Chapter 9: Nate POV

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Chapter 9: Nate "How did you control your wolf like that?" I asked Willa. She had just put my shirt back on over her head. Her red hair looked wild. "What do you mean?" She asked, confused. "When I feel aroused or angry and my wolf wants to take over I can't stop him. He can lock me out and I don't know what is going on," I explained. I had yet to see her wolf take control and shut her out. "I don't have that problem. We are always together and I'm always in control of my body. Even when I let her take control when I phase I'm aware of my surroundings," she said. I stared dumbfounded. How was that possible? "Have you always been in control or did that happen as you got older?" I asked, curious. She told me she had always been in control even when she was a pup. That was even more uncommon. Pups usually had zero control of their wolves the same way they had no control of their emotions. They were unpredictable little things. I wondered if it was a runt trait but that seemed even more far-fetched than her having complete control. It couldn't be an alpha trait because I definitely didn't have it. I wondered if it ran in her family. "Was your mother an alpha too?" She stared, surprised by the mention of her mother. I regretted it immediately. I knew her family was a sore subject. Her face dropped and she remained silent for several minutes. "I don't really know much about my mother, only what people told me which isn't much. My pack blames me for her death so of course no one ever shared much with me about anything let alone my parents." I felt bad instantly. "Sorry, baby girl." She shook her head, "It's okay. She is just another unknown in my life. Maybe one day my father will tell me about her." I nodded, wanting to end the awkward conversation. Suddenly her stomach growled and she looked up at me embarrassed. I chuckled, "Hungry, Little Love?" She nodded. That was when I realized how dizzy she looked. I handed her a glass of water I had on the night stand and after she took a few sips I carried her to the kitchen. It was already lunch time.  As I prepared a couple of sandwiches I asked her when the last time she had eaten was. I had not seen her consume food at her old pack house the night before. She was sipping on orange juice as she said, "I don't know, maybe two days ago?" I turned, horrified. "What?!" She shrugged, "I'm used to not eating. No one made me and most of the time they got angry when I tried to eat the pack food. I usually only eat when I get dizzy like I did a few minutes ago."  I stared, once again shocked by the callousness of her old pack. I felt my stomach drop and I wanted to hurt someone. I didn't mean to sound gruff or controlling when I told her she had to eat three times a day but apparently it came out that way. I turned back with her sandwich in hand and saw her shaking, her face down. I ran to her and begged for her to look at me. "What's wrong?" I asked. She pulled her legs up into the chair and she wrapped her arms around her knees. "Please don't raise your voice and tell me what to do like that. It makes me feel like I'm back at the old pack house. You promised me I was safe and free here." I sighed, "Baby, I'm sorry. I'm just so frustrated with how they treated you. I mean, they didn't feed you or protect you. Heck they couldn't even be bothered to clothe you," I said, tugging on the shirt she was wearing. She was literally wearing my clothes because she had none. She nodded, "I understand but you can watch your tone. I've been doing the best I can with what little I have for my whole life. I've literally been in charge of keeping myself alive since I was a pup when my father kicked my nanny out of the pack." She had never mentioned her nanny before. That was not unusual in one-parent wolf families. Before she could elaborate further I heard the front door swing open and a herd of people entered the house, my brother Matthew included. I could smell his scent and sweat from training. "Good after-" he stopped mid-greeting and stared at me and my mate. My hand was on her bare thigh. I'd forgotten to give her sweat pants so she was only wearing my shirt, though it hung long enough on her like a dress. "Bro, not cool," he said, a serious look on his face. I realized he probably thought she was a pup. "Shut up, Matthew," I said, standing up and hiding Willa behind me. I felt her small fingers clutch my waist. "Who's that?" She asked, sounding almost afraid. I turned my head and looked down at her wide conflicted eyes. I ignored my brother and turned to Willa. I cupped her cheeks and said "That's my brother Matthew. You have nothing to be afraid of. He is family." She nodded her head, though she didn't seem to completely agree. Matthew gave off the same alpha aura I did so I figured it was intimidating to her. "Matthew, this is my mate Willa. Today is her 18th birthday. She is not a pup," I introduced. Matty looked at me with amusement, "Oh, is she a runt? I've never seen one before." He came over and attempted to pinch Willa's cheek. I smacked his hand away and pushed him to the floor. "Don't you ever touch my mate again," I growled out. Matty got up, laughing, "Dude, so it's true. You finally found your Luna!" I nodded, proudly. "Willa is the daughter of an alpha. She was born to be a Luna."
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