
Fated Or Doomed (Forbidden Series)


Liv and Travis have just Marked and accepting each other love. Yet word gets out about Liv being this rare half witch and half vampire breed. Some hate the idea or simply feel threaten by her. Making her this target monster in some words.

Not only were others not happy about them being mates. Them marking and claiming to go forward as Luna has put out a red flag. They were target now. Not just Liv or Travis. But the Black Harvest and Luminis as well.

Not only that, but they face both councils telling them what to do. Enforcing their laws and traditions. Needing things to be met in order for their relationship to be accepted. Making things more stressful on our couple. As if they didn’t have enough to worry about.

Even after all that they go through, a familiar enemy of theirs slowly makes her way back into their life. Causing another head ache on the couple to deal with. Syline has put a grudge on Travis mate now. What will her plan be this time?

But will any of this stop our couple from trying? Even when other super-naturals come after them. Will they give up or keep trying. Will love be enough for them to fight all their battles or will it better to just walk away?

Liv and Travis relationship will met new highs. Fighting their way to stay together.

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Patienly Calm
Travis Reaching back to the pack house. I panted for air. My heart bounces in my chest as my muscles clench on to me. Malcolm fur wrestles down as our speeds settle down. Switch back quick to my human firm, I look forward as I make my way through the entrance and grab my morning snack. I had try to nod to everyone I see bow to me. But I am caught lost in my head a bit. I find myself zoning out. Calls for a deep morning run today with my wolf Malcolm. Once the elevator hits our floor. I stop at the door. Taking a deep breaths before entering. I didn’t want to make to much noise and wake her up. She needed to rest. “Just go in slow i***t. She’ll hear us either way. Better ears than us.” Malcolm snarls. I roll my eyes and proceed to walk into out room. Slowly shutting the door behind us. We walk over to the other bedside. We place a extra apple on her night stand. Looking down at our mate sleeping peacefully. As her head is tilted to the side. Her neck is bare to the sun to kiss. I stare at our mate as we gaze at the most amazing thing to happen to us. Our mark. It covers her full side. From her jaw to her collar bone. I run my palm into my shirt. Touch my right peck. I feel the warm of her mark. A smile crave on my face. Elizabeth stir in her sleep. I move her hair to the side as I place a light feather kiss. A bolt of light spring to my lips. “Isn’t she the best.” Malcolm says. “The one and only.” I reply. Fixing the blanket to cover her fully. I head to the shower. Cleaning off all the dirt and sweat. Getting out, Elizabeth was still not up. I sigh. Knowing she been through h***. Not only has the world put a lot on her. But she has, herself. She been up late working her a** off. She has been working her self to make sure she was ready for these meeting to come. Reading books back to back. And luna Belle has offer to help as much as she can. “She stress. She hasn’t had a day rest from choas.” Said Malcolm. And its true. My heart ache knowing I cause more of a problem for her. I made her life worst by just loving her. And in doing so. I couldn’t just let her go. Now she ours and we have fail to protect her again. How many times will I fail her? None I hope. “Once all these meeting are done with. We won’t have anything to worry about beside the usual.” “Which is protecting our people and leading our pack. More stress. More responsible. We’re just putting more on her place.” He howls to me. “But together we can do it. She just won’t let me in. She doing this on her own. She feels responsible for this all.” I say as Malcolm rest on his legs. “Were do it together. Just have to keep reminding her. Rather she lets us in or not. She knows were never leave her side.” Malcolm right. We can’t focus anything on her. We can help as much as we can and as much as she will accept. Besides it all, I rather hold her hand through it all. As she has for me. Getting our clothes lay out in the closet. A strong smell hits me. I stand in place as I inhale it glory. I growl in liking to it. Feeling two hands run down my naked spine. I turn around to find my mate gazing at us. “Good morning Elizabeth.” Lifting her chin up high. She smiles a little. And you can see her eyes darken from sleepless nights. Barely getting more than 5 hours of sleep. “Good morning to you too.” Taking her eyes back to my body. She runs a trace on the top of my towel. Tugging at it. Her arousal hightens. Making me hard. “How did you sleep?” Gently touching her soft fair skin. Ignoring me. She slowly removes our towel. I don’t protest. I can see her eye flicker red. Sensing her arousal even more. Our bodies begin to heat up. Elizabeth bends down to sit on her knees. Facing my harden member. She takes us in her hand. Leaning in with her juicy parted lips. She smirk at me for approval. I nod and she continues. Sticking her tongue out. She licks our shift up and down. “Ah Elizabeth.” I moan. Roding her tongue up our length. She kisses the tip before placing it fulling pass those beautiful lips of hers. I go stiff as she take us whole. I had disappeared completely. Seeing her head rock in and out. She sucker sound is heaven. With one hand on us, the other grips me. Twisting as she pulls. Her tongue showers our length. Giving us a drive to explode. I held her hair out her face. Making it easier for her. She breath for air and continue to suck on me. “Thats right little witch. Take your c***.” Holding her hair in my fist. I push her in. Taking me fuller down