
Wings of Death

Fantastic Life Writing Contest
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weak to strong

The world as we have always known it has changed, and humans are now the prey. Don’t look at the sky, for it brings unthinkable horrors. If you hear a beautiful woman singing a tale of woe, cover your ears! Run and keep running when the skies turn red. Don’t stop until you reach a shelter. Close the doors and pray that it rains. Humans are only safe to travel when it rains!

Some say they are Harpies, some call them Valkyries sent by the Norse Gods. The scientists call them Bloodwings. They look like beautiful ladies covered in red feathers. What makes them stand out from the harpies of folklore are their limbs which are covered in blue scales. It is said that if a person looks into their eyes they can see their childhood flash before their eyes, like a dream.

A young college student named Nathan Browning manages to survive the initial attack along with his parents. Assisted by his friends Margaret, a brilliant science student and Alex, an expert hacker, he tries to learn more about the Bloodwings and lead the survivors to safety.

Gradually they learn the shocking truth about these nightmarish creatures and their quest for survival leads them to a special military installation where they enlist in the military and team up with Captain Elijah and his soldiers to fight against the unknown threat.

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Run and Hide
What comes to your mind when you think of death? Perhaps the image of a skeletal figure clad in black. Some say Death is one of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. What if Death had wings? What if Death decided to swoop down from the skies and exterminate all living beings on earth? No matter what shape or form Death chooses, humans will always try to outsmart or outrun the Grim Reaper. It was 2050, the humans were about to witness a mass extermination, one that would change the world forever.  It was the first day of July. The skies were clear and it was bright and sunny outside. Nathan Browning had just got out of bed and was getting ready to sit down for breakfast. As he was climbing down the stairs his mind wandered off and he became lost in the world of dreams. He always thought it would be really cool if he had superpowers or alien weapons. It was his life-long dream to be a hero and save humanity. Nathan Browning was a 22 year old college student. He was tall, lean and had eyes the color of hazel nuts. At half past 10, Nathan sat down to have breakfast. Since he was no superhero, he actually had a family. His mom, Lisa Browning was a rosy-looking blonde lady of 45. His dad, Henry Browning, was a stout, middle-aged man with a pencil mustache and no beard. Both his parents used to work in an insurance company. Being an only child, Nathan was the center of attention in his family, both positive and negative. Henry Browning switched on the T.V. and decided to watch the morning news. None of them were prepared for what they were about to hear.  “WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!” the reporter screamed in terror, and started running for her life. Horrifying cries were heard and people on the streets started running like crazy. Cars were crashing into one another and it seemed as if all hell had broken loose. The camera caught a glimpse of a strange creature with massive red wings flying above her head, it was the size of an adult human being and its limbs were covered in scales.  Suddenly, a piercing scream was heard and the screen went black. The news presenter at the studio started to panic and while gasping for breath she said, “Something is very wrong people! We are under attack. There are these strange creatures with red wings. They are coming for us all. People are dying on the streets. Do not go outside!!” After hastily delivering her message she started dialing a number from her cell phone while still on air. Every news channel was showing the same scenes. People on the road were screaming in terror and fleeing from these red-winged creatures. Mr. Browning realized that this could be the beginning of the end. Mrs. Browning sat there petrified. Nathan looked at his dad for reassurance but all he found was an expression of deep horror. Rousing herself from her death–like stupor Mrs. Browning tugged at Nathan’s shirt and said, “We have to find a safe place to hide.” Nathan did not understand what was going on and decided to contact his friends. He took out his cell phone and dialed Margaret’s number, “Hey, Marge. Are you there? I have to tell you Marge, something terrible is going on. Listen, I want to know if you are safe.” The female voice on the other end of the line replied, “Nathan, I am scared. I have just switched on the T.V. I saw a whole swarm of red–winged monsters screaming and chasing people. I have never heard such terrifying screams before. They are saying people are bleeding out on the streets!” She took two deep breaths and went on “Do you think it is an alien invasion? Like the ones they show in the movies?” “I have no idea Marge, but something terrible is happening. Maybe their screams are causing people to bleed out. We need to stay inside our houses. I think going to the basement is a good idea. Keep your cell phone on, I will try to contact Alex” “Okay, stay safe. We are heading to the basement right now.” Nathan was about to call Alex when suddenly he heard a shrieking noise. The terrifying screams were growing louder every second. He peeled the curtains to one side of the window and looked outside. The red-winged creatures covered the skies like a plague of locusts. Those outside were being chased by these monsters. Very soon the people on the streets started bleeding from their ears, mouth and nose. The screams sent a chill down Nathan’s bones, he was frozen in terror. Mr. Browning acted quickly and pulled him away from the windows. “Son, don’t look outside. We need to head to our basement now!” Mrs. Browning rushed to find the keys to the basement. The screams were making them feel dizzy. The windowpanes started to vibrate and eventually the glass was shattered with an ears-splitting sound and Nathan’s mom collapsed on the floor. Nathan rushed to her side and tried desperately to bring her back to her senses. “Mom, Wake up! Please mom, we have to go to the basement.” Nathan tried to lift her up but it was as if his strength was being sapped. He was starting to feel dizzy and weak. “I can’t take the screams anymore”, Nathan cried out. Blood started oozing out of his left nostril. It trickled down his lips. Mrs. Lisa Browning was lying unconscious on the floor, Nathan was bleeding out, seated at his mom’s side and Mr. Browning was frantically searching inside the drawers for the basement keys. The monsters outside kept screaming in a shrill voice and since the window panes had been shattered by their screams, the cries could be heard loud and clear now. The pain was becoming unbearable for them.  The feathered monsters were circling the house now and one could faintly hear the flapping of their massive wings. Nathan kept thinking, “Is this how it is going to end?” He had never thought he would die so young. He had so many plans for the future. He kept on muttering, “I don’t want to die. Please, let this be a nightmare. I don’t want my parents to die.” His sight was getting blurry and he could barely keep his eyes open. Gasping for breath, Nathan blacked out. 

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