be enough to replace my "body" that she was holding But I wasn't careless enough to let a mere iron replace my presence... so I used my special psyche and split a fragment of my soul and inserted it in the titanium I summoned... or was it conjured? well whatever I hope that fragment of my soul will be enough to remake my presence and I even used my Dark element to mask the titanium making sure that it create a sense of illusion that it was me, I hope this can buy me time from my mom. With a swoosh Nyx leaped across the street and jumped to a nearby house to it's roof and from there he made sure to ran along the roofs to make sure no body see's him or even if someone see's him then they can not determine who he was. "Haa... this is quite exhausting even though now I've broken through the body refinement stage and reached the QI gathering state... even still I only manage to refine a little bit of my mana to my body but still the mana in my two no or three of my elements is actually still abundant I can keep going and my elements however will slowly recover it's mana from gathering mana in the surrounding area" I looked at my palm and saw how sweaty it was, I was glad this is what it feels to be alive again Everything was not a dream till now, this exhaustion I felt it was a normal feeling even if one starts cultivating and even in my case where I use this "mana" as my new source of energy rather than QI, but I noticed however... that even though mana is abundant it isn't even close to QI if I scale my mana it us only one out of ten from my normal QI in terms of power and quality, however due to it's abundance... I say mana is ten out of one considering how much mana I had. "However, my Dantian doesn't feel right..." I noticed that the more I cultivated the more unusual my cultivation becomes, before Dantian Dantian are the QI focus flow centers which means it's where all the energy flows and it would normal be spherical in shape But my Dantian now is flat... I don't know if this is bad or a good news, but when I tried to see through my Dantian there wasn't anything wrong and I noticed one more thing. My Dantian has now become like that of a bottomless sea, I can't even fully probe it with my current power. "*ha* *ha*... It seems I have arrived, now let me see what this fools are doing" I now stopped in a tall house that was just across the street from the Inn those three went to when I spied on them. "I should observe first if they are awake... then I'll wait till they moved out and fight them if I have to" I looked around and slapped my self on my face, what the f**k am I even thinking if I actively fought with them then, there's a chance that even if my cultivation it now a bit stronger There's a chance that they can still fight back and maybe even take me down... Hmm... "Well then, I should use the Shadow assassination Myriad sword style then..." Back then I used this technique because it was extremely compatible with my vampire psyche, and what's interesting about this technique is that it's not like your normal assassination technique were one uses poison or how fast your sword can strike down tour enemy type of thing This sword technique is focused on using the law of darkness or other secret techniques that involves darkness, shadow, or even abyssal energy that only ancient beast or clan know of can fully utilize this sword technique and in every type of dark energy different results will one have, now I don't know what other energy will result to but I used the law of darkness back then because I don't have a secret technique that can utilize dark energies like what the shadow energy which is a hybrid energy between the law of darkness and the abyssal energy... which I don't know how to use at all. "But the good thing is... mt Darkness element seems to have the law of darkness at the third layer" And with this using the Shadow assassination Myriad sword style will be completely safe, this sword style only has a few techniques but... it doesn't have the word "Myriad" for nothing, because each different techniques it has can fully be integrated to a new set of sword style if one can fully master them. Which I had in the past and I achieved one of my most powerful sword technique which is... the "One sword s***h"
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