her throat. A gag is heard but she doesn’t retreat. I feel my precum entering her mouth. I am at the edge of my pleasure. “C** alpha.” She whispers. “I want your taste first thing in the morning.” “Inside you baby. ” I moan while my head is thrown back. “In my mouth. Now. Please.” She whins. I shock my head readying myself. As much as I would want to see her swallow my seed. I wanted to fill her sweet p**** with them more. “You taste to good.” I thrust back before I explode. You can hear a loud pop as my d*** leaves her mouth. She frowns at me. I curl a smile. “Don’t disobey me.” Pouring her lips. “But alpha I want..” Before she can finish her sentence. I grip her up and thrown her against the large drawer in the middle of the closet. “Shh. No more talking.” She hide her smile and stare into my eyes. Showing waves of lust. “Now ask for it.” I demanded. “Please alpha.” She said so softly. Sending tinges down my c***z Lifting her silk dress up to her waist. Her leg goes up my side. Giving me a better access to her entrance. My c*** knew where it home was it. Bending down, I lean into her. Feeling her wetness. My c*** enters her home. And she tightness around us. “Ahh Travis. Travis.” Moaning my name. My edge arrival again. Holding onto the edge. I thrust in and out her sweetness. Grading my teeth on her mark. “F*** baby. You are made for me.” She kiss our chest my growl to her taste. Her tongue tastes our skin. Making me hungry for her. “Ahh alpha. I’m so full.” She gasp as I bit down on her neck. Her nail deeps in our back. Increasing the pleasure. Picking her legs up. She wrap around me. My c*** thrusting in her sweet honey. Hungry to consume her.,She squeeze my a**. Making me deepen my thrust. And my seed swim in her most deepest part. “Mmhh you feel so warm. I want to taste it though.” I hear a slight pout chuckler. Putting her legs down. We caught our breathing. I kiss her cheek. “Not this time. The more I fill your p**** with my c**. The higher the chances a pup will grow inside you.” Elizabeth barely smiles at my comment before walking away. I sense she was mad. So I pretend to joke about the pup. But still she ignore me. We both go on to changing our clothes. I wore a light attire. As I put on my belt. I turn to see Elizabeth walking out as she finish getting dress. I hurry and follow her. Demand to not start off our morning in a bad mood. She storm into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. I don’t push. Instead I wait outside for her. Once she finish she glares at us. “What?” Sounding annoyed. We chuckle at her, walking towards our annoy mate. I will never get tired of this. I rub her arms. Sending sparks up my spine. She sighs to my touch. “Will you be taking a day off? You need to rest your brain little witch.” “Are you serious right now?” Her eyes widen hard. Angry hits and she push us away from her. “Just one day little witch. The books will not go anywhere. They won’t fly away.” I chuckle. “Travis!” She yelled with fire eyes at us. I stand my ground and try to stay calm. I know she stress and all. But starting a fight was not going to help. And I am fighting every flection in me to stay calm. Even though right bow I want to yell back and grab her. Bringing her lips close to mine to taste, edging her off. But I am certain my reaction will piss her off more. So I’m trying here. I’m focusing on her and what she needs. Even if she hates it. So I raise my brows to her. Playful way. Shaking her head at me with her lips twisted. “The meetings with both councils are in a few weeks. I can’t slack off. I need to be ready.” “You are ready. The meetings are just nosy old people trying to tell us how to love each other. Just brush it off.” “And what about the luna ceremony? I can’t lead if I have no idea how?” “Elizabeth.” I said softly as I try to grace her. To ease her down from her angry. But she walk around us. Grabbing something off the counter. “I wasn’t born into this like you were. I hardly knew anything about werewolf’s until we meet. I can’t show up and charm them away. This is serious. I have to convince them I can be luna to our people. I have to prove that I’m not a danger to them nor to anyone.” She said in one breath. “Elizabeth it will be fine. Whatever they say it won’t effort us. Trust me.” “Things are different now. They have every reason to shut us down. They can enforce laws against us, all because of me! We are targets.” We meet eyes and her hollow with emotions. “Elizabeth.” “No Travis you are fine. I’m not. If I can’t.. then we can’t.. I just have to..” She blurts out. As she puts reason for it all to go wrong. We can seem to get her to hear us. Malcolm digs his nails in deep. Feeling her worries and fears. He bubbles a roar to attract her attention. “ELIZABETH!” Her head snaps to us. Eyes narrow. I pull her in. “Just let me be boys.” Giving us a kiss. “Elizabeth their just doing what the law instates. They just want to be inform. We have answers thanks to the doctor.” I kiss her little nose and she wipes my kiss away. “This is nothing. Let them talk. And we can move on. We have bigger things.” I tell her. I rather us focus on what more important to us. I want us to stop non stop for a pup. I wanted her to fill her schedule with wedding and luna ceremony planning. She had put all her focus on the Luminis and studying on being a luna. All our wolfs history and knowledge, she spends hours filling her head. Over night and during time to eat. She will talk with Meredith about setting things off. She claims the studying is important while the planning can be ease into. But I want to marry her and claiming her as my official luna. Sooner the better. “Easy for you to say.” She spat. Leaving our grip she begins to walk towards the door. “Elizabeth one day. It won’t effort anything.” I beg again. She turns hard with dark