
Mated to a jaguar mafia boss


Tyler just enjoyed her life of anime , manga and games until one day she is kidnapped by a mafia boss and he trys to use her to gain the biggest gang around. What will happen once he shows and finds out she is his mate and how will she react to finding out he is a Jaguar....

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Chapter 1
"Time to watch anime" I cheer as I start to spreading out my Mc Donalds nuggets and chips next to me with a box of chocolate covered doughnuts. I take a sip of my large coke as my phone vibrates letting me know that someone has sent me a message. "Its Sarah" I say as I move my long dirty blonde hair out of my face as I unlock my phone to read her messages while My Hero Academia plays in the background. Sarah Hey hey Me Hey Sarah Can I ask a favour (insert puppy eyes emoji) Me Depends what is it (insert eyes emoji) Sarah I need your help tomorrow at the Rose Star Hotel. Their throwing a event and I need some of your help deciding on what events I should add to the agenda. Me Ok but you owe me a yummy meal (insert eye emojies) Sarah Of course. Thanx alot , I'll see you tomorrow than. Night "Really Sarah why tomorrow" I groan frustrated that I couldn't go to the game shop to get the new Final Fantasy game. "Oh well at least I get free food from it" I giggle as I take another sip of my coke before getting more cozy in bed with my corgi corn summer pjs on as I start the episode over again. Next day "Yes Sarah I'm on my way" I tell Sarah on the phone as I start putting on my boots that go with my tight jeans. "Text me when you here" ,"yes I will Sarah" I laugh under my breath. "Ok I'm hanging up now" I warn as I use my shoulder to support my phone with my head on it while I did the laces on my boots and zip them on the sides "Kk see you than" with quickly hang up and start checking if I have everything before leaving. "Just need to put my hoodie on cause it cold and than im ready to go" I make my way back to my room past my bed to my cupboard and quickly take out my cat potions hoodie from my favourite youtubers Aphmau channel that I scrapped money to get." Ok Muffin im off" I yell back as I get to the door to my dark brown chow chow dog. She just wags her tail and trys to follow me but I just place a treat in the hall way to distract her as I grab my bag and quickly walk out without her noticing. As I walk to my car I rummage through my fox themed bag I got at a comic event to see of I have all my stuff like my purse, house keys and anything else that comes to mind. Thankfully I haven't forgotten anything as I get in my grey/silver kia picanto and start the car. Once my gps is set up I place my phone where I can see it by the gear leaver and begin my drive. After many anime and games songs later (cause that's the USB I chose to put in this time) I finally reach the large Rose Star Hotel. As I drive up to the front I'm quickly greeted by the people who take your car and park it for you. Unable to react fast enough they quickly take my keys and off they go with my car leaving me to hope that they really are just parking my car for me, cause I have trust issues when it comes to over people and also a bit of paranoia. I quickly take my phone out and start texting Sarah that I'm here and within minutes she comes running out in her work uniform running towards me for a hug and of course I do the same, which most of the time results in one of us getting injured cause our arms hitting one another or something else by accident. "Your finally here" she cheers as we break away from our hug and as she holds my hands and jumps for joy "this way quickly and than you can eat and I'll explain the event". She now grabs my arm as well make our way through the luxurious hotel. We end up going through the lobby, then into a hall way and finally into the restaurant where everyone is enjoying breakfast which makes my tummy grumble at the discontent of not having breakfast this morning since I had to be here so early. "This is the best spot" Sarah say as we sit down in a corner booth with those comfy chairs that stick to the wall. "Heres a menu" the waiter says as he hands me and Sarah a menu each "anything to drink in the meantime" he smiles "a coke for me and what about you Sarah" I look to her as she looks through the menu before looking back up " a ice tea peach" she smiles. The waiter takes the order and smiles as he walks away, "so what's the event" I asked her as I skim over all the different types of foods they have not being able to see alot of the appeal since I'm a fussy eater " the event is an event for gamers" , "is there tournaments and prizes to be won" I ask as I finally see something yummy which is a very cheesy pizza which makes me lick my lips in anticipation "there are some but what else" Sarah groans unable to think "you have gone to tons of these events with me so how is it that your having issues coming up with ideas" I ask as the waiter brings our coldrinks and glasses with ice for us to pour our coldrinkes in and straws which I happily accept as I pour my coke into the glass with ice and place the straw. "Have you decided on your meal" he smiles "yes ill be having the cheese pizza and make it very cheesy please and not to much tomato base" the man nods as he writes down everything before looking to Sarah " I'll have the breakfast special with white bread please" again the man nods and writes down everything before venturing back to the kitchen. "Im just having trouble remembering all the stuff at the events we went to" she says shyly "well there is the spot where people will play online and also where people take part in online events. You also have people selling stuff at stores they set up like art , books, teadies and ect ect. Companies usually also let you set up places so some can try playing up coming games and also there are people who like larping" Sarah quickly writes everything down as fast as she can before stopping to look at me confused "larping?". "live action rolepaly and you should have a room set up for people to play different card games so getting in touch with places that do card and board games will be a good help". Sarah's face lights up as she writes everything up excited by everything "and don't forget that you should also have a costume contest" she nods as she writes it down just in time for our food to arrive. I can feel my mouth watering at the sight of my cheesy pizza as the man places the large pizza in front of me. While Sarah just gets her knife and forth ready as the man places her plate infront of her "thank you" we say in unison before he leaves us to enjoy our meal "FOOD" I cheer as I grab a slice and start eating "its not going anywhere" Sarah laughs as she cuts up her sausage and places it with her bacon  next to her eggs and chips. "So is that enough info for your event" I ask inbetween chews and bites "yes thanks and don't worry. Like I promised the meal is on me " she smiles. "So any man in your life yet" she smirks waiting for my reply, I just take another slice of my pizza after taking a sip of coke before answering back "nope I'm still single" she looks at me shocked " but I'm sure I saw you with the same guy a few times at your cafe where you get your favourite pies and chocolate chip muffins. I think the place was called Cafe Muffin" she looks at me curiously "what guy" I look at her questionably "the guy with black hair and I think a jaguar tattoo down his left arm" she says trying to remember the man's appearance "oh that guy. Yea I have run into a guy like that for a while but I bearly even know the guy but we chat sometimes". "Do you like him" I can see the excitement in her eyes as she asks " well he does have awesome abs and muscles I'm not gonna lie and his pure blue eyes look better than my blue mixed with gold eyes, but like I say I bearly know the guy and we chat once in a while but for all I know he could be a phyco or stalker" , I take another bite enjoying the cheese string I get just to see Sarah with a sad like look on her face as she sighs in defeat "really Tyler with this attitude your never gonna find a man. I can understand where your coming with all this but you need a little faith and trust" she says as she takes a bite of her sausage with bacon."I know but its hard when you have trust issues and get paranoid quickly " I moan now taking a sip of my coke again "I know but we can try work on that " she sooths placing her hand on mine on the table before taking it back to eat "well let's enjoy our meal " she cheers as we do a toast with our glasses "a toast to finding a great man" Sarah cheers "sure" I reply giggling. Third person POV "Is it her" the one guy with spiky dark brown hair asks as he looks at the servalience picture from Cafe Muffin of Tyler talking to the man with the jaguar tattoo while eating a sausage roll pie. "Yup its her" said the other guy watching her and Sarah enjoying their meal, he quickly adjusted his suit and dark glasses while passing the guy with spiky hair a pair of dark glasses to go with his disheaved suit. "You ready" he asks the man with spiky hair "yup". The two slowly get up and make their way to the front desk while taking on last glance at Tyler before looking at each other and leaving.

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