
Our Cute and Innocent Mate

enimies to lovers

Story of two best of buds werewolf, one is the second son of the pack Alpha (Dos) and the other one is the second son of the pack Beta (Curtis). They both struggles to on how to approach their mates for their mate preferences were interchanged. Dos had a human as a mate, Jean, who was a frail and top innocent for him and Jean also had a werewolf bodyguard of a best friend named Harry and Harry doesn't want Jean to be around with the likes of Dos, while Curtis who loved someone like Jean had a strict and independent mate named Duane, whos was also Dos' close friend on the pack land, and Curtis and Diane had a bad blood.

Despite having a mate that were opposite from their preferences, they had no choice for the goddess had already threw her cards.

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Chapter One: Gatita
J e a n I puffed my cheeks and sniffed the liquid that was warning to flow out of my nose as I tried to stop myself from crying. "Don't cry, Jean." Harry, my childhood friend, said while he was disinfecting the cut wound and scratches on my right knee. It was my fault after wanting to try Harry's skateboard and fell on my knee. The pavement my knee kissed was so rough that it didn't only scratched my skin but also cuts it. It looked horrible because it was turning black. "I'm not crying." I said and gritted my teeth when Harry gently cleaned my wound with a cotton wet with alcohol because he says he didn't have any medicine kit with him, only alcohol as disinfectant. Harry looked at me then pressed the cotton on my wound without notice making me jump and cry surprise from the stinging and biting feeling on my wound. "I was only joking when I said to also pair the wound on your left knee." Harry said making me laugh. I also injured my left knee a week ago when I fell on the bed and the minor scratches were already healing completely. I remembered the dream I dreamt that night. The dream did happened in real life when I was still a kid. My father and Harry's father took us to camp and fishing. Harry and I were playing, passing ball and it rolled away inside the forest and I got to pick it. I run into a rushing coyote who was being chased by wolves and I just remembered that a wolf tried to save me from another big wolf. I could still remember the cold blue eyes of the wolf as it glared at me. My heart was pounding thinking that the wolf might hunt me instead of the coyote that was long gone as it ran away as fast as it could. The huge wolf only stared at me for a minute, neither of us were moving, before it turned around and ran away. "I was my first time falling from the bed." I said and Harry chuckled. "Yeah? I'm surprised it's your first time when you always sleeps like the hands of a clock. You even kicked me out of the bed once." Harry said. I laughed and hit Harry on his shoulder. "Not my fault. I couldn't control my sleeping habits." "I know." Harry smiled and stood up from kneeling one knee in front me and threw the used cotton. "Thank you, Harry." I said as I checked my wound and felt Harry's huge hand ruffling my hair. "No need for thanks." Harry said and I smiled at him. We've been friends since forever because our fathers were also childhood friends and our family also both transferred to the city together and bought houses that were across each other. "Don't move around. Just rest and stay for dinner." I nodded my head and laid down on the couch, closing my eyes. ××× I was standing outside waiting for Harry to go to school together. I smiled when I saw his pearl white car driving out from the garage until it stopped in front of me. I opened the passenger seat and settled myself in. "You're early today." Harry said making me smile. "I woke up early." I said and placed my brown satchel bag on my lap. "Wow, now that's something new." Harry chuckled and I laughed. I always wakes up late, not even the loudest alarm could wake me up and Harry ended up waiting outside or even welcomes himself inside the house to look for me. My mom always scolds me about it but I never learned my lesson. I opened the compartment in front of me and grabbed the comb inside then started combing my messy hair. Harry kept a comb in his car not for his personal use but for me since he knew I never comb my hair every time I go to school and it really disturbs him how messy my hair could get. Harry parked at his usual parking space in the school parking area and we walked together to our lockers. I grabbed the book I needed that morning and closed my locker when I saw a pen rolled to my feet, stopping as it bumped into me. I picked it up and looked at the owner of the pen who was either of the two guys who passed by. It was still early in the morning so only few students were still in that area. "Hey! You dropped this." I called and the man walking behind the tall one turned around and looked at the pen I was holding. "Dos! Boligrafo." The man called and I was surprised when I wasn't hearing English. The tall man turned with an annoyed face and looked at me. He has ash blue eyes, not too light also not too dark of a shade and our eyes met for quite a long time which was kind of awkward for me before the other man interrupted. "I told you not to place your pen in your back pocket." "Are you my father?" The tall man walked and grabbed the pen I was holding. His height was overwhelming me that I almost thought I was standing before a skyscraper, overshadowing me. My eye level was only at his shoulders. The man didn't say anything as he turned and continued walking. The other man smiled at me. "Gracias, gati...ta." He winked at me then turned to walk after his friend. I frowned at the two strange men. Though, I recognized the two since they were quite popular in the campus, I didn't expect them to be so strange and one speaks Spanish. "What happened?" Harry asked me from behind. "Nothing. I just picked a pen." I said and checked the time at the round white clock hanged on the pillar. We still have thirty minutes before class starts. "Did you had breakfast?" Harry asked. I shook my head. "Then lets grab something in the cafeteria before class starts." "Okay." I said and we walked to the cafeteria. ×× D o s "What did you call him?" I asked. Curtis laughed. "Gatita. What? Doesn't he look so small and weak like a little kitten?" "Ta?" I frowned when Curtis used the feminine one. Was he blind? "Yes. Doesn't he look like a girl? So cute." He said and I just shook my head. "Just stop talking like that." "C'mon you know I'm still learning Spanish." I thought the boy looked familiar. He resembled someone whom I met during my first hunt. The little boy who spoiled my prey and helped it run away. ×××××××

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