red eyes at me. “It effort everything. Our whole life together. You just don’t understand. So stop it! Go do your wolf alpha s*** while I do mine!” It hit hard. My throat closed up as I feel the burning rage from our mate. I knew not to keep picking a fight. I try and I fail. AGAIN. I hold back with my fist curl. Turning the knob, I notice she hasn’t aten her apple. There was just one bite. So I grab the apple for her. “At least eat your apple. You need to eat.” “I have my stash!” Slamming the door behind her. As she left, the apple rotten out with worms crawling out of it. Dropping the apple I stomp on the worms. Killing them. “F***!” I sigh. “Now look what you did.” Malcolm said. “Oh shut the f*** up. One free day wasn’t gonna do hurt.” I said. “It hurt her.” He breath hard at me. I knew what he meant. But I was just trying to help my mate. She doesn’t let me help her anymore. But the little I can do, is what I can do. All this fight just reminds me how we started off. She pushed and pushed and I just pulled every time. Soon she stop and became ours. All ours. “She’ll come to us when she ready. The meetings with both councils are almost here. Hopefully its the only ones. And she won’t be stress out about it anymore.” Malcolm was right. Elizabeth needs her space. Even though we understand it doesn’t ease ours. So if she won’t talk to us. Maybe there another person she will open up to more with less rage towards them. . . . While Elizabeth went off to do what she had to do to be the bada** we love. We had to take care of our alpha duties. As we expand and more people added to our community. There was more to take care of. I need to assure everyone understood all these need changes. And respect our new members. So far things has been going pretty damn well. Everyone has been straight and no trouble has started up. All this has really had me thinking how superior we are. “We are growing stronger every day.” Wiggling his tail. Once our meeting as finish, and everyone has receive their new jobs. My head starts to swell with worries if Mason has not spoken to our mate. We will be out of luck by then. “Alright since we are up to date. Everyone head back to your post.” Everyone beside my beta and gamma had left the room. Making a good time for me to talk to them about Elizabeth. Mainly Mason. He was closer to her before we had mated. Leaning back in my chair I sigh loudly. “Has luna spoken to either of you lately?” Both gamma and beta look at each other before responding. “Is she okay?” Mason ask with concern in his voice. “With the wolf’s and witch’s council meeting coming up. She been more winded with everything.” “Has luna inform you of her own worries or is this just you concern about her attending the council itself?” Ask gamma. “Elizabeth has just been too hard on herself with the council maybe having bad new and not like her or us. And with her new project, the ceremony, and wedding as well. She hasn’t open up or given herself a break.” I retorted. “Has she said its too much?” She asked. “No but you can see it. Well we can sense it.” At soon as we met. This overwelming feeling drops on us. All coming from her. The moment she in our arms. In bed or even s*x. Those are the only moments she nice and relax. The prefect place she should be. But other that, our mate has pack with relentless stuff. “And you Mason? Elizabeth hasn’t spoken to you?” Hoping she has. Not only were they like brother and sister. They are best friends. “No, i’m sorry Travis. I tried though.” I gave him a stone look. “I notice she been a bit everywhere lately. I didn’t want to get too involved. But when I ask, she gets mad. And tolds me to do my job and she’ll do hers.” “F***. He’s in the same boat as we are.” Malcolm said. Now I have no one to ask if she not talking to him. “If she won’t talk to Mason, then who?” I lend forward as I run my hand through my thick hair. My chest harden as I get a pinning feeling. Knowing Elizabeth is frustrated right now. My heart tells me to go to her, but my mind says to give her space. We already push it this morning. “I guess we all just give her more time. This is all new to her.” Its all just hitting her at one time. A bursted of laugher coming from the one end of the table, turning my head. I hold in a growl as gamma shake her head and rising to her feet. “Respectful.” She said with her hand up. “You two are dumba**. No wonder she won’t say anything to you egg heads.” Both Mason and I narrow our eyes at her. Waiting for her to drop more insults our way. “Theres something you two are not getting. Thats why she won’t say anything.” Looking at us both with this guilt look. She sigh with deep shoulders. “I’ll go talk to luna. Just tell me where she is.” My eyes widen. Sarah isn’t the type of girl that talks about feelings and drama. Nothing of that sort. She like to stay out of other business. Hints why we never knew she had a mate of her own until she told us so. Gamma simply keeps boundaries. Plus, I don’t think she has much girl friends. I have only seem her around male warriors. “I mean you don’t..” “I’m her gamma, alpha. As soon as she step foot here. My loyalty goes to her as well. And once she officially takes her title. I will be there for her at any cost. So just tell me.” She say with a sharp spine to me. I smile inside. Enjoying the idea of someone always being there for our mate when we can not be. Someone we truly trusted. This would be good for both of them. “The council meeting is in a few days. All our laws books are in my studies.” I say. Knowing Elizabeth would be held up there all day. “May I leave now alpha?” I nod to her with a waving hand. And she bows to me before heading out the door. “Well lets hope she get to Liv better than us. If not..” I interrupt Mason. “Lets just hope.”

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